GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!


In this quirky black comedy, a woman’s scheme to steal a celebrity’s identity backfires when she's arrested for her victim’s past crimes.

Darcy Dunn, early 50s, has moved to California to find the one thing she’s always wanted: a safe haven to call home. Enter Steve, a late-40s smooth talker who promises to make Darcy’s dreams come true.

He concocts a scheme for Darcy to become the housekeeper for Faye Monroe, L.A.’s flamboyant and popular weather lady on local TV, in order to steal Faye’s identity — and of course, her money. Uncannily, Darcy and Faye look so much alike that they could be sisters, and Darcy begins to imitate her, imagining herself to be Faye. On a whim she passes for her in public, unintentionally exposing Faye’s secret past: she’s a fugitive on the run since her radical college days.

Faye, alerted to her exposure, concocts her own scheme to turn the tables on Darcy, who, meanwhile, is increasingly losing her grip on reality. Ever since plastic surgery following a car accident in her youth totally changed her appearance, Darcy has been adopting other personas in an eternal search for herself. When she has the opportunity to truly take on Faye’s identity, she does, past crimes and all.

A great double role for a 50-year-old actress.

Script Excerpt
Written by:
In the Vein Of:
The Good Liar
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Author Bio:
Tim has won top honors for his novels, screenplays and stage plays in numerous prestigious competitions. Fire on the Island (Arcade 2020) won the Gold Medal in the Faulkner-Wisdom Competition for the Novel, and his screenplay adaptation of it was named Best Indie Script by WriteMovies. Another novel, The Fourth Courier (Arcade 2019), was a finalist for Best Gay Mystery in the 2020 Lambda Literary Awards. Previously, he won the Paris Prize for Fiction (now the de Groot Prize) for his novel, Checkpoint.

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