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StoryPros Awards Contest

StoryPros Awards


310-356-6040 (voice)
818-332-7989 (fax)


Contact: John Dart, President

Report Card

Overall: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.4/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.6/5.0)
Feedback: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.3/5.0)
Signficance: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (3.8/5.0)
Report Cards: 80    
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To find the best GENRE scripts.

Genre scripts are bought and produced more than 10 to 1 over the serious drama, tentpole or quirky scripts that usually win screenplay contests.

This contest pits genre scripts only against scripts within their genre, and seeks to identify and promote to the industry the very best in each genre -- in other words, the scripts with the very best chances in the marketplace.

Deadline/Entry Fees

Deadline Date
Days till:
Entry Fee
Early February 28, 2025
Regular March 31, 2025
Late April 30, 2025

$40 Feedback option available at any time for 2-3 pages of notes, feedback, and script recommendations.

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Notification: Quarterfinalists, Semifinalists and Finalists will be announced in May & June 2025 -- winners on June 15th, 2025.


Open to all writers for any unproduced screenplay. See contest rules on our website for additional eligibility requirements.


See contest website for a complete list of terms, rules & conditions.


Over $25,000 in cash and prizes plus industry promotion to producers, agents and managers. Screenplays compete in 5 different genre categories: Action/Adventure/Thriller, Comedy, Drama, Family/Teen/Animation and Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror.

Grand Prize winner receives $2,500.00 in cash. Five 1st Place winners receive $500 cash. All winners receive additional prizes, services, and industry promotion including exposure to our preferred partners and industry contacts.

Top winners get guaranteed reads from producers and managers. Interested parties also watch the lists of those who advance to the late rounds -- even if you don't win, you still might get a nibble!

StoryPros Awards


310-356-6040 (voice)
818-332-7989 (fax)


Contact: John Dart, President

Report Card

Overall: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.4/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.6/5.0)
Feedback: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.3/5.0)
Signficance: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (3.8/5.0)
Report Cards: 80    
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StoryPros Awards Contest


310-356-6040 (voice)
818-332-7989 (fax)


Contact: John Dart, President

Report Card

Overall: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.4/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.6/5.0)
Feedback: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.3/5.0)
Signficance: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (3.8/5.0)
Report Cards: 80    
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Contest News

StoryPros Awards Names Quarterfinalists

Quarterfinalists have been announced for the 11th Annual StoryPros Awards Screenplay Contest.

