GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Best Drama Screenplays

Script Name

Two psycho's

A couple that both have mental health issues Chris with paranoid schizophrenia as Sandra stuffers from bipolar and torrets syndrome, Sandra manages to escape as they end up being the psychotic version of Bonnie and Clyde from ordinary mental health to leading to two psychopaths. Script Excerpt


Smoked Out brother's

Smoked Out brother's, Two brothers always stoned living in the same villa, two spoiled adult brothers who have everything paid for by their Rich parents, The two brothers constantly up to no good with their nepali friend, a bunch of stoner geek's call themselves the 3 mascateers the three virgin mascateers finally find their lovers. Script Excerpt


Don's Of all Don's

Don's of all Don's, An Arab American, an African American and a Bangladeshi, 2 lead through the gang life as one's a snitch trying to run the game, the Bangladeshi suhel mia obsessed with Bollywood movies has an obsession with amir Khan started off as off as a builder in the states runs off and turned into a straight Big time pimp as his employer looks for him but it's hard to get to suhel, an Arab making money through out the DVD trade leading to other opportunities in making money as the African American is a big Time baller pushing himself to the limit in every business who succeeds mostly you got see the story in action. Script Excerpt


Evil Step mother

Evil Step Mother, A psychopath step mother dresses up in slutty clothes and wears make up the way a drag queen wears make up, she also looks a lot like a man after money succeeds in making Three of her husband's son's leave the country a part from one of her husband's son is left in the country, the step mother Will do anything to have All of her husband's money and would even make her husband's son's sick including making it her husband sick if she doesn't get what she wants, the evil Step mother is originally from Palestine and is very uneducated and has the education degree up to the fifth grade she comes from a very poor background and got married to her Rich husband by arranged marriage, the evil Step mother gets her husband to spend money on her and her family rather than spending it on his family Script Excerpt

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