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A fake marriage turns into real love by British bride and Chinese groom. Honeymoon at Mongolian moorland is combined with debates of history, religion, plagiarism and smoking of marijuana. Street signs are bilingual but no one reads Mongolian confuses bride. Award Winner of Best Script Award London 2021; Award Winner of Butterfly International Film Festival France 2022; Award Winner of Phoenix Short Canada 2021 Early 1990s, Chinese university graduate Ruiming encounters first obstacle, passport applying when planning studying overseas. Sophia, a British student expects to stay for another year in China. They decide to get married. Honeymoon starts in Mongolia. They meet a teen who offers a feast arranged by his father. After trapped in nowhere in Gobi Desert, the young couple is rescued by Chinese People’s Liberation Army.


Waterdrops Insoluble

Chinese economy booms as new century arrives. Students are pouring to US. Movie Director’s son who is arrogant and confused arrives at US; Rich housewife awakening from husband’s hollow promise ends up with pregnancy after clarifying what orgasm is; Couple worshiping Warren Buffett drops school for online stores is hunted by immigration; Dreams of being Stanford University students are defeated by an Indian accent tutor as they question ‘why Indian tutors in US universities?’


Three Generations of Women under Half the Sky

Grandma lands on a governmental Fat Cat but forced to drop her marriage so that his image remains respected. Accused of interference Mao’s popularization, she handles three kids herself. Mother is raped by employer who promises residential card in Beijing. Awakening leaves her no future since her bribed Official is purged. Granddaughter stoops of dropping her belief of Women Liberation by marrying a military gangster.


A Red Madrasa School under Mao

Kids from cities arrive at production brigade during Cultural Revolution, seeing Red Guards interrogating intellectuals, demolishing Temples, turning Churches into pig farms, forcing Muslim hiding identities and dancer accidentally sitting on Mao’s Littler Red Book is stoned to death, but friendship with local kid sustains and question ‘why Principal carries binoculars at all times’? Someone vows to kill Principal who tortures his father.

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