GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Med Frenzy - A Conspiracy

A single woman falls victim to an unknown parasitic skin ailment that doctors deny and send her away without help, but in her desperate search for relief, she discovers the underlying cause and a conspiracy between powerful government and industry entities —but who can she trust to investigate her claim? 9 locations

Drama/Thriller: True Story/Environmental Theme/White Collar Crime. Think Dark Waters, The Insider, Erin Brockovich, The Informant

Hidden practices cause a large population to become afflicted with a rare skin disease, but a female victim discovers the cause and a conspiracy-- but who can she trust to investigate her claim?

Kendra, a single lady, has her social life compromised when she encounters this disease that cannot be diagnosed. She experiences much evidence that parasites are her problem, but anti-parasite medications don’t work and a plethora of medical professionals deny her claim and send her away to find her own remedies.

While unable to get medical help, she endures several episodes of bugs biting her, crawling under her skin, showing up as a rash, and invading her home. She does her best to cover this up with all those she meets except for a confidant girlfriend who tries to advise her. She struggles with this affliction for years, finding her own means of relief, while tempering an anger towards the medical profession and those responsible for her suffering.

While going to several doctors and trying to live a normal life, a combination of drama, horror and comedy ensues. Kendra continues to meet single men, some of whom are connected with the medical profession. She meets a dentist, a podiatrist, and an exterminator, and some of their antics provide comedic relief for an otherwise serious problem.

In the world of a small Research Foundation, the Center for Disease Control and Big Pharma, the identified fibers of the ailment are thought to be man made, a genetically engineered species for a specific purpose. The cause of this disease is not being disclosed, there is conjecture of a cover-up, and the perpetrator is too big and protected to take on legally.

In her personal life, Kendra becomes tired of dealing with people in the medical field, but meets and falls in love with a businessman who turns out to be the head of a medical staff. Inwardly outraged, she gets an opportunity for retaliation when she is asked to speak at a national medical conference and unexpectedly verbally attacks the physicians in attendance for violating their responsibility to help people.

In her search for answers, she discovers the true cause of the disease and an underlying conspiracy. She now must decide who she can trust to investigate this highly political and protected matter.

Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Sarah Jessica Parker
Hugh Grant
Helen Hunt
In the Vein Of:
Dark Waters
The Insider
Erin Brockovich
Author Bio:
Pamela Green is driven, and picked up an agent and script coach on her very first screenplay. She later worked with a literary manager to hone her skills. Three of her scripts have placed in contests, two have good feedback, and between herself and her script coach, they have credits for 2 produced films, 6 optioned scripts and two outright sales. Pamela M. Green Resume


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Contest Results:
StoryPros Awards (Quarterfinalist, I Hear You) [2023]
Emerging Screenwriters (Quarterfinalist, Not About Money) [2022]
Scriptapalooza Features/Shorts (Quarterfinalist, Rod Knock) [2018]
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