GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Falling In Love With Love

Bart McClelland has a good life; he's got a Medicare card and the latest in collapsible posture canes. And Glynnis, his longtime friend-without-benefits, may at last be paying attention to him! Can he finally persuade her that he owns a pair of testicles?

In November 1960, seven-year-old Bartholomew McClelland consults his parents about a new word he’s learned but doesn’t yet understand: “flirting”.

An adult Bart explains that his parents’ taciturn explanation of the concept has left him uncertain about intimacy with women. As a result, he concludes: “I just can’t get laid.”

Sixty years later, Bart meets Glynnis at an apartment building where they look at an affordable two-bedroom listing that just might be right for the two of them.

They’ve been friends for more than half their lives, yet at first Glynnis seems hostile to the idea — but eventually she gives in. For the first time in his life, Bart has a female roommate.

Bart embarks upon the oddest seduction since Oedipus pulled a hot MILF. He brings to the table a passion for toy model trains, his mad Instacart skillz, and a recipe for the best tuna salad sandwich ever made.

But just as he’s ready to grab for the brass ring, he wakes up naked in bed. Alone. The calendar reads January 6, 2021, and Bart’s life is about to get even weirder…

Script Excerpt Interview
Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Christopher Walken or Bud Cort
Blythe Danner
Jamie Lyn Curtis
In the Vein Of:
Something's Got To Give
Grumpy Old Men
Our Souls At Night
Author Bio:
I attended New York University's Institute of Film and Television in the 1970s, where I studied under Haig Manoogian, who mentored Martin Scorsese and produced his first feature.

My parents were animators who met on the picket line at Disney Studios in 1941, and I spent almost thirty-five years in the labor movement as an officer of the Animation Guild Local 839 IATSE. About fifteen years ago I started taking classes with Joe Bratcher and the late Judy Farrell at the Twin Bridges Screenwriting Salon.

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