GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Alien Revelation

A woman’s sanity is tested trapped underground in the family’s new shelter with her domineering husband and drug addicted son as aliens invade Earth.

A woman, the glue of her family, takes refuge underground in the family’s new shelter with her domineering husband, drug addicted son, and nyctophobic daughter as a long anticipated alien invasion begins; but unexpected problems and untold secrets soon turn their safe haven into a soggy second war zone as seeping water coming in through cracks in the shelter’s cement walls from explosions above that leave them with rising water to deal with and a life or death decision to make

Script Excerpt Interview
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Author Bio:
James is the author of fifteen screenplays and three novels adapted from their original screenplays and available on Amazon. BUCK and the ANGEL, A COP’S STORY and BLOODY BUSINESS are available in the Kindle book store in digital download and paperback. James’ character, Travis Starr, returns from A Cop’s Story, retired and now a private investigator in Bloody Business. James’ screenplay, THE SHELTER, was optioned once in 2003 by Anything but Hollywood films, and again in 2006 by Ryan Harper of Your Half Pictures in Los Angeles.

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Contest Results:
Nicholl Fellowships (Honorable Mention, Finished top 10%) [2012]
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