
Fade In Awards

Fade In


287 S Robertson Blvd., Ste 467
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
800-646-3896 (voice)


Report Card

Overall: 2 stars2 stars (1.8/5.0)
Professionalism: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (2.9/5.0)
Feedback: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.1/5.0)
Signficance: 1.5 stars1.5 stars (1.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 44    
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Industry exposure, WGAw writer assistance in polishing winning scripts and $15,000 in cash prizes for up to 19 finalists.

Deadline/Entry Fees

Contact contest for this year's deadline.

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Entries accepted in seven categories (comedy, action/adventure, thriller, family, drama, horror, film noir) and two formats (features, shorts).

Scripts must not have been optioned at time of entry or at time material is chosen as finalist or Grand Prize Winner. Submissions must be an original work of the applicant and not based, in whole or part, on another author's work unless in the public domain.


Please see website.

Fade In


287 S Robertson Blvd., Ste 467
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
800-646-3896 (voice)


Report Card

Overall: 2 stars2 stars (1.8/5.0)
Professionalism: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (2.9/5.0)
Feedback: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.1/5.0)
Signficance: 1.5 stars1.5 stars (1.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 44    
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Fade In Awards


287 S Robertson Blvd., Ste 467
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
800-646-3896 (voice)


Report Card

Overall: 2 stars2 stars (1.8/5.0)
Professionalism: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (2.9/5.0)
Feedback: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.1/5.0)
Signficance: 1.5 stars1.5 stars (1.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 44    
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Contest News

