GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

The Zombays

A young, hip African American couple abducted into a top-secret government program to create zombies for military purposes escape to the suburbs where a successful food truck business that serves human flesh to an unsuspecting public brings unwelcome attention from the military that seeks to destroy them.

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Author Bio:
Lance hails from the great state of New York. He has been honing his screenwriting skills since taking up the craft in 2013; all of his screenplays to date have been competition winners. His comedy series, "Professor Isle's Laboratory (season 1)", the first project he ever wrote, is on Amazon Prime Programming. "The Zombays" has landed two first places, two Semi-Finalists, and three Quarterfinalists in the past year following a couple of rewrites.

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Contest Results:
Austin Comedy Short (First Place, Best Horror Comedy Screenplay) [2021]
Diabolical Horror (First Place, Best Feature Script) [2021]
Houston Comedy (First Place, Best Texas Screenplay FALL2020) [2020]
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