GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

The 18th Annual FilmMakers International Screenwriting Awards



Beverly Hills, CA


Contact: Jennifer Brooks, Contest Director

Report Card

Overall: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.2/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.4/5.0)
Feedback: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.1/5.0)
Signficance: 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars (2.6/5.0)
Report Cards: 122    
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To make Hollywood more accessible than ever before to more aspiring global screenwriters, Filmmakers is forming strategic alliances with the powers that be in Film and TV Script Writing; who are in search of top Screenplays & Writers... Filmmakers Championing Emerging Artists.

FilmMakers International Screenwriting Awards has been in existence since 2000 (formerly known as The Radmin Company / Screenplay Contest) and its association with the Radmin Company has been going on since late 2000.

Deadline/Entry Fees

Contact contest for this year's deadline.

WinningScripts Pro $5 Off Coupon


All entries must be submitted online only. Please see website for complete rules.




A) $2,500 (USD) +
B) Coverage by Greenlight Script Coverage +
C) a copy of Movie Magic's Screenwriter by Write Brothers +
D) Emerging Artist Trophy Award for Best Screenplay of the Year +
E) an Official Selection laurel


A) $500 (USD) +
B) a copy of Movie Magic Screenwriter by Write Brothers +
D) Emerging Artist Award Certificate for Best Screenplay in a category
E) an Official Selection laurel


A) $500 (USD) +
B) a copy of Movie Magic Screenwriter by Write Brothers +
D) Emerging Artist Award Certificate for Best Screenplay in a category
E) an Official Selection laurel


A) Emerging Artist Award Certificate for 2nd Best Screenplay in a category
B) an Official Selection laurel


A) Emerging Artist Award Certificate for 3rd Best Script in a category
B) an Official Selection laurel


A) Certificate of Achievement Award



Beverly Hills, CA


Contact: Jennifer Brooks, Contest Director

Report Card

Overall: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.2/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.4/5.0)
Feedback: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.1/5.0)
Signficance: 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars (2.6/5.0)
Report Cards: 122    
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FilmMakers International Screenwriting Awards


Beverly Hills, CA


Contact: Jennifer Brooks, Contest Director

Report Card

Overall: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.2/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.4/5.0)
Feedback: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.1/5.0)
Signficance: 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars (2.6/5.0)
Report Cards: 122    
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Contest News Announces 2nd Round Qualifiers

Second round qualifiers have been announced for 2011 Screenwriting Competition.

CATEGORY 1: Action/Adventure; Thriller/Horror/Supernatural; Sci-Fi; Animation/Fantasy; Mystery/Suspense (in alphabetical order)

