[Story Pros International]

Screenwriter Interviews

MovieBytes Interview:
Screenwriter Kevin R Crawford

An interview with screenwriter Kevin R Crawford regarding the FirstGlance Writing Competition.

Q: What's the title of the script you entered in this contest, and what's it about?

A: “EDEN VALLEY RAIN” follows the nightmarish story of six hunters who find terror in the forest in the form of a shape shifting creature with strange ties to the local Indian reserve.

Taking refuge at an isolated dude ranch, they tangle with a bloodthirsty Shaman who conjures more than an evening of terror.

We enter a fiendish nightmare of altered states where no one is sure of “who” is “what,” and each man has become the other’s own worst enemy in a deadly end-game that will completely redefine the meaning of friendship for these six individuals. In the final analysis we discover the real truth behind our most violent tendencies; “man” is still the safest place to hide anything.

This is my seventh feature length project and runs in the high concept range of “PREDATOR” and “DREAMCATCHER” with a target demographic of 18-49. “EDEN VALLEY RAIN” is not simply another creature-feature, or effects-driven attack yarn.

The threat-fan for this story is far more earthly and immoral. The movie tagline for the film stands at: “A friend loves, but your enemy teaches...”

Q: What made you enter this particular contest? Have you entered any other contests with this script? If so, how did you do?

A: FirstGlance Hollywood has a first-look deal with several noteworthy production companies and top producers in the industry, including Boxing Cat Films (Tim Allen's production company), Humble Journey Films (Eric LaSalle's production company), Avalanche! Entertainment Producer Richard Hull and Madhouse Entertainment.

“EDEN VALLEY RAIN” also recently culled a top 25 (semi-final) finish out of more than 1,904 scripts entered in the Horror/Thriller category at The International PAGE Awards.

Q: Were you satisfied with the adminstration of the contest? Did they meet their deadlines? Did you receive all the awards that were promised?

A: Since the results were just posted, that’s difficult to answer. FirstGlance had some problems with their website being down, and my recent emails to the contest director have not been returned. I assume this is technical.

Q: Were you given any feedback on your script? If so, did you find the feedback helpful?

A: FirstGlance promises all entries receive one page feedback from their Readers noting strengths and weaknesses with suggestions on how to proceed on your next re-write (valued at $100.00), plus full coverage on the winning script(s). But I have not received anything from them, as yet.

Q: Has your success in this contest helped you market your script? Were you contacted by any agents, managers or producers?

A: Again, it’s probably too soon to speak. However, a runner-up finish makes for a nice addition to any query letter. I do, of course, link to their site off my main project page, and will “point” potential agents, managers and producers there.

As part of their prize package, FirstGlance promise entrance to Screenwriting Expo 2008 in Los Angeles. Pitch meetings with Hollywood Producers and Agents. Winning scripts will be shopped to Producers and Agents. Also, possible option or purchase from one or more of their production company partners.

Q: What's your background? Have you written any other screenplays or television scripts?

A: I am a member of the American Screenwriter's Association, and an associate member of the WGAe. I have written three student films (all produced), seven features, two one hour TV specs, two adaptations and have another "in the pipeline." I am currently wrapping up work on my MFA Portfolio/Thesis script (“THE RECKONING”), and have a novel project (“CYBERIA”) that is about 85% complete. I specialize in writing mostly "smart genre" material (thrillers, high concept actioners, upscale horror, urban, and sci-fi), but enjoy compelling dramas and family-fare as well.

Although I'm traveling sans agent, at the moment, I have three projects on the ground out west. Nothing has been "inked" yet, but I am looking to kick things up a notch or two after graduation.

Q: Do you live in Los Angeles? If not, do you have any plans to move there?

A: No, but I do have plans to move there. There’s a possibility of an internship with a major Producer out there, whom I met at a recent DGA event. Also, I’m tightly networked with an L.A. based entertainment attorney, who takes meetings for me. (She and I have plans to collaborate on a rom-com in the near future, as well.)

In the meantime, I’m only a short flight away -- willing and able to travel!

Q: What's next? Are you working on a new script?

A: I’m currently in development on three new thrillers: “THE ZERO OPTION,” “RICOCHET,” and “THE RECKONING.” My first novel “CYBERIA” is due to arrive, hopefully, in spring 2008. For an up-to-date listing of all available projects, please visit . . . http://www.writerbytes.com?K&TLiterary

Thanks, and best wishes!

Posted Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Go Pro!