GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Graduate School

Eight theatre students meet and form bonds at a mid western graduate schoool where sexual predators roam the hallways calling themselves staff and faculty



Eight MFA Theatre students meet at a Mid Western University in the School of Theatre and form bonds that help protect them against the Faculty and Staff of sexual predators that roam the hallways of higher education waiting for some prey to come into their pathway.

At the same time these eight students come into contact with the life struggles which they will face for the rest of their lives. In facing these struggles they teach themselves and their friends how to deal with impasses which effect their whole life and the family they share that life with.

David  a Designer, Jeff  a Lighting Designer, Alysia  an Actress, Roland- an Actor, Gary  a Masters Directing student, Cinda  an Actress, T.R.  a female Playwright and Laneen  an Actress, form the core group of MFA students which lead the program through its success.

On the other side of the fence are the Staff and Faculty who are facing a huge decision to hire a new Dean of The School of Theatre that will lead this theatre program into the twenty first century as a leader in the top ten schools who are producing qualified MFA and MA Theatre students.

This background scene brings a certain kind of fire and behind the scenes kind of warfare as separate groups within the theatre program try and make their candidate the one for this new position.

Among the student friendly Staff is Tom who is a Technician and the Staff person in charge of MFA Company the company to which all MFA students belong and meet with on a regular basis. This organization is really an outlet for sex, drugs, alcohol and a lot of friendship as this crew struggles through the play Marat Sade as one of the vehicles where many of the company show off their exceptional talents.

At the end of this comic/drama the entire company graduates to go on to either professional jobs in the entertainment industry or as a new group of teachers taking over the tasks of teaching high grade theatre students the art and craft of the business.

Mark Mc Quown

Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Alan Rickman
Alicia Silverstone
Christian Bale
In the Vein Of:
16 Candles
American Graffiti
Desperate Housewives
Author Bio:
Mark Mc Quown is an Award Winning/Produced playwright, an Award Winning/Optioned/Produced screenwriter with many finished scripts listed in See the IMDB for PJ (2008) starring John Heard, Vincent Pastore, Robert Picardo, Patricia Rea and Hallie Kate Eisenberg

Mr. Mc Quown has been honored with winning at the 1997 Santa Clarita International Film Festival, Animation Division with The Rocking Horse Christmas, the 2000 Telluride Independent Film Festival with The Tahoe Signal, the 2002 Telluride Independent Film Festival with Dot Gone and the 2002-2003 Key West Independent Film Festival with Pier 21.

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Contest Results:
Showcase Awards (Finalist, 2006) [2006]
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