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When his wife is taken by a slimy sex-slaver, a DHS border agent realizes the only way to save her is to agree to smuggle two people across the border to the US side, only to find out – he is smuggling in two terrorists with a nuclear EMP bomb! Does he work to save his country or does he save the love of his life?

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Author Bio:
The Writer Name: Terry Vaughan Address: 7032 Golden Desert Ave. City: Las Vegas State: NV Zip: 89129 Country: USA Phone: 619-318-5857 Cell/Pager: 619-318-5857 Fax: TVaughan Email: tlv@creonline.com Resumé Screenplays optioned: The Monger Brothers - Western Virtue Triumphant - Comedy

Awards: Sundance Film Festival - "The Painter" FILMEX - Los Angeles - "What's A Buena Park?"

Recently back in the business.

History and background

Living in Tucson Arizona, during the 1950's, I began my journey as an actor and performer in high school theater, college and local community theater and also in local professional motion picture productions.

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