14K written by John Durazo (United States)
53 Hours in Harpers Ferry written by David Sabbath (United States)
A Dystopian Fairytale written by taras groves ( United Kingdom )
A Knight of the Raptor written by Kenneth Kern (United States)
A Toucan Amazon Adventure written by Donna Lisa (United States)
ABSOLUTION written by Michael Lupariello (United States)
Adventurers At Large written by Stephen Tassie and Christina Upton (Canada)
Am written by C.N. Bean ( United States )
American Guerrillas written by Richard Harry Davis (United States)
And the Table Shall Be Round written by David Walter (United States)
Annan Road written by Christopher Dum (United States)
BANE written by Roberto F. Marrero (United States)
Betrayed written by Phil Ferriere (United States)
Beyond the Glory written by Fred Fugere (United States)
Big Easy written by Eric Wilder (United States)
Bocce Games written by Bianca Liza Biagioni (United States)
Bound written by Tracey Keefer ( United States )
Broken Windows written by Mike Stanford ( Australia )
Calamity written by Baqar Hasnain ( United States )
Canaries written by Craig Cambria (aka Daniel C. Jay)
(United States )
City of Spirits written by Eric Wilder ( United States )
CONQUISTADORES - THE GODS RETURN written by Tony Culver (United Kingdom)
Controlled written by Craig Cambria {(aka Daniel C. Jay)
(United States)
} CROSSINGS written by Fred Perry (United State)
Crusade written by Kristen M Mozaffari ( United States )
CURSES written by Jerald Schoenroth (Canada)
DANCERS ON THE WIND written by Grady Richey (United States)
Dead After Tomorrow written by Benjamin Pollack (United States)
Death Island written by Lenerd Thomas and Janis Thomas (United States)
Devlin written by Kelly Michels (United States)
Devotion written by Matteo Galante (Italy)
Doctor Do No Harm written by Miriam Eve Tidwell (United States)
Dracula Rising written by Matthew Spizuco (United States)
Due South written by Evan R. Schullery (United States)
EARTH ALIEN written by Michael J. Casey (United States)
ELENA TESORO written by Stacy Keane (United States)
Esperancia written by John Edward Flynt (United States)
Fade to Black written by Steve Foo (United States)
Far-off written by Nicolas Hinze (Australia)
Genesis written by David Reiter (United States)
Goddesses and Mortals written by Lou Tasciotti (United States)
HISTORIA written by Leo Sardarian (United States)
HOLY HELL IN CUBA written by Roberto F. Marrero (United States)
HOW TO KILL A DEAD MAN written by Don Filipoff and Henry Cohn (United States)
I Miss Your Purple Hair written by Robert R. Chandler (United States)
Imprinted written by Alison McMahan (United States)
Insurance written by Philip Curry (Ireland)
Into the Light written by Robert Mark O'Brien (United States)
Jean Spliced written by Saman Nasir (United States)
Journey to Gao written by Joan Maltese (United States)
KanaimA written by Ashley Maltz (United States)
Kheng Kheng Crocodile written by Donna Lisa (United States)
Kinder Claus written by Dennis Goldberg (United States)
LISTENING written by Khalil Sullins (United States)
Mark written by Paul Sheridan (United States)
Media Circus written by Charles Emery (United States)
MEON written by George Sommer (Germany)
Messenger written by Tim Tyler (United States)
