"I read the script and I liked it. I think it has potential... "
(- Production Executive, Gold Circle Films)
"...an easy read. The story is engaging. The idea of the devil being in a small town is unique and there are some twists in the plot to keep us interested... in the realm of independent production this may well do quite nicely."
"Quality of Writing: very good. Great tension and suspense! I like the way you describe your characters... all distinctly unique... Great atmosphere! I like how you keep putting doubt in the reader's mind. I was never really sure what was coming next, and I liked the suspense of it. You did an amazing job of casting doubt in the readers' mind. Great, satisfying ending. Overall, I thought it was a good story, very tense/suspenseful, action filled, and beautifully described. Well done!"
"Cinematic Quality: very good. This was by far the best script I read here... There isn't much to say but great job on this one. I've been reading Oscar winning scripts at simplyscipts.com and I have to say your description is right on with the pros. Very concise but also detailed. I feel like I have imagined the scenes exactly the way you intended. You also have a great knack for dialogue. Every line was believable. I could really imagine your characters saying what they did."
(- Zoetrope Virtual Studio)
"The narrative is often clear and concise. The author has a good understanding of the short punchy sentences that should make up proper script narrative. More importantly, and certainly more rarely seen, you have included some moments of informal and stylistic narrative. This keeps the script from becoming dry and adds an author's unique touch to the script. Well done... The script flows remarkably well, with enough time spent setting things up, followed by a rapid and tense Act II. This makes for a quick, enthralling read... The dialogue is written well and feels very natural. Sam's continued outrage could quickly fall flat, but instead varies in intensity and subject, making it always interesting to read... What background is given on the characters is handled well through Sam's outbursts about investigating his friends... Sam is a great character, and we get a good feel of that immediately upon meeting him. As the story progresses, he only becomes more interesting and layered... The story follows traditional structure rather closely, allowing appropriate timing for the important story beats to hit home... Act II is practically perfect. There is an intense amount of tension built up around whether or not Sam is evil, or if the Father is tricking them all. This back and forth continues as mysterious things begin to happen around the cabin, culminating in some very tense moments. This will pull the audience in, hearkening back to some of the better scares in The Blair Witch Project, along with some psychological thriller aspects as Sam and The Father host their battle of the wills... Demons, religion and exorcisms are oft-tread paths in the thriller territory, however there are a lot of original aspects to this story. Particularly impressive are the various exorcism details... Add to this the unconventional storytelling and early plot twist, and this is a memorable and interesting story... Sam is a very attractive role and could easily be a prime target for some talented up-and-coming actors. While religion isn't often a wide-market appeal, the dark and unusual tone of the movie will work in its favor. The one-room setting, and offbeat premise lend this more to a direct-to-dvd thriller market, but it could do very well as an independent feature."
(- Script Savvy)
BREFNI O'ROURKE is a New York based screenwriter actively marketing all of his materials for possible sale or option. He is the author of more than 50 original feature-length spec screenplays, primarily within the action, suspense-thriller, and horror genres. The "cinematic Brefniverse" includes:
"The Awning", a supernatural thriller, was a quarterfinalist in the 2023 WeScreenplay Feature contests. It was named a finalist in the 2022 Story Pros International Screenplay Contest and has been awarded a Coverfly badge of - Top 6% of discoverable projects. In March of 2023 it made the Red List as the # 8 ranked thriller screenplay.
"Wake", a psychological thriller, was recognized as a semifinalist in the 2022 Creative World Awards. It was recognized as a quarterfinalist in the Final Draft/Big Break Contest (top 10% of entries) and the American Zoetrope contest. It has been awarded a Coverfly badge of being among the top 22% of discoverable projects.
"Descendancy", an action-thriller, was recognized as a Quarterfinalist in the Script Lab - TSL Free Screenplay Contest 2022 and has been awarded a Coverfly badge of - Top 18% of discoverable projects.
"Moving Day", a supernatural thriller, was recognized as a quarterfinalist in the 2015 Final Draft/Big Break Contest. It has been awarded a Coverfly badge of being among the top 34% of discoverable projects.
"Panopticon", an action-thriller, was selected as a "Notable Project" by Amazon Studios (one of only 50 projects recognized as such).
"God's Work", a supernatural action thriller was optioned by The Ferla Consulting Group.
"Threshold", a horror-thriller (cowritten with Elizabeth Rowin and Greg DeRochie) was optioned by Contribution Films. (http://www.contributionfilms.com/threshold.html).
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