GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Fresh Voices Screenplay Competition

Fresh Voices Feature


6857 Franklin Ave.
Hollywood, Ca 90028
(310) 871-2249 (voice)
+13108712249 (fax)


Contact: Seth Reynolds, Contest Coordinator

Report Card

Overall: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.1/5.0)
Professionalism: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.2/5.0)
Feedback: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (3.9/5.0)
Signficance: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.4/5.0)
Report Cards: 66    
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Since 2009, Fresh Voices has distinguished itself as a screenplay competition designed to discover, empower and promote the next generation of storytellers, writers and filmmakers. Fresh Voices experience in the industry allows us the ability to identify and elevate writer's with a unique perspective and memorable voice that demands to be read.

Now in our 12th year, we have helped guide dozens of talented screenwriters to secure literary representation, option agreements and other work-for-hire writing assignments that have been the stepping stones to significant careers.

This year, Fresh Voices is pleased to offer over $20,000 cash & prize packages designed to support your career and maximize the exposure of your big win. Show More

Deadline/Entry Fees

Contact contest for this year's deadline.

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Standard rules and eligibility requirements apply. Check website for details.


Prizes include:
  • $20,000 Cash & Prizes
  • Screenplay & Career Consultation
  • Consideration from leading Hollywood Production Companies
  • InkTip Prize Package
  • TV Writers Vault Prize Package
  • Moviebytes Subscription
Six genre categories spotlight the most entertaining and commercially viable material.
  • Comedy, Rom-Com
  • Action, Adventure, Comic Book, Graphic Novel
  • Family, Animated, Musical
  • Drama, Historical, Biographical, Period
  • Sci-Fi, Fantasy,
  • Thriller, Psychological Thriller, Horror
  • 1 hr TV Pilots
  • ½ hr TV Pilots
  • 1 hr & ½ hr TV Samples
  • Short Scripts
*RECEIVE PROFESSIONAL FEEDBACK – Add-on your Judge's Scorecard & Feedback for only $50 w/ entry. You may also choose to receive an extended 5pg Script Analysis with your entry for $189.

Fresh Voices Feature


6857 Franklin Ave.
Hollywood, Ca 90028
(310) 871-2249 (voice)
+13108712249 (fax)


Contact: Seth Reynolds, Contest Coordinator

Report Card

Overall: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.1/5.0)
Professionalism: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.2/5.0)
Feedback: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (3.9/5.0)
Signficance: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.4/5.0)
Report Cards: 66    
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Fresh Voices Original Screenplay Competition


6857 Franklin Ave.
Hollywood, Ca 90028
(310) 871-2249 (voice)
+13108712249 (fax)


Contact: Seth Reynolds, Contest Coordinator

Report Card

Overall: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.1/5.0)
Professionalism: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.2/5.0)
Feedback: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (3.9/5.0)
Signficance: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.4/5.0)
Report Cards: 66    
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Contest News

Fresh Voices Names Semifinalists

The Fresh Voices Screenwriting Competition has announced their semifinalists for 2015.

