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Austin Film Festival Script Competition

Austin Fest Film


1801 Salina St.
Austin, TX 78702
512-478-4795 (voice)
512-478-6205 (fax)


Contact: Steven DeBose, Director of Script Competitions

Report Card

Overall: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.6/5.0)
Professionalism: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.0/5.0)
Feedback: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.5/5.0)
Signficance: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.6/5.0)
Report Cards: 96    
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The Ultimate Runway
For thirty years, Austin Film Festival has been catapulting writers into life-changing careers. With one of the most noteworthy competitions among Hollywood tastemakers, AFF consistently yanks newcomers from the isolation of their desks and ushers them into the bustling world of film and television. Whether your dream is to sign a contract, land an agent, learn from an industry icon, or take home the coveted Bronze Typewriter Award, it’s simple: you can’t win if you don’t enter.

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Deadline/Entry Fees

Expired. Previous Deadline: 05/31/2024

Notification: Notifications for all entrants will be sent by mid-September


Awards range from $1000-$5000 per winner. Winners also receive reimbursement of roundtrip airfare (up to $500, excluding frequent flyer miles); hotel reimbursement at the Film Festival (up to $500); and the AFF Bronze Typewriter Award.

***All entrants will receive complimentary Reader Comments, a brief overall summary of the readers' notes.***

Austin Fest Film


1801 Salina St.
Austin, TX 78702
512-478-4795 (voice)
512-478-6205 (fax)


Contact: Steven DeBose, Director of Script Competitions

Report Card

Overall: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.6/5.0)
Professionalism: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.0/5.0)
Feedback: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.5/5.0)
Signficance: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.6/5.0)
Report Cards: 96    
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Austin Film Festival Script Competition


1801 Salina St.
Austin, TX 78702
512-478-4795 (voice)
512-478-6205 (fax)


Contact: Steven DeBose, Director of Script Competitions

Report Card

Overall: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.6/5.0)
Professionalism: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.0/5.0)
Feedback: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.5/5.0)
Signficance: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.6/5.0)
Report Cards: 96    
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Contest News

David Chase and Anne Rapp to Attend Austin Film Fest

AUSTIN, Texas - Sopranos' creator and writer David Chase and screenwriter Anne Rapp (Cookie's Fortune, Doctor T. and the Women) are confirmed (schedule permitting) to attend and participate in panel discussions during the 7th Annual Austin Film Festival and Heart of Film Screenwriter's Conference set for Oct. 12-19.

The Screenwriter's Conference will be held Oct. 12-15; the Film Festival runs Oct. 12-19. Conference registration postmarked by Sept. 22 is $370; after Sept. 22, registration increases to $410. An all-access producers pass is $695. Registration includes attendance to the conference, exhibits, film screenings and premieres, Q&As and welcome and closing parties. Past screenplay competitions have produced Excess Baggage (1994), which was optioned by Barry Josephson, Columbia Pictures, and starred Alicia Silverstone; Goodbye Lover (1995) was optioned by Gotham Entertainment and released in April 1999 by Warner Bros.; Natural Selection (1996) was produced by Austin's 24/36 Productions in 1998; Miracle in Lane 2 (1997) was produced as a Disney Channel movie in 2000.

The deadline for entering a film into competition is August 1 at a cost of $40. Categories are feature, short and student short. Films that have received distribution as a direct result of the film competition include: Hands on a Hard Body (1997), Lewis & Clark & George (1997), The Last Big Thing (1997), La Cucaracha (1998), Went to Coney Island on a Mission from God Š Be Back by Five (1998), Wednesday's Child (1999) and The Hi-Line (1999).

The Screenwriter's Conference attracts producers, development executives and agents searching for the next break-out talent and organizes more than 70 panels, seminars and roundtable discussions on the film and television industry - invaluable access and opportunity for the country's outstanding new writers.

Past conference participants include: Wes Anderson, Robert Altman, Shane Black, James L. Brooks, Sandra Bullock, Bill Broyles, Joel and Ethan Coen, Wes Craven, Matthew Gross, Debra Hill, Buck Henry, Dennis Hopper, Barry Josephson, Mike Judge, John Landis, Mardik Martin, Andrew Marlowe, Matthew McConaughey, Alexander Payne, Frank Pierson, Polly Platt, David Russell, Gary Ross, Paul Schrader, Oliver Stone, Ted Tally, Robert Towne, Robert Townsend and Bill Wittliff.

The Austin Film Festival and Heart of Film Screenwriters' Conference is the first Festival dedicated to recognizing the writer's contribution to the motion picture and television industry. Over 3,500 screenplays have been entered into the 2000 competition.

For more information regarding the film competition, call Courtney Davis, Director, Film Competition; to inquire about screening or premiering a film at AFF 2000, call Phil Scanlon, Film Festival Programmer; or the festival offices at (800) 310-FEST. Please visit, or write to 1604 Nueces, Austin, TX 78701 for more festival information.

Updated: 05/31/2000

Austin Film Festival Script Competition


1801 Salina St.
Austin, TX 78702
512-478-4795 (voice)
512-478-6205 (fax)


Contact: Steven DeBose, Director of Script Competitions

Report Card

Overall: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.6/5.0)
Professionalism: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (4.0/5.0)
Feedback: 3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars3.5 stars (3.5/5.0)
Signficance: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.6/5.0)
Report Cards: 96    
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