Hollywood Genre Action Screenplay Contest
Hollywood Genre Action

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Our mission is to find undiscovered screenwriters and provide exposure in an industry that widely does not accept unsolicited submissions. Promoting writing talent over friends and family in the right places. This competition focuses on action movies, one of the top genres for international sales potential. Hollywood representation and production companies with credits will consider the winners and top placing scripts for reads.
Have a great action script finished? Submit it to the Hollywood Genre Action Screenplay Contest before the next deadline!
Deadline/Entry Fees
Deadline | Date Days till: |
Entry Fee |
Earlybird | January 18, 2025 | $35 |
Regular | February 8, 2025 2 |
$49 |
Late | March 1, 2025 23 |
$65 |
Final | March 22, 2025 44 |
$75 |
WinningScripts Pro $5 Off Coupon
Notification: March 31, 2025
Hollywood Genre Official RulesPlease read the competition rules carefully. Submissions that do not comply with our contest rules may be disqualified.
- The writer must be 18 years of age or older to enter.
- International entries are allowed but the script must be written in English.
- The submitted script must be in PDF format and must be submitted electronically.
- A title page with contact information is expected to be included with every submitted script to ensure that the writer can be contacted. (To avoid bias, the title page is omitted automatically for our readers.)
- The script must be in 12pt Courier (or Courier Final Draft) with standard screenplay margins and spacing, and pages must be numbered.
- The script must be unproduced at the time of submission and must be an original screenplay intended for the medium of feature film and the submitter must own 100% of the rights to the script when submitting. Adaptations are eligible as long as the writer can prove full ownership of the original property or life rights (or if the source material is public domain according to US Copyright law.)
- If the script is written by a writing team, it must be submitted by one of the writers with the consent of the other (any and all prizes will be sent to the writer who submitted the winning script, it is the responsibility of the writing team to share or divide the prizes.)
- All entries must be received on or before midnight (Pacific Time) on the date of the deadline and must be paid in full to be considered.
- There is no limit to the number of different scripts you may submit.
- Once a script has been submitted, substitutions may only be accepted on a case by case basis. Please contact support and explain your situation if you would like to submit an updated draft. We are under no obligation to accept substitutions.
- The decisions of the judges are final and shall not be disputed. The contest and its coordinators may not be held responsible for any errors or omissions by the judges.
- By entering the contest, the writer(s) understand that subjectivity is unavoidable and therefore, there is no guarantee of representation (by an agent or manager) and/or production in the event that a script is chosen as a winner. Consideration of the script is given for the sole purpose of choosing a winner for the contest.
- All scripts submitted should be registered with the WGAw and/or the US Copyright Office before the time of submission.
- The entry fee must be paid in US Dollars and are nonrefundable. Winners who may be awarded prizes of monetary value shall be responsible for his or her own income tax.
- Judges, sponsors, and independent contractors of the competition organizers are not eligible to enter the competition, nor are their spouses or other immediate family members.
WINNER- Script considered by Hollywood literary representation and production companies
- Included in annual Hollywood Genre Best of Competition list for industry members
- 3 Months Free membership at iPitchTV
- Featured logline send to Hollywood literary representation and production companies
- Considered for annual Hollywood Genre Best of Competition list for industry members
- 3 Months Free membership at iPitchTV
- Logline considered by Hollywood literary representation and production companies
Hollywood Genre Action

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Hollywood Genre Action Screenplay Contest

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(0.0/5.0) |
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(0.0/5.0) |
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