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Screenwriter Interviews

MovieBytes Interview:
Screenwriter jacqueline frazier

An interview with screenwriter jacqueline frazier regarding the Worldfest - Houston Writing Competition.

Q: What's the title of the script you entered in this contest, and what's it about?

A: Ezili's Necklace, I won the Bronze Remi award in 2002.

It's the true story of Annie Palmer, a white witch who killed all of three of her husbands on her plantation in Jamaica and got away with it.

Q: What made you enter this particular contest? Have you entered any other contests with this script? If so, how did you do?

A: Yes, I have, Ezili's Necklace has been a finalist in a few other contests like: Finalist Hollywood Black Film Festival Competition, 2001 Chosen for WGA staged reading for studio executives 2001 Scriptapalooza semi-finalist 2004 Writer’s Network 12th Annual Network Screenplay and Fiction Competition quarter-finalist, 2005, semi-finalist, 2006

Q: Were you satisfied with the adminstration of the contest? Did they meet their deadlines? Did you receive all the awards that were promised?

A: I received a beautiful plaque which is on my wall in my living room and that's what they promised. I was happy to be acknowledged.

Q: Were you given any feedback on your script? If so, did you find the feedback helpful?

A: No, at that level they didn't give us any.

Q: Has your success in this contest helped you market your script? Were you contacted by any agents, managers or producers?

A: No, I wasn't, which is why I moved on to write other scripts, after a minimal amount of success with other competitions I went back to writing.

Q: What's your background? Have you written any other screenplays or television scripts?

A: Yes I have. Here's a list and some of the awards they've received:

SCREENPLAYS STERLING AND THE SWORD OF DIERDURN a screenplay Offered option by JWP International Quarter-finalist Nicholl Screenwriting Competition SEQUEL: STERLING AND THE SWORD OF DIERDURN II WOMAN OF THE OPEN HAND, 2002 Semi-finalist Ohio Independent Screenwriting Competition, Writer’s Digest Competition Honorable Mention, 2002, Moondance Film Competition finalist, 2004 VRYSTAAAAT Quarter-finalist Nicholl Screenplay Competition Finalist 1999, The Writers Foundation finalist, 1999, America's Best Screenwriting Competition Finalist, Cinestory Finalist, 2000, Hollywood Black Film Festival Finalist, Screenwriting Competition, 2000 EZILI’S NECKLACE, Finalist Hollywood Black Film Festival Competition, 2001 Chosen for WGA staged reading for studio executives 2001 WorldFest Houston Bronze Award, 2002 Scriptapalooza semi-finalist 2004 Writer’s Network 12th Annual Network Screenplay and Fiction Competition quarter-finalist, 2005, semi-finalist, 2005 BEST OF THE SECOND-RATERS, Finalist, The Roy W. Dean Screenplay competition, 2004, 2005. Finalist, Red Inkworks Screenwriting competition 2005, International Filmmakers Finalist, 2005, Writer’s Digest Writing Competition Honorable Mention, 12th Annual Writers Network Screenplay and Fiction Competition, quarter-finalist, Voices of Color, top three finalist, Ohio Independent Film Screenwriting Competition, 2005, The Writers Place Honorable Mention, 2007. TAINTED PRESIDENCY (In progress) winner of the Roy W. Dean Writer’s research grant, New Zealand, 2006 RAP MITZVAH, Honorary Fellowship Award, Writers Abroad Conference, 2006, Quarter-finalist in the Writers on Storm Screenplay Competition, 2006, International Page Awards Screenwriting Competition, 2006, AAA Screenplay competition finalist, 2006. WRITER’S DIGEST SCREENPLAY COMPETITION, THIRD PLACE WINNER, 2006, African American Women in Film, top five screenplay award winner, 2006

Q: Do you live in Los Angeles? If not, do you have any plans to move there?

A: Yes, and no I plan on moving to Spain in the next few years, I can write from anywhere!

Q: What's next? Are you working on a new script?

A: Yes, the sequel to the Best of the Second-Raters, called Tainted Presidency it starts where Best leaves off when Warren Harding finally gets to the White House.

Posted Thursday, July 26, 2007

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