GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!


A disgraced security expert who lost his family wanders the Caribbean islands on his boat as a criminal fixer for the underworld, until he's given a job as head of security at an isolated luxury resort on Olympus Island. He discovers an underground medical clinic, a cover for a criminal operation making illegal designer babies for wealthy guests. He's forced to escape the island, protecting the lives of two women and and an unborn child -- his own. Available as both a feature script and a pilot/bible for a limited series.

On the surface, the Olympus Resort and Health Spa is a vacation hotel on an isolated Caribbean island, catering to the super rich like a luxury retreat for the gods. But...

Deep underground is a secret medical clinic that uses illegal genetic technology to provide wealthy couples and mothers with a reproductive miracle...the perfect designer baby.

A maverick fixer who wants to end his life of crime is lured by the sexy, manipulative CEO of the Olympus Resort to take a supposedly legitimate job as security chief on the island. He discovers a darker side to the resort, torn between his conscience and his role in its nefarious operation.

Inevitably, he has to fight for his life and the survival of two totally opposite women...and the life of a child.


BOGIE (40’s), a ruggedly handsome yachtsman, was once a successful security expert until he lost his beloved family and spiraled downward into the life of a wandering seaman and a “cleaner” for criminals. All he cares about now is seeking solace in solitude and booze on his 30-foot motorboat.

A reluctant hero, Bogie is forced by his sense of ethics and survival to protect two women and take a stand against greed and amorality, ultimately finding his own redemption.

NATASHA (30’s), the beautiful, ruthless CEO of the Olympus Corporation, has no ethics whatsoever. She’ll stop at nothing to preserve her wealth, power and sexual dominance.

Bogie’s one Achilles’ Heel, Natasha is the only woman he’s ever fallen in love with since his deceased wife. But she’s a lying, calculating manipulator, using Bogie’s desire for her to control him and force him to do her bidding.

BIJOU (20), a naive but perceptive Haitian maid on the resort staff, is a source of valuable information for Bogie. She’s drawn to him, not out of love but for her own salvation.

Moved by her need to mother a child, Bogie befriends Bijou and protects her. Their primal connection is family: she can’t have a family because she’s sterile, and he’s lost his family. In times of trouble, Bijou becomes his closest ally.

GLORIA (late 30’s), a hotel guest and clandestine client at Olympus, is in the prenatal stage of the “Mumm Procedure”. Alienated from her controlling husband, she becomes part of Bogie’s mission to uncover the operation underground...until she seduces him and plunges him into deeper trouble.

A promiscuous tramp who’s been married five times, Gloria proves to be more trouble than she’s worth, as she bears Bogie’s unexpected child and changes his life forever.

SPIRO (40’s), a compulsive, violent ex-security chief whose job Bogie takes over on the island, is Natalya’s personal enforcer. Ex-Special Forces, Spiro follows her orders with murderous efficiency, harboring a twisted resentment toward Bogie, determined to undermine him.

INSPECTOR EDGAR BOND (30’s), a diligent Bahaman homicide cop from Nassau, has long suspected Bogie in the cold-case murder of a local policeman. Bogie is innocent, but Bond hounds him like an obsessive Inspector Javert out of “Les Miserables”, determined to nail him for a very old crime. A formidable enemy who later turns into an unexpected ally.

DR. GREGORY MUMM (60’s), an eccentric, self-absorbed British head physician, is the designer of the “Mumm Procedure” for clients who pay millions for the perfect child.

A genetics genius who believes in his dream project with self-righteous zeal, Dr. Mumm is too focused on his work to notice the cover-ups of a crooked enterprise that controls him and blinds him to the fact that his procedure is flawed.

John Lennon once said, “Life is what happens to you while you make other plans.” What happens when you have no plans, when someone else’s plans happen to you? That’s the plight of Bogie, a fixer turned fugitive in an extreme fight-or-flight crisis. Gloria’s pregnancy awakens a deep need inside him to be a father again since the loss of his family, to protect this new baby.

He has to reconcile his complicated relationship with two women, Bijou and Gloria two halves of the best and worst of motherhood. Above all, he has to stay in control and keep his new “family” alive. They’re hunted fugitives now.

Script Excerpt
Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Joaquin Phoenix
Rebel Wilson
Lupita N'yongo
In the Vein Of:
Breaking Bad
Ray Donovan
Author Bio:
ANTON DIETHER is the writer of the Hallmark TV miniseries Moby Dick, the highest-rated long-form show in basic cable history, nominated for five Emmys and two Golden Globe Awards; ABC-TV miniseries Cleopatra; and Hallmark miniseries Stranded (Swiss Family Robinson). Anton developed Beauty and the Beast for Fox, Land of Oz for Disney, Gold Fever for Phoenix Pictures, Operation Greylord for Showtime, Lost At Sea for TNT; currently Gang of Dreams TV miniseries for Little Studio Films, The Revolt for Revolt Prods, Taj Mahal for Threshold Ent.

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Contest Results:
Emerging Screenwriters Drama (Quarterfinalist) [2024]
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