GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Best Thriller Screenplays

Script Name

The Teenage Bodyguard - TrueCrime/Biopic

True Crime/Biopic - A cocktail waitress at the ruthless 1974 Tacoma mafia family's first topless club in town, must, after she witnesses them murder her bouncer friend, rely on a teenaged “bodyguard” to protect her from those seeking her death...including the county's corrupt Sheriff.? TAG - Sex, drugs & rock-n-roll meet sex, guns & mayhem. Producer Robert Mitas attached. 8 International Film Festival wins For more:


Sealed in Lies (adaptation)

Adaptation by request of author Kelly Abell's Spy Romance novel, once optioned. Ducking bullets, bombs and real Bastards, deep undercover CIA officer is exposed to a Colombian drug cartel leading him to a plot against the US government. Along with the beautiful wife of a US Senator and his ex-Special Forces mate, they uncover the mystery man behind the plot known only as, The Emperor. Once optioned as a film but it failed to launch.

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