GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Buck and the Angel

A young boy, Buck Lynch, fatherless and living with his dying mother in his grandparent’s home, has a strong belief in the power of prayer. But his faith is tested when a mysterious stranger claiming to be an angel leads Buck to believe he has come to make his mother well when he has actually come for his mother’s life on Christmas Eve.

Buck Lynch, a fatherless, twelve year-old boy has a strong belief in the power of prayer. Buck lives with his grandparents and dying mother in the small rural southern town of Newnan, Georgia in the year 1955, but for a young boy of twelve Buck’s life is far too complicated. From the almost daily tardiness at school and the target of the classroom bully, Buck now has to find a way to deal with a mysterious stranger claiming to be an angel that has heard his prayers that only he can see and hear. The angel is filled with promises to relieve Buck’s mother of her pain; but the discovery that the angel is one of death leaves Buck with the lone burden of finding a way to thwart the angel’s plans in a race with time before his mother’s runs out. Buck incorporates the medallion of the legend of St. Michael as his only weapon against the angel in a head to head confrontation for his mother’s life on Christmas Eve that brings closure to all involved.

Script Excerpt Interview
Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Dwayne Johnson

Author Bio:
James is the author of fifteen screenplays and three novels adapted from their original screenplays and available on Amazon. BUCK and the ANGEL, A COP’S STORY and BLOODY BUSINESS are available in the Kindle book store in digital download and paperback. James’ character, Travis Starr, returns from A Cop’s Story, retired and now a private investigator in Bloody Business. James’ screenplay, THE SHELTER, was optioned once in 2003 by Anything but Hollywood films, and again in 2006 by Ryan Harper of Your Half Pictures in Los Angeles.

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Contest Results:
PAGE International (Third Place) [2019]
Emerging Screenwriters Family (Quarterfinalist) [2022]
ScreenCraft Family (Quarterfinalist) [2021]
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