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ScreenCraft Family Screenplay Competition

ScreenCraft Family


Families are the most influential moviegoing audience, yet there’s a surprising lack of high-quality films that appeal to the WHOLE family. This contest avoids the genre-bias of some other contests by seeking exclusively scripts that are life-affirming stories of faith, courage, hope and love. Whether you have a family drama, comedy, animation, or action-adventure film – we have producers and executives who are hungry for high-quality “four-quadrant” projects to package and produce.

Additionally, this contest also celebrates scripts that uplift, inspire and authentically portray stories, themes and people of faith.

Deadline/Entry Fees

Expired. Previous Deadline: 12/31/2023

Notification: Feb 1st: Quarterfinalists; Feb 21st: Semifinalists; Mar 20th: Finalists; Apr 17th: Winners.


Please see website for rules.


Please see website for awards.

ScreenCraft Family

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ScreenCraft Family Screenplay Competition

Contest News

ScreenCraft Announces Family Friendly Contest Winners

Boys Night Out by Suzanne Johnson has been named the Grand Prize Winner of the inaugural ScreenCraft Family-Friendly Script Contest. The script is about two brothers -– a teen and a six-year-old –- who witness a murder and must evade the killers and the cops during one crazy night in New York City. The script fits firmly in the family-friendly genre but, much like seminal genre favorites Home Alone and Adventures In Babysitting, also boasts an exciting tone and slight edginess that truly cements the story as being four-quadrant. The central sibling dynamic feels authentic and lived-in, and the emotional stakes are convincing.

ScreenCraft has also named Free Inside! by Sarah Brockmann as the contest runner-up. The 1960s-set script boasts a wonderfully original premise: upon discovering that their cereal box toys are really benevolent extraterrestrials, two young boys team up with them to save Earth from a massive alien invasion. The script is fresh, zany and remarkably creative.

ScreenCraft has also named eight Family-Friendly Contest finalists:

Alice Griffith and the Keys of Time by Jeffrey Bradley
Darby Petty and the Lost Treasure by DC Sayre
Dogbiskit: The Fastest Mutt In History by Christopher Sansone
Owney by Wayne Johnson
Remy by James Grayford
The Cat That Saved the (Hollywood) Stars by Philip C. Sedgwick
The Fearless Foursome & The Danville Treasure by Kranti Pally
The Mootants by Derek Taylor Kent

Updated: 05/14/2014

ScreenCraft Family Screenplay Competition

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