GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

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The Director's Girlfriend

His marriage on the rocks, a once hot screenwriter now turned lush finds himself in over his head when he falls for the sexy, psychotic young girlfriend of the sleazy movie director living next door.


Hot Rod Monsters

In 1950’s Southern California, a juvenile delinquent battles his fear of the opposite sex and fellow teenagers - who happened to have been turned into monsters - to rescue the hottest girl in school before she becomes the next victim of this mad doctor.


Cotton-Pickin' Heroes

As the close of the Civil War nears, three disparate black Union soldiers become trapped behind Confederate lines and are forced to hide out on a cotton plantation, trying to blend in and not be noticed by the addled owner of the plantation and his harsh black overseer. But when the Colonel's eldest son declares he's taking the slaves to Brazil -- where slavery is still legal - our heroes decide they have to escape... and take all the plantation slaves with them.

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