A Better Place, by Katterina Powers
Becoming the Wild, by Mark Hertzler
Black Jack, by Stephen Curran
Boxer, by Michael Riedel, Toy Lei
Carjack, by Bill Mesce, Jr.
Charmer, by David Kurtz
Chemical Attraction, by Alan J. Field
Crusader-2018, by Philip Tarrant
Dead Head, by James C. Peters
Dead On The Inside, by Selene Raffel
Emancipating Maryland, by Bridget Bell McMahon
GT, by Travis Cox, Robert D. Williams
Iron Maiden, by Travis Opgenorth
Joe August - Paranormal Detective, by Jim Harkins
Killing The One Percent, by Fielding Thomas
Le Mystique, by Anthony Vasley
Lion's Share, by Eugene James
New York Story, by Harold Jewell
One Million Hits, by Anthony Moore
Rag Doll, by J. E. Freeman
Roll With The Thunder, by Greg Baldwin
Runaway Ship, by Theodore C. Soderberg
Sacred Profanity, by Malcolm Wong
Santa Ana Winds, by Paul Jarnagin
Scavenger Hunt, by Mike Sita
Shades of Gray, by Gabrielle Bird
Shadow War, by John Conner
Shadow Wolf, by Patrick King
Shoot The Girl, by Tony Hendriks
Spy High, by Jeff Woodard
Stateside, by Brett Scieszka
The Abolitionists, by Leslie Lyshkov
The Antiquity, by Ron Ecker
The Chain, by Jeff Woodard
The Fourth Courier, by Timothy Jay Smith
The Heaven Shakers, by Richard Guimond
The Iron Horse of Lucy Steele, by Paul E. Zeidman
The Phoenician, by Larry Thomas
The Postwoman, by David F. Schwartz
The Prisoner Of Zenda, by Laura K. Miller
The Way Of Dave, by David Poulshock
Throw Me In The Fire, by Vincent Delaney
Tornado Rider Rhodes, by Stevie T.
Turnabout, by William Hanan
Typee, by Kent Sariano
Viper, by Atul Sharma
Whisper Cove, by Scott Kirkpatrick
You Are Mine, by Steve Wrench
A Sonnet for Ms. Pine, by Andy Wertner
Aging Love, by Emanuel Ruggeri
Alberto Jones & the Tempered Water of Doom, by Ty Caudie
Alpha Company, by Ray Soltani
Apocapolis, by Mark Hertzler
Battle of the Exes, by Matthew Hoch
Being Al Pacino, by Nick Butler
Bushy Fork, by Eric Bachmann
Chapter 4: I Blame The Beatles, by Stephanie Lavner
Chubby Chasers, by Michael Dugan
Culture Shock, by Jodi Levitan
FEAR, There & Everywhere, by Craig Horwitz, Anthony Vollmer
Flawed, by Alma Murray Dunham
Happy Days, by Bernhard Riedhammer
Hell To The Chief, by Daryl Busby, Chuck Cummings
Hotel Flughafen, by Guy Francisco Polin
Jack, the Stripper, and the Mormon, by D. Max Hamblin
Killing Kelko, by Kieran Angelini
Lone Star Limo, by Blake Bailey
Mother Lode, by Mark Beech, Linda Gray
My Monster, by David Carren
NancyGirl, by David McMahon
Next In Line, by Hal Harris
Old People, by Michael Richey
Pace, by Sean Carmichael
Power Trip, by Serge Ioan Celebidachi
Scare Me To Death, by Joe Borriello
Senior Moment, by Robert P. Mangrum
Siege Perilous, by Laura K. Miller
Singletown, by Alex Klein
Slumming It, by Kelly Lamphear-Dash
Step-MILF, by Hamilton Mitchell
The Black Forest Ham, by Matthew Heinze
The Direct-to-Video Awards, by Will Yoder
The Maiden And The King, by Ron Ecker
The Mob Meets the Jersey Devil, by Joyce Rheuban
The Mythical Golden Trout, by Craig Peters
The Third Of July, by Rochelle E. Fisher
The Vidiots, by Sasha Tolmachyov
The Wolf's Head, by Edward Martin III
Whacked, by Darrell Costa, Frank Schultz
A Better Place, by Katterina Powers
A Father's Son, by Michael Harriel
Against The Grain, by Stephen Colley
Before She Was Joan Crawford, by Crecia Mathalia
Behind The Badge, by John Martins III
By the Hands of Wally Vine, by David Warnock
Camouflage, by Howard R. Schwartz
City Of Trees, by Christian Lybrook
Cold Harbor, by Guy Francisco Polin
Comic Book Kings, by Amanda Keener
Contradiction, by Todd Ramsay
Crash Site, by W. Colin McKay
Damask Rose, by Annie Macdonald, Robert B. Mac
Dark Alliance, by Michael Casey
Don, by Alberto Battistutti
Escape on the Danube, by Daniel Costa
Fire On The Island, by Timothy Jay Smith
Fragile, by Peter Andrews
Heart Of The Sunrise, by Shintaro Ogai
Hotel Flughafen, by Guy Francisco Polin
Ignorant, by Anita Skibski
Lonely Creek, by Jared Raun
Marlys, by Kelly Lamphear-Dash
New Deal Road, by Mark Rashid
Nickolas Venture, by Fredric Collins
Oddball Wonderful, by John-Mark Davidson