Action/ Adventure    Endure    Zack    Pesata
Action/ Adventure    Ironclad    J. Alan    Hostetter
Action/ Adventure    Manly Guys Club    David    Vendrell
Action/ Adventure    My Dear Enemy    Nono    Tamura
Action/ Adventure    My Dear Enemy    Tasha    Hardy
Action/ Adventure    Sky Thief    Jamie    Barthol
Action/ Adventure    The Enemy Within    Debbi    Mack
Action/ Adventure    The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost    Tim    Bogg
Action/ Adventure    The Locksmith: A Past Fate    Jeffrey    Morales
Action/ Adventure    The Revolutionist    Julie    Paupe
Action/ Adventure    The Revolutionist    Joel    Turtel
Action/ Adventure    Wetwork    Robert    Bielak
Comedy/ Rom-Com    A Stitch In Time    Linda    Ujifusa
Comedy/ Rom-Com    Bride of Frankie    Devi    Snively
Comedy/ Rom-Com    Double Christmas    Mike    Korpi
Comedy/ Rom-Com    Eddie Vic    Kathleen    Douglass
Comedy/ Rom-Com    Hot Flash    Nina     Wishengrad
Comedy/ Rom-Com    Hot Flash    Su    Hoyle
Comedy/ Rom-Com    Jack and the Box Store    Heidi    Fitzgerald
Comedy/ Rom-Com    Life To Life    Terri    Sissman
Comedy/ Rom-Com    Squeeze    Ally    May
Comedy/ Rom-Com    Stupid B****    Anthony    Filangeri
Comedy/ Rom-Com    The Office Pool    Bobbi    Jaimet
Drama/ Bio/ Period    Alll That We Let In    Michael    Eaton
Drama/ Bio/ Period    Brother    Tyler    Dowey
Drama/ Bio/ Period    City In The Sun    Nadeem    Rajwani
Drama/ Bio/ Period    Grace    Jeffrey    Russel
Drama/ Bio/ Period    Grace    Lynda    Lemberg
Drama/ Bio/ Period    Hey, Blue Eyes    Daniel    Harris
Drama/ Bio/ Period    Really Weeley (Weeley Pop Festival)    Toby    Roberts
Drama/ Bio/ Period    Reparations    Eric    Young
Drama/ Bio/ Period    Supremacy    Rosalyn    Rosen
Drama/ Bio/ Period    The Courage Inside    Melissa    Emery
Drama/ Bio/ Period    The Drake Equation    Brian    Dobbs
Drama/ Bio/ Period    The Unheard Flute    Paul    Gross
Drama/ Bio/ Period    Undark    Natalia    Megas
Drama/ Bio/ Period    Unsexed (Emma's War)    Glenn    Mitchell
Drama/ Bio/ Period    What Are The Odds    Jane    Therese
Family/ Animated    Decked    Brent    Hartinger
Family/ Animated    Double Christmas    Mike    Korpi
Family/ Animated    Hattie    Ian Charles    Slater
Family/ Animated    Lemon Made    Erik    Adolphson
Family/ Animated    Manly Guys Club    David    Vendrell
Family/ Animated    Out Flying Past My Bedtime    Linda    Falcao
Family/ Animated    The Boy From The Sea    John    Woodard
Family/ Animated    The Thin Place    Steve    Brehm
Family/ Animated    This Will Leave A Mark    Kathryn    Kyker
Family/ Animated    What Are The Odds    Jane    Therese
Sci-Fi/ Fantasy    Bride of Frankie    Devi    Snively
Sci-Fi/ Fantasy    Clash at Crimson Outpost    Gregory    Georgiou
Sci-Fi/ Fantasy    Crossed Currents    Frederick    Kim
Sci-Fi/ Fantasy    Dragonsong    Robert    Cox
Sci-Fi/ Fantasy    In Chrysalis    Nelson    Downend
Sci-Fi/ Fantasy    Sardis The Merciful    Christian    Thomas
Sci-Fi/ Fantasy    Syvertsen's Complex    Marni    Sullivan
Sci-Fi/ Fantasy    The Last Adventure of Shay Blaze    Howard    Fridkin
Sci-Fi/ Fantasy    The Locksmith: A Past Fate    Jeffrey    Morales
Sci-Fi/ Fantasy    The Thin Place    Steve    Brehm
Thriller/ Horror    A Place Called Hate    Mark    Steensland
Thriller/ Horror    Brother    Tyler    Dowey
Thriller/ Horror    City of Roses    Steve    Walter
Thriller/ Horror    Dead Week    Mark    Saenz
Thriller/ Horror    Don't Tell A Soul    DG    Stone
Thriller/ Horror    Family Remains    Bill    Johnston
Thriller/ Horror    In Chrysalis    Nelson    Downend
Thriller/ Horror    The Ripper and the Thief    Shane    Brown
Thriller/ Horror    Thinning The Herd    Brian    Devaney
Thriller/ Horror    Trapped    James    Hancock
1 Hr TV Pilot    Divine St.    Nickolas    Richey
1 Hr TV Pilot    Horseman    Terry    Erickson
1 Hr TV Pilot    Janus    Pearse    Lehane
1 Hr TV Pilot    Mahogany Hall    Ashley    Charbonnet
1 Hr TV Pilot    Pendragon    Chris    Wu
1 Hr TV Pilot    Racket    Adam    Sleper
1 Hr TV Pilot    Shanghai'd    Curtis    Burdick
1 Hr TV Pilot    String    Michael    Aloyan
1 Hr TV Pilot    Two Emperors    Paul    Gross
1 Hr TV Pilot    White People Problems    Sean    Corrigan
1/2 Hr TV Pilot    Bloodworth    Jonathan    Katz
1/2 Hr TV Pilot    Cowboys and Indians    Lewis    Goldstein
1/2 Hr TV Pilot    Delivered    Scott    Reynolds
1/2 Hr TV Pilot    Layover    Adam    Toltzis
1/2 Hr TV Pilot    Only Ugly On The Inside    Theresa    Drew
1/2 Hr TV Pilot    Petz Ahoy    Devin    Comiskey
1/2 Hr TV Pilot    Self Help    Julie    Livingston
1/2 Hr TV Pilot    Tapes: Friendship Station    Will    Zech
1/2 Hr TV Pilot    The Alchemists    Amanda    Keener
1/2 Hr TV Pilot    The Main Eventers    Andrew    Tu
TV Spec Writing Sample    Bates Motel: Inside You, Inside Me    Meagan    Daine
TV Writing Sample    Brooklyn Nine Nine: Yelp Me    Katherine    Dolheguy
TV Writing Sample    Family Guy: Chris' Anatomy    Anna Carloina    Israel
TV Writing Sample    House of Cards: First Lady Luck    Efraim    Knight
TV Writing Sample    Motive: Dirty Days    DLC    Heslop
TV Writing Sample    The Americans: Revolution and Resolution    Addison    Bhuyan
TV Writing Sample    The Big Bang Theory: Pointer Mystification    Hamilton    Mitchell
TV Writing Sample    The Good Wife: On Her Terms    Kathy    Petrakis
TV Writing Sample    The Mindy Project: Doing It All    Arielle    Contreras
TV Writing Sample    Veep: Presidential Asylum    Kezia    Brett
Short Script    Confession    Adam    Slutsky
Short Script    Dead Sprint    Jason    Tostevin
Short Script    Fetch    Sam    Gill
Short Script    Going Home    Nir    Shelter
Short Script    The Final Approach    Heather    Ostrove
Short Script    The Gazebo    Richard    Willett
Short Script    The Giver of Secrets    Kris    Theorin
Short Script    The Old Man and the C Sharp    Alex    Gardels
Short Script    The Table Top Dancer    Addison    Bhuyan
Short Script    The Weeping Willow    Aminah    Galal


Updated: 03/02/2016

Fresh Voices Original Screenplay Competition


6857 Franklin Ave.
Hollywood, Ca 90028
(310) 871-2249 (voice)
+13108712249 (fax)


Contact: Seth Reynolds, Contest Coordinator

Report Card

Overall: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.1/5.0)
Professionalism: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.2/5.0)
Feedback: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (3.9/5.0)
Signficance: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.4/5.0)
Report Cards: 66    
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