GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Wildsound TV SPEC and TV PILOT Screenplay Contest



80 St. Clair Avenue East
Suite 2309
Toronto, ON M4T 1N6
416-925-8991 (voice)


Contact: Matthew Toffolo, Director of Programming

Report Card

Overall: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (2.9/5.0)
Professionalism: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.0/5.0)
Feedback: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.7/5.0)
Signficance: 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars (2.3/5.0)
Report Cards: 34    
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Submit a TV SPEC SCREENPLAY or ORIGINAL TV PILOT (monthly deadlines) and get the chance to see your script read out loud at our Screenplay Festival using professional actors. Shown online on the YouTube channel that garners 1000s of views. CLICK the website link for examples of past winners.

A great way to get your words out there and obtain the Agent you're looking for or just get your script seen by more people.

Deadline/Entry Fees

Entry fee: $40

WinningScripts Pro $10 Off Coupon

Notification: FULL FEEDBACK in 4-5 weeks.


Submit an original TV PILOT or a TV SPEC script from an existing show.


At least 20 winners a year who get their television screenplay performed at the Monthly Festival. Your script gets seen by the right people. ALL submissions receive full feedback from industry professionals. See USER COMMENTS section on reactions of our past winners and what it has done for their screenplay and careers.



80 St. Clair Avenue East
Suite 2309
Toronto, ON M4T 1N6
416-925-8991 (voice)


Contact: Matthew Toffolo, Director of Programming

Report Card

Overall: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (2.9/5.0)
Professionalism: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.0/5.0)
Feedback: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.7/5.0)
Signficance: 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars (2.3/5.0)
Report Cards: 34    
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Contest Comments

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Wildsound TV SPEC and TV PILOT Screenplay Contest


80 St. Clair Avenue East
Suite 2309
Toronto, ON M4T 1N6
416-925-8991 (voice)


Contact: Matthew Toffolo, Director of Programming

Report Card

Overall: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (2.9/5.0)
Professionalism: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.0/5.0)
Feedback: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.7/5.0)
Signficance: 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars (2.3/5.0)
Report Cards: 34    
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Contest News

WILDSound Announces November TV Winners

WILDsound has announced its 3 winning TV PILOT and SPEC Screenplay Winners for November, 2014:

TV PILOT - UP COUNTRY MOTORS "Deal of the Day" by John Fuhrman

Up Country Motors is a weekly sitcom in which over stressed Jack Matthews escapes from a New York car Dealership to manage a collection of misfits at a dealership in Northern Vermont recently inherited by the personification of a blonde joke.

TV SPEC - MODERN FAMILY "Chairity Case" by John Bressler

Gloria looks after a sick Manny and Jay; Cameron tries to make amends with Mitchell after cancelling a vacation; Claire wants to prove she can take care of herself and challenges Phil to do the same; Haley looks for a place to hang her photography work.

TV SPEC - RICK & MORTY "Crime and Punishrick" by Michael Kellner

Rick and Morty must go head-to-head with a variety of space gangsters to raise the capital to build Rick's latest invention. Meanwhile, Jerry gets mugged and struggles to cope with his sense of violation.

Updated: 11/08/2014

Wildsound TV SPEC and TV PILOT Screenplay Contest


80 St. Clair Avenue East
Suite 2309
Toronto, ON M4T 1N6
416-925-8991 (voice)


Contact: Matthew Toffolo, Director of Programming

Report Card

Overall: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (2.9/5.0)
Professionalism: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.0/5.0)
Feedback: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.7/5.0)
Signficance: 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars (2.3/5.0)
Report Cards: 34    
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