Mr Hamilton's Bookshop written by Hugh Brune (United Kingdom)
Nightfreight written by John Celona (Canada)
No More Tears written by Cynthia Lee Mehta (United States)
NO NAME KEY written by Bruce Moran (United States)
Odysseys Of 2 Worlds Apart written by Jean Christoph Duell (Germany)
Okoyi - Warrior Boy aka The War Party written by NIgel Barker (United Kingdom)
Ol' Charley One-Eye written by Franklin McDonald (United States)
On the Seventh Day written by perri bitton (United States)
ON THE TRACK OF THE MALTESE AND OTHER CURIOSITIES written by Rick Mitchell & Matthew Quinn (United States)
Only Human written by Ryan Christopher Churchill (Canada)
Parks and Recreation - 'Thanksgiving Buzz' written by adam ganse (United States)
Perduellis written by D. A. Karr (United States)
Pod Caste written by Lynette Feeley (United States)
Princess Lulu and the Alien Make Sex Zombies written by Paul Ericson (United States)
PURIFIED written by Elizabeth Savage Sullivan (United States)
Questorians written by Leah Mann (United States)
RED BANDANA written by Timothy Jay Smith (United States)
Revenge Man (Rise of the Hyena Warrior)
written by Victor Dobbins (United States)
Scarface Webb written by David Reiter (United States)
Shadow Warriors written by Steve Warren (United States)
Silence written by John Edward Flynt (United States)
Singularity written by Andy Noble (United Kingdom)
SNAKEHEAD written by Terry Hodges (United States)
SNOW ADVISORY written by Lisa Beuk (United States)
Spirit of the Rain written by John Tupper (United States)
St. Vince written by Steve Frisina (United States)
STATIC written by Haydn Cook (Australia)
The Black Terror written by James Ridley (Australia)
The Black Way written by John Worsley (United States)
THE BOY ON THE COVER written by Elizabeth Savage Sullivan (United States)
The Breaker written by Josh Lovison (United States)
THE BRIDE OF SATAN written by Jay Korn (United States)
The Chinese Gift written by Roberto F. Marrero (United States)
The Day of the Game written by Thomas L. Still (United Kingdom)
The Doomsday Thief written by Doug Stillinger (United States)
The Dyers War written by Paige Nachreiner (United States)
The Emigrants written by Patrick M. Hayes, Jr. (United States)
The Guardsman written by Walker McKnight (United States)
The Kid With No Name written by Eric Wensman & Paul Holliday (United States)
The Legend of Hohokam written by Lizbeth Finn-Arnold (United States)
The Old Vines written by Mike Stanford (Australia)
The Quarry written by Adam Ford-smith (United Kingdom)
The Raging Sun written by Stephen Lamm (United States)
The Secret of the Icon written by Zoltan Fecso (Australia)
The Stranger written by Nicola Barnaba, Paolo Fosso (Italy)
The Three Brigids written by Nathan Johnson (United States)
THE TRANSIT OF VENUS JONES written by Susan Quarles (United States)
The Wind Riders written by Jeffrey Ryback (Thailand)
Third written by Sean McKee (United States)
TWELVE NUNS written by Roberto Marrero (United States)
UNDER PRESSURE written by Eric W. Carlson (United States)
VARADERO BEACH written by Roberto Marrero (United States)
Warrior of Life written by Edith Juzyk (United States)
Whistler written by Robert Yula and James HIgginson (United States)

