GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

I Am Ramira

“I Am Ramira" is a universal tale of an ethereal family's struggle with unity and separation, where the father, a being who shapes reality, endures millennia of loneliness in an empty house. His eventual capitulation to a stranger's tempting proposal, which goes against his nature, leads to the unexpected creation of the universe, revealing a path to reconciliation and newfound understanding in a world his daughter envisioned but needed him to realize.

Script Excerpt
Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Javier Bardem (Vidul)
Carey Mulligan (Etera)
Author Bio:
Originally born in Romania, Raluca (44) has been travelling and living from as young as 13 years old, initially with her diplomat father, all over the world, including in the US, France, and Germany. She started writing at 16 and recently she has decided to put on paper in the shape of a script a dream that she has had for over 2 years. In her endeavor to ignite most impactful movies, Raluca has the full support of her husband and three (pre)teen kids.

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