GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!


SWITCH - T.V. PILOT A reporter gets caught in a time-loop switching places with other people from the past. His backward fling into time is set off by an event in his time period. The event in the future pushes him into the past where he becomes the person who created the problem in the past. that person goes forward in time becomes him. Once the issue is remedied, in the past and the future both are hurled back to their original time.

Script Excerpt
Written by:
TV Pilot
Author Bio:
I've been a working video professional for the past 30 + years and a professional photographer for over 50 years. A few years ago I started writing screenplays - I have a dozen ideas in progress - I have 3 completed Feature Screenplays, Close Up, The Venture and Driftwood. Plus 7 completed TV Pilots, Crossroads, Missing in Plain Sight, L Ella, Dirty Revenge, Running In Circles, The Edge, Switch and 3 other TV Pilots in progress...

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