2025 PAGE International Screenwriting Awards
GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Fade In Awards

Fade In


287 S Robertson Blvd., Ste 467
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
800-646-3896 (voice)


Report Card

Overall: 2 stars2 stars (1.8/5.0)
Professionalism: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (2.9/5.0)
Feedback: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.1/5.0)
Signficance: 1.5 stars1.5 stars (1.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 44    
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Industry exposure, WGAw writer assistance in polishing winning scripts and $15,000 in cash prizes for up to 19 finalists.

Deadline/Entry Fees

Contact contest for this year's deadline.

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Entries accepted in seven categories (comedy, action/adventure, thriller, family, drama, horror, film noir) and two formats (features, shorts).

Scripts must not have been optioned at time of entry or at time material is chosen as finalist or Grand Prize Winner. Submissions must be an original work of the applicant and not based, in whole or part, on another author's work unless in the public domain.


Please see website.

Fade In


287 S Robertson Blvd., Ste 467
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
800-646-3896 (voice)


Report Card

Overall: 2 stars2 stars (1.8/5.0)
Professionalism: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (2.9/5.0)
Feedback: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.1/5.0)
Signficance: 1.5 stars1.5 stars (1.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 44    
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Fade In Awards


287 S Robertson Blvd., Ste 467
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
800-646-3896 (voice)


Report Card

Overall: 2 stars2 stars (1.8/5.0)
Professionalism: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (2.9/5.0)
Feedback: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.1/5.0)
Signficance: 1.5 stars1.5 stars (1.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 44    
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Contest News