CATEGORY 2: Drama (in alphabetical order)

About All You Can Do written by Rodney Berry (United States)
Adams 1812: Goodbye Boston Birches, Episode One written by Jane Hampton Cook (United States)
Aden written by Gregory J. Koster (Canada)
ALL GOD'S CHILDREN written by Alex Lapercha (United States)
All the Angels and Saints written by Ray Roush (United States)
Apocalyptic Symphony written by Alex Saveliev (United States)
Bare Knuckle Days written by Neil Chase (Canada)
Best Before written by Romi Moondi (Canada)
Betrayals written by Steven Lipkin (United States)
Blue Eyed Soldier written by Constantine Gidaris (Canada)
BREATHTAKING written by Ann Kronlage (United States)
BROKEN FO' SHIZZLE written by C.N. Bean (United States)
Canned Goods Girl written by David Sabbath (United States)
Chasing Bugs 2.0 written by Debbra Jansen (United States)
City of Deceptions written by Cedric Williams (United States)
CODY written by David Jacob Smith (United States)
Cold Justice written by Cash Anthony (United States)
Cowboy written by Alex Mindt (United States)
Crash Site written by W. Colin McKay (United States)
CUTTER written by Dion Cook (United States)
DEAD SNAKE written by Batyrkhan Rozumny (United States)
Deadbeat Mom written by Elwood Scales III (United States)
Defensible Guilt written by Jeremiah O'Brien (United States)
Dinner for Four written by Sara de Waard Kent (Canada)
Dinner Is Served written by Jill Rowell Tench (United States)
DUCKS IN A ROW written by Herb Dillon Schroeder United States Expiration Date written by Glenn Ledbetter United States Faith written by Youssef Ouarrak (Poland)
Far Rock written by Brian Tyson (United States)
February Song written by Salvatore LoSauro (United States)
Feud written by W. Thomas Hall (United States)
Glitch written by Kara Cohen (United States)
Halfway Home written by David Schroeder (United States)
HEAD SPIN written by Laurence Reiser (United States)
Heaven on a Stick written by Elena G. Mikhailova (Canada)
Hidden Purpose written by Michael Farley (United States)
I Dare You written by William Grady (United States)
I'LL DIE TOMORROW written by John J. Maffucci (United States)
Inner Battle written by Sana Savanhu (United Kingdom)
Joy written by Luke Kastenhuber (United States)
Just Say Goodbye written by Layla O'Shea (United States)
Mama Black Widow written by A. Von Georgi (United States)
Marlowe written by Louise Ransil (United States)
Middle Moments written by Dan Boomgarden (United States)
MOM'S COMMAND written by Michelle Swain (United States)
Mulberry Fields written by DT Siddhartha Fraser (China)
Nepotism written by Eric Marco (United States)
Night Wind to Bahia written by Thomas Thorpe (United States)
On Bradbury Street written by John Morrison (United States)
On-Line-Lyubov written by Alberto Martin (Italy)
OPERATION PEDRO PAN written by Roberto Marrero United States Perpetual Motion written by David Reiter (United States)
Praiseworthy written by Will Frehley (United States)
PRO BONO written by Ivory Avery United States Project Ultra written by James L. Merriner (United States)
Red Rust Black written by Christopher Dillon (United States)
REDEMPTION written by Robert Horvath (United States)
Redstart written by Julia Diniz (United States)
Rest In Peace written by Dennis Sampler (United States)
Return to Budapest written by Konstantin Stoyanov (United States)
Rounding Third written by Ari Bergeron (United States)
Saving the Dream written by Paul Eckert (United States)
SAY SOMETHING FUNNY written by James Francis Nevins (United States)
Searching For Vermont written by Jerry Weiner (United States)
Shadowboxing the Mob written by Louis Buttino (United States)
Shark written by Donny Sheldon (United States)
SMALL DIRTY BIRDS written by Stephanie Levy (United States)
Snuffed written by michael donohue (United States)
Spike Driver Blues steed written by T. Steed (United States)
St. Brigid's Cross written by Jan-Christian Sorensen (Canada)
TERMINAL written by Martina Laura Souza and Christina Capra (United States)
The Art of Horsemanship written by Debi Lehman (United States)
The Bottom Line written by Henrik Wilenius (Finland)
The Dark Side of Paradise written by Miguel A. Saucedo (United States)
The Devil on His Tail written by Steve Warren (United States)
The Devil's in the Details written by Adrian Visintin Australia THE GREAT QUEST written by Steve Weissman (United States)
The Incident of Death written by Mike DeZess (United States)
The Invisible Noose written by Layla O'Shea (United States)
THE LAST CODE TALKER written by Michael Fillerup (United States)
The Last Days of Napoli written by David Brett United Kingdom The Maniac And The Drunk written by Shannon Behrndt (United States)
The Movement written by John Durazo (United States)
The Righteous written by Rex Cheung (United States)
The Tailor From Taegu written by Ruby Akin (United States)
The Touch written by Naomi Lamont (Australia)
THREE EIGHTY-ONE written by David J. Marx (United States)
Through Laura's Eyes written by Donna Adams (Canada)
TO A DANCING GOD written by Robert S. Horvath (United States)
Tussle written by Aaron Yarber (United States)
UNDERLYING TRUTHS written by Linda Plamann_Handford (United States)
Vara written by Beth Curry (United States)
VIA CRUCIS: A WAY OF THE CROSS written by Frank Canino and Joseph Di Pasquale (United States)
What You've Lost written by Antonia Geddes (Australia)
WILDER SOUL CHASER written by Joaquin Perez (United States)
Winged Victory written by Blue Spruell (United States)
Wish You Were Here written by Mikki Daughtry (United States)
CATEGORY 3: Comedy (in alphabetical order)

