GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

CineStory Foundation Feature Retreat and Fellowship

Cinestory Feature


Los Angeles, CA 90066


Report Card

Overall: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.6/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.3/5.0)
Feedback: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Signficance: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Report Cards: 31    
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CineStory is a national non-profit dedicated to nurturing emerging screenwriters through mentorship programs. Winners of our competition have gone on to pen films such as IRON MAN, CAKE, THE CHILDREN OF MEN, BALLAST, KING OF CALIFORNIA and 11:14.

One of the main goals of the CineStory Feature Retreat is to select up-and-coming screenwriters for our four-day intensive program held in the Fall.


CineStory's Retreat is dedicated to the advancement of great new voices in screenwriting. Retreat attendees are chosen from the top writers of our annual competition, the CineStory Screenwriting Awards. For four days, writers enjoy direct access to working Hollywood professionals.

Past retreat mentors include: Mark Fergus & Hawk Ostby (IRON MAN, CHILDREN OF MEN), writer/director Joe Forte (FIREWALL, OUT), producer Nana Greenwald (SEVEN), producer Michelle Sy (FINDING NEVERLAND), producer and former head of Jodie's Foster prod co MEG LEFAUVE (THE DANGEROUS LIVES OF ALTAR BOYS), writer Philip Eisner (EVENT HORIZON, MUTANT CHRONICLES) and writer/director Keith Gordon (DEXTER, WAKING THE DEAD). Show More

Deadline/Entry Fees

Deadline Date
Days till:
Entry Fee
Early February 19, 2024 $50
Regular March 24, 2024 $69
Late April 21, 2024 $81
Extended June 9, 2024

Notification: Quarterfinalists – late June; Semifinalists/Invitees – Late July; Finalists – Mid August; Fellow – Early September.


Please visit for all rules and guidelines.


Valued at over $17,000 this prize includes a $10,000 cash award, free meals, board and tuition at the exclusive CineStory Writers Retreat as well as a 12-month mentorship program with two Hollywood professionals hand picked for the winner. The CineStory Fellowship gives writers direct access to Hollywood professionals and has a long track record of success. Prior fellows have optioned material, gained representation and secured writing assignments with the guidance of their mentors. Also included: one-year Script Pipeline Writers Database membership; three-year subscription to Creative Screenwriting; iScript screenplay audio recording; and one-year Scripped PRO subscription.

Over $1500 in cash and prizes, including $1000 cash.

Over $1000 in cash and prizes, including $500 cash.

Discount on Retreat tuition.

An invitation to the exclusive CineStory Retreat including: Three 90-minute one-on-one sessions with working Hollywood agents, managers, producers, development executives and other pros to discuss the writer's work and career strategy Open access to 15+ hours of small group sessions covering a wide rage of creative and business topics Free film screenings and other events.

Cinestory Feature


Los Angeles, CA 90066


Report Card

Overall: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.6/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.3/5.0)
Feedback: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Signficance: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Report Cards: 31    
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CineStory Foundation Feature Retreat and Fellowship


Los Angeles, CA 90066


Report Card

Overall: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.6/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.3/5.0)
Feedback: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Signficance: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Report Cards: 31    
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Contest News

MovieBytes Interview:
Screenwriter James Walker

An interview with screenwriter James Walker regarding the Cinestory Writing Competition.

Q: What's the title of the script you entered in this contest, and what's it about?

A: Shrouded in Darkness - A female Amerian intelligence operative and a Kenyan Islamist briefly find common cause as they hunt a poacher across the Horn of Africa.

Q: What made you enter this particular contest? Have you entered any other contests with this script? If so, how did you do?

A: At the time of entering Cinestory, I was particularly impressed by several factors. First, the success stories on their website (many winners have seen their films realised on screen). Second, the top prize of a year long mentorship from two serious industry professionals is, in my opinion, the top prize out there. Third, the retreat has received sponsorship from the likes of Final Draft and the Academy of Motion Pictures so it is obviously a serious contender. Fourth, good cash prize.

A very early iteration of the script was a quarter-finalist in Nicholl. It was also in the final of, and placed in others.

Q: Were you satisfied with the administration of the contest? Did they meet their deadlines? Did you receive all the awards that were promised?

A: The administration were helpful, timely and transparent. Awards all received. Can't fault them.

Many reviewers have already talked about the retreat and I only echo their positive sentiments. For me coming all the way from London was an expensive decision. But it was easily worth it. I received extremely useful advice from my three industry mentors (who all went significantly beyond their allocated ninety minutes), and extremely detailed (solution-orientated) notes from the Cinestory staff-mentor.

It's also worth mentioning that the teaching outside of the four one-to-one sessions; the setting, food, accomodation and organisation for the retreat, are all of superb quality. I'll be entering again this year.

Q: How long did it take you to write the script? Did you write an outline beforehand? How many drafts did you write?

A: The script was the first feature I ever wrote, but it is one that I have put down for a year, picked up again, put down, picked up etc etc. I suppose there have been two major re-writes and lots of tinkering. Part of the problem was that the outline was not solid enough from the outset, which caused me to waste many hours. It is much easier to fix problems in a short outline than to unpick a 100+ page script. Nowadays, when writing, I spend as much time on the outline and research as writing the script. The time spent upfront is more than repaid down the line.

Q: What kind of software did you use to write the script, if any? What other kinds of writing software do you use?

A: Final Draft 7. It works well for me. I see no need to waste time exploring others.

Q: Do you write every day? How many hours per day?

A: I work on a writing project every day, but not necessarily writing. I spend a lot of time researching and honing the story outline

Q: Do you ever get writer's block? If so, how do you deal with that?

A: Of sorts. Sometimes I get stuck re deciding the best direction for a story. I find discussing with others, research, working on other projects are all healthy ways of overcoming the problem.

Q: What's your background? Have you written any other screenplays or television scripts?

A: I am trained as a lawyer (in the UK) both in corporate law and international human rights laws (which shapes my writing). I have been working on a few screenplays for a couple of years and now have a fair bit of producer and agent interest in the US and UK, although I am holding back before releasing them to market - you only have one bite at the cherry. I use screenplay competitions as a litmus to test whether they are ready to go to market - if you can't beat 500 or 1000 other scripts in a competition, you shouldn't be wasting a producer's time.

Q: Do you live in Los Angeles? If not, do you have any plans to move there?

A: No. I am based in London.

Q: What's next? Are you working on a new script?

A: My focus is on two new scripts, and in re-writing Shrouded in Darkness with the thoughtful and detailed notes received by Cinestory.

Posted Sunday, November 15, 2009

CineStory Foundation Feature Retreat and Fellowship


Los Angeles, CA 90066


Report Card

Overall: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.6/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.3/5.0)
Feedback: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Signficance: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.5/5.0)
Report Cards: 31    
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