GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Man(ny) Versus A.I.

When an awkward ad exec named Manny beats up a coffee maker, every mechanical device goes after him thwarting his chances of winning a CLIO advertising award and destroying his relationship with the woman he loves.

Script Excerpt Interview
Written by:
In the Vein Of:
The Hangover
What Women Want
The Nutty Professor
Author Bio:
Matthew is a script writing, comic book published, comic strip syndicated, greeting card produced, short story, and poetry printed writer with facial hair. THE STARTER MARRIAGE is a rom com feature-film based on Matt’s screenplay. The movie is available on a number of streaming platforms including Apple TV, Prime, and On-Demand. Web page is for more information. He is currently writing the sequel. Matt has also written six other feature-length screenplays that vary in theme: historic biopic (ERIKSSON), rom com (HALO & HORNS), comedy (MAN(NY) VERSUS MACHINE), drama (A FADING FINISH LINE), dramedy (THE DREAMERS SUPPORT GROUP), and sci fi (TIN GODS).

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Contest Results:
Screenplay Festival (Semifinalist) [2012]
Go Pro!