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Screenwriter Interviews

MovieBytes Interview: Loren Reed

An interview with Loren Reed regarding the GAFFERS Writing Competition.

Q: Who sponsors this contest, and what is their background in the industry? When was the contest founded?

A: The Global Art Film Festival Screenwriting Contest & Table Reading is sponsored in part by the CA Multi-Cultural Media Consortium and literary/media artist contributors throughout the United States, since 2003.

Q: What role do you play personally in the adminstration of the contest?

A: As Film Festival Director and Screenwriting Contest Director my role consists of facilitating rules and regs, providing a timeline plan and refreshments for a group of distinguished reviewers who serve as judges for the contest. I also review screenplays and input my vote into the process. I contact winners and look for innovative ways and communications to promote the top tiered screenplay works that our organization has recognized for excellence.

During our film festival in Hollywood, I provide a forum and various opportunities to promote the excellent works, including an invitation for writers to read from their fine work.

Lastly, I provide industry literature and contacts for all writers who attend the Global Art Film Festival to promote their work and like to serve refreshments- it's a refreshment thing!

Q: Have any of the winning scripts from the contest been sold or produced?

A: Chris Canole's excellent work, " Felix the Flyer" was successfully presented.

Q: Who judges the early rounds of the competition? What are their qualifications? Who judges the final rounds?

A: The Global Art Film Festival literary industry artists review both rounds, as I do too; usually with refreshments.

Q: Do the early-round judges read the entire script, or do they stop after a certain number of pages?

A: The entire script is required reading for review for all rounds.

Q: Are the judges looking for any specific type of script? Are scripts of a certain genre more likely to do well?

A: Innovative, fresh cutting edge material that is wholesome and inspiring is always sought after.

Q: What do you do promote your winning writers, and to publicize their scripts?

A: First of all we invite the gifted writers to share their works in Hollywood with a reading and send the list of the exceptional works and writers to the talented and gifted spirits at MovieBytes.com.

We also list winning works on our website, (gaffers.org) and with other publications and web-sites.

We offer industry contacts and resources and share literary contact info from agents and agencies that contact the Global Art Film Festival.

Q: What advice can you offer to writers entering your contest?

A: To always keep creating! To write and read your story with the same passion that grew from your heart and mind when you first gave birth to it. Finally, to have some refreshments, conversate about your work and begin the process all over again. Sincerest Blessings to all. Loren Reed

Posted Friday, November 16, 2007

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