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Screenwriter Interviews

MovieBytes Interview:
Screenwriter Joseph Calabrese

An interview with screenwriter Joseph Calabrese regarding the SLAM FI Writing Competition.

Q: What's the title of the script you entered in this contest, and what's it about?

A: "Second Coming." A clone created from the believed remains of Jesus Christ, is prepared to become the new savior, but when it's discovered that the original DNA was not that of the Messiah, he must hide for his life in New York City. It is there, living among the homeless, that he discovers his true destiny...

Not your typically expected "Jesus Clone" story in which villains want to take over the world, "Second Coming" takes a totally different approach to the subject matter. More a thoughtful examination of nature vs. nurture and self-identity, the main character, Joshua, is just trying to figure out what to do with his life, now that he is out of a job, so to speak.

Q: What made you enter this particular contest? Have you entered any other contests with this script? If so, how did you do?

A: I choose my contests carefully, and I considered Slam-Fi to be one of the best newcomers. Backed and supported by Slamdance, the competition has the clout of Slamdance but geared more towards the genre I wrote in. I felt they could best do the script justice and I guess I was right in that decision.

Q: Were you satisfied with the adminstration of the contest? Did they meet their deadlines? Did you receive all the awards that were promised?

A: Yes. Slamdance promised what they delivered. In addition to a cash prize and being flown out to LA last July for the award ceremony, I received a pass to the Slamdance Film Festival in Park City this January, and I was honored during the awards ceremony along side award -winning Slamdance films.

Q: Were you given any feedback on your script? If so, did you find the feedback helpful?

A: I got coverage on my screenplay which was honest and constructive. Since then, I have done a rewrite based on many of the comments provided by Slamdances's professional readers and judges.

Q: Has your success in this contest helped you market your script? Were you contacted by any agents, managers or producers?

A: I have had some inquiries as a result from the win and from the festival last week. Still too soon to tell, but I feel good about the exposure.

Q: What's your background? Have you written any other screenplays or television scripts?

A: I have been writing off and on for about ten years. Primarily my background is in production and post, but I enjoy the freedom writing has to offer. I hope to expand my career into screenwriting-- either on spec or work for hire. I enjoy tearing apart other’s works and make them stronger with my knowledge in production and good sense of story and structure.

Q: Do you live in Los Angeles? If not, do you have any plans to move there?

A: I live in the New York City area. I feel that as a writer my home base can be anywhere as long as I am willing to fly out to the west coast a drop of a hat. Which I am.

Q: What's next? Are you working on a new script?

A: I just finished an action, adventure, fantasy that I am really excited about. Titled: "Mara and the British Bulldogs," it a Kiplingesque story set in 1891 India, with a young British officer teaming up with Hindu rebels to defeat an ancient Indian Demoness and her legion of the dead.

I am also doing a rewrite on a low budget DV horror vehicle called "Hooked," in which a simpleton fisherman gets hooked on drugs and goes on a hallucinogenic and revengeful killing spree. It goes into production this fall with Christopher Thies (Wintebeast) helming.

Posted Monday, January 26, 2004

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