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The Fog in the Sky That Clouded my eyes from the Sun

Eve Vill is a safe and quiet town. Until the sun lowers into the clouds and the moon comes out. Along with the moon, come the monsters, and along with them come a fog. The fog- when inhaled causes a syndrome called Mooners. It spreads throughout the town and anyone outside is infected, instantly. Not everyone believes the rumors about Mooners... the only reason they believe in monsters is because they see them with their own eyes. Cloud believes in Mooners. He has to. His family have Mooners. Now what exactly are Mooners? What does it do? It makes you see things in reverse. It makes monsters appear human and human appear monsters. Clouds family, they think their human. But they are not. Cloud doesn’t have Mooners unlike his daughter Sunny and his wife Sky. Clouds life was normal before he found out. He had a normal job, a normal life. But after his eyes were opened everything changed. He quit his job and began working on a plan, to eliminate monsters WITHOUT killing them. He couldn’t kill the monsters, his family were monsters. He stumbles upon a group of people called Reversers. the head of that group is run by a man named Fog. Fog and the rest seem strangely aggressive and very mysterious. Fog himself seems to set off a unsettling menacing feeling. He glares with his dark beady eyes and even when Cloud speaks about his family Fog never seems moved. In fact, the only thing he seems to care about is the machine. Cloud calls it T.N.I. It stands for: “Transformation Infusion.” When connected to the Moonlight Beacon. (A beacon that shoots from the bottom of the earth to the moon.) Cloud can infusion the fog with a chemical that will change monsters human. And that is the only thing Fog cares about. He urges Cloud on varies occasions to make it happen. Cloud works with them secretly, why? Because what’s so bad about you monster wife knowing your trying to end the existence of monsters? Yes, she doesn’t know. But how can he be sure? And what if she finds out. Cloud is extremely tight lipped. He works with the Reverses to make his plan. And this takes time a lot of time. And even more secrets. His daughter Sunny becomes more and more violet. Ever sense she was younger she wanted to fight. To kill what she’s thinks are “monsters.” She becomes a monster hunter. But in reality a Human hunter. Her mother Sky is so proud of her and supports. While Cloud watches in horror. He’s not sure what to do. Does Sunny really think she’s training to kill monsters? Or does she know. Sky tries her best to get something, anything out of Cloud. But he is impossible, he won’t say anything to her. Sky is like the foundation of their family and if she can’t get through to her husband, how can they work together? It’s almost impossible without communication. Cloud thinks not telling them is best, it will be what’s best for the family, what’s best for humanity. If he’s right, then being silent was truly the best option. All his secrets, all his undercover work. Every choice, all well thought out. Would finally have paid off. But if he is wrong. Then everything he did was backwards and when humanity might have and a slim chance at surviving the monsters. He has now put the final nail in the coffin. And has doomed all of humanity. But Cloud is certain he is doing the right thing, but how can you know if your perspective is clouded... unless you ask?

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Short Screenplay
Author Bio:
My name is Nighter Fire Heart.

I currently have a low income job at the moment, I am not paying for my own rent so I’m not struggling. The money I make is plenty for me right now.

As a kid I was always creative and into many things.

Art. Singing. Dancing. Gymnastics.

In fact I am still into those things to be honest. To add to that list. I always told stories.

I told stories to my brothers when I was younger they always ask me to tell them stories and loved them! I told my younger sister a story about a spider named Bubble Gum and many other things.

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