Perfect Contrition, by James Palmer
Playing Doubles, by Andrew Crane
Reduction To Practice, by Lance S. Parkhurst
Rejected By Rumor, by Philip Sedgwick
Rhinozeros, by Math Saliva
Rube, by Dan O'Brien
San Francisco Sandinista, by David Cupples
Say No More, by Morganna Freeman
Shine Your Eyes, by Clint Pearson
Shocks, by David Baugnon
Summerfest, by Zach Tirone
The Accompanist, by Frederick Keeve
The Boy Who Painted Pictures, by Robert Graziano
The Hagiographer, by Marios Piperides
The Hardest Hit, by Sam Juergens
The Last King of America, by Richard Guimond
The Lesser Man, by Kerry Lopez
The Linen Bands, by Jeffrey van Davis
The Lipstick Posse, by Kelly Jean Karam
The Music Box, by Stephen Curran
The Shadow Of Dharma, by Mark Perlick
The Talent, by Lesley Manuel
The Twenty-One Gun Salute, by Ron Ecker
Uncle Frits, by Charles DeRykus
Whatever It Takes, by Robin Regensburg
Wild Bill Rides Again, by James Antonini
Ancient Footage, by Jose Cheim
Arizona Sunrise, by John Martins III
Button Willow - The Traveler, by Kim Wells
Chances, by Jeff Trently, Anthony Stitt
Christmas in Dreamland, by Stephen Dexter
Circus Boy, by Stephen Curran
Henry 2 Head, by Clint Mathewson
Home Game, by Murray McRae
I Am ViRo, by Wayne van Dalsum
Jumping into Hemingway's Pool, by Nick Roberts
Jus' Plain Harry, by Pat Pattan
Land of the Forgotten Souls, by Shirley Warke
Magic Research Society, by Amanda Keener
Missy Du Gets A Date For The Cosplay Dance, by Gerry Large
Moonshadow, by Sean Frawley
No Buddy's Perfect, by Alex Klein
Nora, Netball, and Ninjas, by Paul Mahoney
Patchwork, by Amanda Keener
Piguice, by Casey Laing
Science and Magic - A Love Story, by Gerry Large
Space Junk, by Richard Bailey
The Adventures of Socrates, by Nick Butler
The Barking Spider, by Robert Gately, Lois Gately
The Chespins Movie, by Patrick K Gamble, Patrick J Gamble
The Cosmic Kids, by Brad Nuber, Dein Nuber
The True Fairy Tale Of The Mythical Super Hero, by Leann Barna
The War On Christmas, by Farrin Rosenthal
The Winter Wolves, by Mark Kelly
Those We Leave Behind, by Amanda Keener
Treasure Hunt, by Kevin Langley
Ty the Pie Guy: The Movie, by Susan Lambert Hatem
Absolution, by Brian Gerber
Amazon, by Edward Pereira
American Myths Of Black & White, by Aaron Yarber
America's Most Haunted, by Michael Stark
Beware The Night, by Charles S Michael
Biomass, by Rob Tymchyshyn
Boys Ranch, by Kenneth Arthur
Class Warfare, by Barry P. Ambrose, Juan Castro
Cosmic Justice, by David Carren, Richard Gould
Dumbest Generation, by Leslie Lyshkov
Eden, by Jean Barker
Fireflies, by Amanda Keener
Forget-Me-Nots, by John Dummer
Georgie and the Chrononauts, by Eduardo Soto-Falcon
Girl Out of Time, by Jay J. Falconer
Lean, by Tal Rayman
Lights In The Sky, by Cyrin
Mandibles, by Rudy Gray
Old Souls, by Eric Bachmann
Promise, by John T. Frederick
Rain, by Michael Hedrick
Roadkill, by Jeff Lathery
Sardis the Merciful, by Christian Thomas
Scavenge, by Craig Estrella
Something Wicked, by Derek Rethwisch
Spacey and Strange, by Michael Angelella
Survivor Andromeda, by David Tenenbaum
Tessa Rising, by Craig H. Effrain
The Abscess, by Patrick Tierney
The Earthling Legacy, by Adrian C. Catarzi
The Electric Girl, by Anthony Thornton-Hopwood
The Fifth Kingdom, by Anthony Moore
The Knot, by Edward Martin III
The Last Good Man, by Reshma Patricia Crawford
The Lilith Code, by Wendy Wheeler
The Murdering Mind, by Tom Bragg
The Venus Syndrome, by Lynn Vincentnathan
Three of Swords, by Michael Chant
Time Trip, by Mark Roeder
Viridian Lake, by C.M. Webb
Wraith: Origin, by Eric Obame
Zekkat, by Felicia Ansty

Updated: 05/26/2018

StoryPros Awards Contest


310-356-6040 (voice)
818-332-7989 (fax)


Contact: John Dart, President

Report Card

Overall: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.4/5.0)
Professionalism: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.6/5.0)
Feedback: 4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars (4.3/5.0)
Signficance: 4 stars4 stars4 stars4 stars (3.8/5.0)
Report Cards: 80    
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