Fade In Magazine Announces QuarterFinalists

1. Stan Adams Telephoto
2. Chris Agnew Angela
3. Bruce Akiyama Dark Companion
4. John Anastasi Absence of Faith
5. John Acquitane Year of the Domino
6. Loreli Armstrong Fuse Park
7. Jouanka Bach Acting Out
8. William Baird Lancaster
9. Ann Balderston-Glynn Viscardi
10. Eric Balkan The Third Wish
11. Jon Bebbington Mountain Tall
12. Curtis Beck Shades of Grey
13. Randal Benjamin Loose Ends
14. Sandra Benn Until the Cows Come Home
15. Daniel Berk Satchmo!
16. Maurice Billington The Mortal Half
17. William Blair Summer at Six
18. Curt Blondell Pacific Blue
19. Jeff Bonafede Breaching the Cocoon
20. Ilaria Borrelli Rent-a-Husband
21. Jane Bradley Blood Sisters
22. Joan Bretz Merlo’s Choice
23. Wendy Braff The Devonshire Story
24. James C. Brannon Vance Graham
25. Gary Brint A Week in the Life of A Sexual Artist
26. William Brown The Name Droppers
27. William Bryant Hallow’s Point
28. Mike Burns Beyond the Gridiron
29. Reginald Bullock Ate: Murders in the Waffle House
30. Bob Canning Wounded
31. Johnny Cho The Rag Man
32. Craig Clyde Second Coming
33. Ramon Collins Cold Winter Sun
34. Steve Comisair Easy Street
35. James Conlon Ahead of Our Time
36. Natalie Cosby Escapade
37. Michael Cross Lovey & Gwen
38. Steve Crozier Vacation on Earth
39. Kurt B. Davis Long Live the King
40. Bryan Deats Yinetara: The Dragon’s Eye
41. Ann DeBello Holiday Presence
42. Brian DeDario The Dastardly
43. Paul DeNigris American Falls
44. Faith Dincolo Sacred Soul
45. Caitlin Dixon Undertaking
46. Dawnmarie Dixon Peace-Weaver
47. John Doby Hey Paisan!
48. Robbie Dover Two
49. Jim Donovan Second Chances
50. Todd Drezner In the Fix
51. Ben Drew Tripping Out
52. Ginny Dudek A Guy Like You
53. Edward Durston See Sarawak Die
54. Regine Ebner Understanding Edison
55. Jeff Elzinga Foreign Service
56. Maria Escobedo Dona Ana’s Funeral
57. John Ewing Hyde ‘N’ Seek
58. Daniel Falcone Naughty
59. Gatliff Farris Joaquin
60. Chera Federle Alvina Street
61. Erica Ferencik Mob Dot Com
62. Gail Fiorini-Jenner Amaranth
63. Andrew Fisk Last Night I Saw Elvis
64. Annette Fix Face Value
65. Jay Flynn, Dominic Oliver, Kaenan Oliver High Seas
66. Anthony Forzaglia All Saint’s Day
67. Brad Frahn One Man Army
68. Jim Freeman Loose Leaf
69. Cliff Fuller See You in the Fall
70. Natalie Garibian Melinda Monica Malone
71. Robert Gately Hat Trick
72. Charles Gherardi Ain’t No Sunshine
73. Gregory Gibson Dead Chill
74. John Goodman True Heroes
75. Jeffrey Haber Puppet Strings
76. Donna Handel Two Johns and a George
77. Everette Hartsoe Bonnie & Claudine
78. Kevin Hegarty Partisan
79. Andrew Helm Flying Toasters
80. Robert Hervey A Passion For Justice
81. Victor Hightower The Four Horsemen
82. Robert Hobot Not Fade Away
83. Lisa Holmes The Bi-Coastal Kid
84. Barry Hughes Ashes
85. Doug Hundley Hooker’s Purse
86. Robert Jackson Tears of Prey
87. Sundae Jahant-Osborn Killing Johnnie
88. Seth Jarrett 6 Months of Darkness, 6 Months Of Light
89. Scott A. Johnson Mexican Stand-Off
90. Kimberley Jones Here is the House
91. Alan Jonsson Nobody is That Bad
92. Shannan Keenan Randy
93. Howard Kingdale A Hole in the Paper Sky
94. Jonathan Kirshner Urban Flight
95. Kenneth S. Klein The Dead Don’t Sleep
96. Jack Kolkmeyer Rockinitis
97. David Kosh Scan, Collate, Copy Inc.
98. Arthur Kraft The Giant and the Flea
99. Paul Kramer Snub
100. Claudia Lanning The Executioner
101. Paul Longo For Real
102. Chris Lopata The Criminal
103. Rick Mace, Tim White The Run
104. Samuel Macias Rig
105. Doug MacNiven The Magic Carpet
106. Paul Madden The Scavengers
107. Antonia March, Jacqueline McKinney Karma
108. David R. Martin, II American Pirate
109. Robert McCaskill Auditioning For a Movie
110. Greg McIntosh The Tome
111. David Mickel Space For Rent
112. Douglas Miller Trouble With Money
113. Scott Misevich House of Pain
114. Lori Morgan Cross Current
115. Alicia Munoz Abracadabra
116. Paula Neiman The Pawn
117. Robert Nelson I Ain’t No Dummy
118. Bary Nemcoff Pox
119. Loreen Niewenhuis, Robin Slutsky Pobochick
120. Michael Nirenberg Dr. Merrick’s Breakthrough
121. John Nybe Rem Lark
122. Elaine Ott Wishing on Airplanes
123. Bill Pappalardo Taken
124. Stan Papell, Robert Kubicos The Bromberg A
125. Edie Pargh, Rachel Yohay This Year’s Model
126. Irene Parikhal Heaven’s Above
127. Paul Rand Pierce 2010: A Spacey Odyssey
128. Lina Peruzzi The Marriage Contest
129. Jay Pierce Just Another Christmas Dream
130. Andrew Poe Radio Keywest: The Water’s Edge
131. Aaron Pope The Sweet Death
132. John Porter Nobody’s Perfect
133. Kent Preyer, Chloe Lords Mail Order Vampire
134. David Price The Last Straw
135. Rocky Ramsey Just My Luck
136. Robert Randall, Gabriel Rummonds Century City
137. Betty Reeves Viking
138. Steve Reynolds, Allen Houston The Stalker Box
139. Margaret Ford, Marcia Rhea The Carolina Storyteller
140. Jack Neil Richman The Message
141. Ryan Rickett Cash De Ville
142. Mitch Riley The Catbird Seat
143. Kevin Roberts Trash
144. Patricia Roberts Heaven’s Watch
145. Jennifer Roe Pretty Girl
146. Olga Rojer Buenos Aires
147. Robert Rosenthal Project Ezekiel
148. Brandon Rosin Gaughin’s Garden
149. Steven Santos Pinch the Lazarus
150. Gina/Kelly Schild The Sweet Spot
151. James Shepard The Fear Inside
152. Dennis Shutty Strike Like Lightning
153. Dawn Shurmaitis Exit Hero
154. Nick Sidorovich Bad Medicine
155. Scott Silverman Larry of Nazareth
156. John Silvestri Paradise
157. Thomas Sinsky Cage Match
158. Matthew Skaggs Da Vinci
159. Mark Smith Let’s Kill Royce Polybuck
160. Paula Smith Lady Vicious
161. Rob Socci Crazy World
162. Doug Solter Never Too Old
163. Christopher Stapleton, Barry Ambrose Allegiance
164. Joseph Stevens Brandon’s Angel
165. Cary Allen Stone Testimony to Tesla
166. Graeme Stone 8 Minutes
167. Larry Stouffer Carlos & Co.
168. Steve Stromberg The Yards Between Us
169. Teo Virago
170. Patricia Thornton Turn Back the Clock
171. Joni Trumpold A Figment of Grace
172. Maggie Viale Digs Jackson
173. Nick Vigorito, Jr. Finding Logan
174. Ollie Viljanen Little Haven
175. Julius Wachtel Bums
176. Kal Wagenheim Fish Die By the Mouth
177. Suzanne Ward Donor
178. Don Warden Two Days in August
179. Michael Weisman All the Bases
180. Gernell Welcher The Bridesmaid Wore Paisley
181. Carey Westbrook Black Buddha
182. Jason Weidermann For Love or Money
183. Michael Wigdor Blood Money
184. Francine Witte Die, Hamlet, Die!
185. William Wolff Soft Money
186. Richard Wormser Momie & Bud
187. Keith Wycha The Great Novel
188. Craig Wyrick-Solari #71
189. Paul Zeidman The Crimson Cloak

Updated: 02/26/2001

Fade In Awards


287 S Robertson Blvd., Ste 467
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
800-646-3896 (voice)


Report Card

Overall: 2 stars2 stars (1.8/5.0)
Professionalism: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (2.9/5.0)
Feedback: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.1/5.0)
Signficance: 1.5 stars1.5 stars (1.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 44    
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