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Dream Controller

Some are born with a super power that they have especially clear dreams and can control them. Such power is different for individuals, some strong and some weak. The strong can enter and control dreams of the weaker. Once someone’s dream has been controlled, he will be at the controller’s mercy whenever he has dreams. People with such ability are called wakers, otherwise sleepers. One day, it was found that some sleepers around began to transform into wakers. Innate wakers Peter, John and Paul see business opportunities. Paul blackmails the rich men who have just become wakers ruthlessly like a cheeky bandit, otherwise he will continuously break into their dreams, torture and wake them up the minute they fall asleep. Those extremely sleepless and nightmare tormented rich men have to turn to Paul and John’s Dream Guard Company, and spend a large amount of money to regain control right of their dreams. More and more dream guard companies appear, and they earn less and less money. Peter foresees that all the people will become wakers, and an idea occurs to him. He wants to unite all dreams together and makes it a bigger one where they can charge for advertising other companies. When finally half dreams have been united, Paul dominates the control right, and those who disobey him in reality will be punished severely in the dream. Consequently, people in this dream have to obey him, and Paul gradually controls the real world. In order to save the situation, Peter and John begin to organize people who hadn’t joined the dream to fight against Paul. Unfortunately, the more people gather together to resist, the tighter Paul controls the dream. When John is nailed on the cross with the last gasp, he sees Peter betray and go after Paul……

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Contest Results:
Wisc. Screenwriters (First Place)
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