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How does it work?
It's simple! Unlike Yahoo and Google, where advertisers bid for prominent advertising position, ScriptLinks slots are assigned automatically to the most recently submitted or updated scripts in the database (PRO subscribers only.) You'll get great exposure for your projects even if you haven't (yet) won a lot of contests.
What do I have to do to get started?
Subscribe to WinningScripts PRO, post a new script or update an existing listing. That's it. Your script will included automatically in the ScriptLinks listings for all appropriate searches.
How long will my scripts remain listed in ScriptLinks?
ScriptLinks features the 10 most most recently submitted or updated projects for each search. Update your project listings often to maintain your presence on the list.
When a museum curator and his female assistant translate clues in an American Revolution-era journal describing a British payroll buried on Oak Island, they must go undercover to unearth the treasure before two rival treasure hunters discover it.
An embarrassment-prone middle school girl's life gets risky when she suspects her pretty older sister's good-looking boyfriend is really a vampire, and sets out to prove it.
Storm Dragons
In a mystical land where champions fight to the death to keep the peace, the revenge of a chosen warrior against the killer of his family risks starting the bloody war he was bound to prevent.
Curbside Service
A recently separated couple finds themselves stranded in the desert on their way to a family holiday function.
Perfect Beau
A Plain Jane clones her ideal boyfriend out of her girlfriends' boyfriends' DNA for her college senior class project.
Cold Pepper
A law-abiding, church-going court stenographer becomes a one-woman vigilante assassinating violent domestic abusers (and other twisted souls) after their third offense.
Psychotic USA
A dramedy. A twisted view of the ineptness of modern day psychiatric treatment as seen through the lens of four patients in an asylum.
A world renowned heart transplant surgeon is an absolute magician at finding compatible hearts for wealthy clients.
Nina and Flossie
Three European sisters, in their 70's, scheme to dump a dead body that the eldest killed in the middle of the night as a result of a break-in.
*** Russian astronaut, thrown out of the space program, hijacks a space taxi going to the International Space Station.