A Cut Above written by Howard Zuckerman (United States)
A Fine Line written by Stuart McDougal (United States)
A Man of His Word written by Jennifer N. Martin (United States)
A Not-so Romantic Comedy written by Hunter Summerford (United States)
Agatha Vs. The Wild Coyotes Band written by Marion Sours (United States)
And Then It Laughed written by Mary A. Terramani-Arsenault (United States)
As Old As You Feel written by Lorraine Mauvais (Australia)
Average Joe written by Peter B Nesbitt (United States)
BALLS written by K. Ray (United States)
Blue Suit Assassins written by Benjamin Pollack (United States)
Brother in Arms written by Lorraine Mauvais (Australia)
BUBBA COOPER & THE TALLAHASSEE FLASH written by Herb Dillon Schroeder (United States)
Buddies written by Ray Roush (United States)
Buds written by Damon Cutrona (United States)
BUY ME LOVE written by Shacolby Z'Karr Randell (United States)
CONDOLENCE CALL written by Michelle Bornstein (United States)
Fatally Hip written by Jordan Carew (Canada)
Food Court written by Frank Arciszewski (United States)
From Kandahar with Love written by Mark Colety (United States)
Game Day written by Jonathan Hess (United States)
Hello Goodbye written by Ron Furlong (United States)
HONEYMOON RESERVATIONS written by Marty Morrisroe (United States)
How Jim Spent His Lottery Winnings written by Jason Swanson (United States)
Jealousy Born Love written by Elena G Mikhailova (Canada)
Junior Cougar written by Craig Rosenthal China Just Kill Me Already written by Sundae Jahant-Osborn (United Kingdom)
Karmarama written by Russell Smith (Australia)
Kickoff written by Kathy Van Horn (United States)
Kill The Messenger written by R. Jacob Lewis (United States)
Love By Prescription written by Melanie Phillips (Australia)
Making Over the Jabobo written by John Durazo (United States)
Making Up With Mortella written by Belle Karper (United States)
Miss Mystery written by Michael Siegel (United States)
Momfia written by Dean Watts (United States)
Murphy's Son written by Mark Reinisch (United States)
My New Stepmom written by Hamilton Mitchell (United States)
Once Again written by Milda Misevicius (United States)
Party Lines written by Lonnie Urven (United States)
Past My Prime written by Justine Barron (United States)
Perfect Match written by Brian Hill (United States)
Personal Injury written by Vicky Murray (United States)
PHILIP written by Francis T. Drake (United States)
Pigeonhole written by Tony Schweikle (United States)
Pinch Hitter written by Janis Brody (United States)
Pinky Swear written by John O'Riley (United States)
Plush written by Carrie Frazier (United States)
Puppy Love written by Julie Redfield Young (United States)
SALLY'S SECRET LIFE written by Susan Quarles (United States)
SELLING SEATTLE written by Jay Williams (United States)
Showing Roots written by Susan batten (United States)
Smart Alex written by Cristina Kinon United States Soccer Dad written by Howard Zuckerman (United States)
Sometimes A Romance written by Steve Warren (United States)
Star Struck 2011 written by Charles Culbert (Canada)
Staycation written by Sundae Jahant-Osborn (United Kingdom)
Suddenly Spying written by Virginia Mackey (United States)
Sweetwater Blues written by Charles Shields (United States)
Take My Wife written by Brett Carlson (United States)
TANGO SHALOM written by Claudio Laniado (United States)
Team Players written by Raef Eric Lawson (United States)
The 9th Wheel written by Ross Carey & Evan Shaw (United States)
The Art of Murder written by Jonah Rosestone (United States)
The Beautiful Things written by Michael Trozzo (United States)
The Best of Both Worlds written by Peter Gazdag (United States)
The Big Idea written by David Schroeder (United States)
THE CEMETERY PLOTS written by Donahue Silvis (United States)
The Chinese Disco written by John Harris (United States)
The Entrepreneur written by Carey Mark Watkins (Australia)
The Great Beyond written by Brent Hartinger (United States)
The Happy Cactus Wasteland written by Logan Lipton (United States)
THE HEAD SHOP written by Martin Bartlett (United States)
The Healers written by Anthony Palmiotto (United States)
The Impresario written by John P Murphy (United States)
The Ladder written by August Selke (United States)
The Missing Year written by Jessica Clothier (Canada)
The Office Pool written by Bobbi Jaimet (Canada)
The Silencer written by Howard Zuckerman United States The Simple Rules of Texting written by Michael S. Ohrenberger (United States)
The Steps written by Sybil Raney (United States)
The Super Seniors written by Seth Packard, Emily Packard (United States)
The Take Home written by Jesse Dallal (United States)
The Team-Up written by Zach Grossman (United States)
THE WINFIELDS written by Jason Abdul (Canada)
TRAINWRECK written by Andrew Barrett (United States)
Unemployed written by Josh Groves & Pat Gonzalez (United States)
Unmaking Love -or- Two Days of the Condom written by Evan Laughlin (United States)
Valentine Lottery written by Sherry Engle (United States)
When The War Is Over written by Brett Lovell (Australia)
Without The Boys written by Joey Kent (United States)
Yours...Forever written by Donna Adams (Canada)

Updated: 01/06/2012

FilmMakers International Screenwriting Awards


Beverly Hills, CA


Contact: Jennifer Brooks, Contest Director

Report Card

Overall: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.2/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.4/5.0)
Feedback: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.1/5.0)
Signficance: 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars (2.6/5.0)
Report Cards: 122    
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