Fade In Announces Quarterfinalists

1. Tim Albaugh The Incredible Adventures of Mr. Big Hair

2. Eric Alter Sabotage

3. Barry Ambrose & Christopher Stapleton Secret Service Romeo

4. Barry Ambrose & Christopher Stapleton Hidden Face

5. John Anastasi Choice of a Lifetime

6. Phil Anderson Smart Hat

7. Scott Anderson Cult Favorite

8. Pietro Arpesella Run With Me

9. John Bach Sooner and Simpleton

10. John Bach The Honest Politician

11. Lisa Baget Insect-Inside

12. Wade Ballance Julia’s Half Heart

13. Enrique Berumen The Pan

14. Andreas Bibelas In Fashion

15. Curt Blondell Death Flight

16. Joe Borgenicht Three Days

17. Robert Bridge Hostile Secrets

18. Scott Butler Wherewithal

19. Martine Byer When the Spirit Moves You

20. Tristan Byrne Tarnation

21. Cathleen Campbell The Dirty Thirty

22. Misty Carey Life After Death

23. Craig Clyde First We Dance

24. Steve Cooper Grey Linen

25. Pete Crozier A Bottle of Bud

26. Dermot Davis Sex & Zen

27. Philip Thomas de Autumn Dreams Blasi

28. Roxanne Dent Internet

29. Daniel DeVoto Waywardville

30. Anthony DiRusso All or Nothing

31. Jordan Ellis Whiplash

32. Christian Embler The Smash Box

33. Eric Feldman & Peter Eaton Jimmy Bond

34. William Feustle Kingfish

35. Jay Flynn Conduct Unbecoming

36. Janna Folger Beyond the Front Page

37. LeMar R. Fooks The Promise of Angelyne and Her Men in Dark Suits

38. Thom Fox Weak

39. Thom Fox & Jeff Michael Money To Burn

40. Thom Fox & Jeff Michael Love’s Labor Lifted

41. Keith Franceschiello Sweet Science

42. James Frazier & Laura Frazier Rory’s Mile

43. Graham Funke Wrath of God

44. Lawrence Garcia Wish Upon A Star

45. Michael Gardina The Man With The Midas Touch

46. David Garrigus Kitty Hawk

47. Shawn Girvan Kitten

48. Kathy Glaser Lucas Madison

49. Jessica Gohlke Invisible People

50. Leo Al Goodrum Drowning In The Streets

51. Ervenst Grand-Pierre Known Killer

52. Mike Greenstein Knights

53. Randy Lee Gross Peripheral Visions

54. Michael W. Hall Vigilante

55. Blake Harrison No, A Journey of a Dreamer

56. Kate Hay & Sheldon Inkol The Elizabeth Project

57. Clay Heery Lisa Stratton’s Booty Strike

58. Michael Helgeson Lions & Gazelles

59. Victor Hightower The Four Horsemen

60. Robert Horvath Road To Laredo

61. Robert Horvath Ciao Amore! 62. David Hudgins Scottsboro

63. Jimmy Im Neighborhood

64. Linda Incardine Scent

65. Mary Johnson Have A Heart

66. Frederick Jones Cornskin

67. S. Pierce Kalvar Blue Moon House

68. James Keegan Mare Imbrium (The Sea of Rains

69. Mickey Kessler Firestick

70. Mary Ketch Falling Elephants

71. Chris King Battlefields

72. Michael Kinney Endless

73. Joseph LaJeunesse Wallis

74. Mark Leiren-Young Blueprints From Space

75. Janis Lonnquist Low Road

76. Yamil L’Opera & Keith Miller Love’s No Fool

77. Ralph Lowe Jackpot

78. Eric Loyola Scofflaws

79. Paul Macauley Goddess

80. David MacGregor Mainstream

81. Paul Madden The Bandersnatch

82. John Madormo Seasaw

83. Benjamin Magid Destroy

84. Colleen Malfitano & Frank Malfitano The Price of Everything

85. Ellen Ross McAuliffeThe Pain Killer

86. Brian McDonald White Face

87. Mike McGrady Whackman

88. Greg McIntosh Gun-Shy

89. Bill McKenna The Perfect Fit

90. Thomas McLaughlinDark Side of the Moon

91. Thomas McLaughlin Hazardous Duty

92. Lyndol Michael Best Known Unknown Genuis

93. Matt Michnovetz Chooches

94. David Mickel Acting Up

95. Jose Mijares The Crystal Tear

96. Alan Miller Make Me Cry

97. Nicole Mirante Finding Bobby

98. Elizabeth Musgrave One Good Man

99. Yelena Nikolreva The City of Birds

100. James O’Donoghue Sons of Beeches

101. Dominic Oliver Conduct Unbecoming

102. Bonnie Orr Welcome To Kick-Ass

103. Robert D. Papon The Lazarus Gate

104. Ron Peer Out of Body

105. Barbie Perkins-Cooper Not My Papa

106. Garin Pirnia The Intern

107. Arturo Portillo The Last Ride

108. Jason Preston Horror 101A

109. Sebastian G. Priddle Credence

110. Bill Pryor Second Son

111. Peter Puglisi & Brandon Brown In Bad Taste

112. Andy Rash Queed

113. Robert Reynolds The Bang Bang Theory

114. Jeff Rohrick Gender Studies

115. Cale Rogers The Ivy League

116. Suzanne Roquemore Scrapper

117. Paul Ross Crazy to Live Here

118. Jeffrey Rubin Devil By The Toe

119. Gino Sabatini Jimmy Got a Job

120. Abby Schiff & Ilise Carter Rock This Town

121. Stephen Shapiro Scammed

122. Helene Silverstein After The End/A.T.E.

123. Richard T. Simpson Hollywood Mafia

124. Kurt Smith The Boy In The Box

125. Kurt Smith My Soul To Keep

126. Kurt Smith The Emerald Warrior

127. Richard Sprano Student Teacher

128. Richard Sprano Any Day Now

129. John Stancari The Other Side

130. Miroslav Stojkovski Transaction

131. Graeme Stone Bad Accidents

132. Raymond Storey The Witness Tree

133. Todd Supple The Huddled Masses

134. Todd Supple Under Cover of Reality

135. B.C. Szot The Day That I Die

136. Brittany Taylor Dreaming of John Cusack

137. John Thomas Hickory and Bone

138. Shawn Thorgersen Truth, Love and Misogyny

139. Paul Toledo Runnin’ At Midnite

140. Steve Tomlin & Paul Benz The Spoiler

141. Mark Treitel & Shoe Schuster George Lucas Please Don’t Sue Us

142. Doug Van Bebber Le Femme Ballon

143. C.L. Vargo I’m Not Barbie!

144. Keith Walker Bethany Home

145. Rachel Weinhaus When She Goes

146. Craig Weiss On the Wall

147. Brian Wilson & Chad Pennington Funeral Brothers

148. Clayton Wold The Investment

149. Joe Wolff Dream Boat

150. William Wolff Soft Money

151. Sherie Yang Don’t Make a Scene

152. Sherie Yang Dust

153. Kenwood Youmans Pushing The Envelope

154. Dianne Young The Aftermath

155. Jon Zelazny Croix De Guerre

Updated: 02/26/2000

Fade In Awards


287 S Robertson Blvd., Ste 467
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
800-646-3896 (voice)


Report Card

Overall: 2 stars2 stars (1.8/5.0)
Professionalism: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (2.9/5.0)
Feedback: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.1/5.0)
Signficance: 1.5 stars1.5 stars (1.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 44    
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