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In the pre-Civil War South, much to the dismay of his father, young Kentucky Mavis and a slave boy, Levi, are inseparable. Decades later, as a slave catcher determined to win his father’s approval, Kentucky finds himself unwittingly in pursuit of Levi, whose escape for freedom is led by none other than Underground Railroad legend Harriet Tubman.

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Author Bio:
I was a radio DJ for twelve years before taking more "safe" jobs in the fields of sales, customer service, media relations, and social work. Now, I am much happier directing my time, attention, and skills to my writing. I am just starting development on my third screenplay, and have recently begun crafting my fourth children's book. What an esteemed honor and joy it is to create works that make people feel the whole run of emotions, and hopefully grow a little at the same time.

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