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Dirty Revenge

When an underground cartel’s transport of human trafficking victims is violently interrupted by a mysterious vigilante, a retired detective is thrown into a criminal world reminiscent of the case that pushed him out of the police force years ago.

On a San Francisco pier, JACOB MILLSAP, oversees a shipment of human trafficking victims that goes awry. A mysterious VIGILANTE takes photos from a distance before shooting an arrow at the scene resulting in a catastrophic explosion. Detectives MANSON SOUTHERN and CHERYL BONNER check out the crime scene but find nothing. Elsewhere, private investigator and retired detective, MAURICE HAMBURG, receives a strange envelope containing photos from the scene, including a suspicious picture of DETECTIVE JONES. Hamburg goes to the pier and bumps into his old colleague, Southern. He shares the photos with Southern and Bonner, who agree to keep Hamburg’s involvement a secret from the police department. Hamburg joins Southern and Bonner on a stake-out, following Detective Jones to a warehouse. Inside, Jacob chats with Jones and cartel leader RANDY O’KEEFE. O’Keefe demands that the situation is handled before their next shipment arrives. Jones claims that Hamburg is somehow involved and will lead them to the Vigilante. Years earlier, police officer CHANNING KINLEY, who appears to be the Vigilante, tells her colleague DUNCAN that records are oddly missing from a case she’s working on. Duncan warns her to watch her back. Channing investigates the Chinese cartel, the Ivory Tongs, but is intercepted by Jones. Back to present, CHAN CHOI, the leader of the Ivory Tongs, tells his minions to keep watch over the human trafficking victims that are now held hostage in his restaurant. The Vigilante attacks the restaurant, helping the victims flee. In the past, Channing approaches Hamburg about his mutual interest in the Ivory Tongs. In the present, Hamburg receives another envelope with photos and video of the Vigilante’s attack on the restaurant. He shares them with Southern. A female DRIVER takes the trafficking victims to a safe house. Hamburg receives another envelope revealing where he can find the victims. Southern and Bonner find the safe house and learn that the women working there were instructed to help the victims by an anonymous payer. O’Keefe, Jacob, and Jones discuss plans to prevent the Vigilante from disrupting the next shipment. Three months earlier, Channing gets ready to go out with her husband and two kids. An explosion kills her family and she runs. Back to present, the Vigilante kills two men who were following Hamburg. Choi suggests they take some unorthodox measures to interrogate Hamburg and find the Vigilante. Elsewhere, Channing (the Vigilante) listens to their conversation. Choi and his minions kidnap and torture Hamburg for information about the Vigilante, but Hamburg knows nothing. The Vigilante rescues Hamburg. Southern and Bonner go to CHIEF BILLY ROBINSON to finally get the department involved. With continued intel from the Vigilante, Hamburg, Southern, and Bonner lead a team of police to the pier for the cartel’s next shipment. During the raid, Jacob is killed and O’Keefe, Jones, and Choi are arrested. Hamburg receives another envelope and finds a photo of one of the Vigilante’s new victims. He smiles.

Script Excerpt
Written by:
TV Pilot
Author Bio:
I've been a working video professional for the past 30 + years and a professional photographer for over 50 years. A few years ago I started writing screenplays - I have a dozen ideas in progress - I have 3 completed Feature Screenplays, The Venture and Driftwood and close up. Plus 3 completed TV Pilots, 1. Crossroads, 2. Missing in Plain Sight and 3. L Ella 4. Dirty Revenge

Contest Results:
L.A. Film & Script (First Place) [2022]
Austin Awards (Semifinalist) [2022]
Reno-Tahoe Screenplay Contest (Quarterfinalist) [2022]
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