GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Browse/Search Scripts

Script Name

Blue Cave Mountain

Liz leads her husband and her ex-lover in search of a long-lost diamond mine, the legacy of a Chinese warlord. There are villains ahead of them, the warlord on their tail. And Liz is the most dangerous one of all. In the vein of John Huston’s “Treasure of the Sierra Madre.”


Siege Perilous

Sir Lancelot must escape a damsel-in-distress’ clutches, battle a wicked queen’s warriors, and defeat a giant in mortal combat in order to save a kidnapped princess from certain death. "Excalibur" meets "Night at the Museum."


The Prisoner of Zenda

When the King is drugged on the eve of his coronation, his aides persuade his look-alike cousin to impersonate him at the ceremony. The King is kidnapped, and the imposter must continue the charade as they attempt to find and rescue the King. Doing the right thing, no matter what the cost.

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