Shore Scripts Script Development Fund
Shore Scripts Development Fund

171 Pier Avenue #145
Santa Monica, CA 90405-5363
Click here
Contact: Justine Owens, Director of Contests
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$3,000 in Cash Prizes. Plus 1 Year of Script Development Support for two Winners each season. For screenwriters who want help to finish their scripts.
Want to transform that rough idea, treatment, or first draft into a polished screenplay that’s ready for production?
Of course, you do!
But finding the time, dedication, and expert help when you need it isn’t exactly easy, is it?
That’s where our Script Development Fund comes in.
We understand that many aspiring writers struggle to find the time to write whilst supporting themselves and their families. That’s why we’re offering Two (2) Writers the chance to win $3,000 in Cash Prizes + 12 months of Free Script Development.
We've already helped launch the careers of 100+ writers, including deals with Sony, Blumhouse, Film4, and Hulu, and now we want to extend that help to the writers who need it most. Show More
Deadline/Entry Fees
Deadline | Date Days till: |
Entry Fee |
Early | February 28, 2025 10 |
$39 |
Regular | April 2, 2025 43 |
$49 |
Final | May 2, 2025 73 |
$59 |
WinningScripts Pro $5 Off Coupon
Open to all. Accepting the 1st 10 Pages of longer scripts & Treatments for longer projects. Must be written in English.Rules
* For this contest we are reading the first ten (10) pages of longer scripts (min. 20 pages), and treatments up to ten (10) pages long, for Features, TV Pilots, Shorts, and Animation screenplays.
* Shore Scripts will award prizes to the Winners to support their writing a feature screenplay, a short film script of more than 20 pages in length, a one-hour TV pilot, or a web series of up to six episodes, with each episode being no more than 10 minutes long.
* Writers who wish to enter the first 10 pages of their script, whether a completed first draft or work in progress, should enter the first 8 to 11 pages, including the Title page. Anything under or over these page lengths will not be read.
* Treatments should be between 5-10 pages. We do not accept treatments that are over 10 pages. The Title Page does not count towards this total if it only includes the script title. If the title page contains more than that (for example, details on your project), then this counts as one of the 10 pages.
* Writers from all countries are welcome to enter. All scripts and treatments must be written in English.
* The Development Fund is for projects that are still in the writing stage. Screenplays or films that the writers consider to be in their final form are not eligible to enter.
* The cash prizes can be spent on whatever the winners see fit to help them finish their project.
* The Script Development prizes will be solely focused on the script or treatment you entered the Fund with. Calls and coverage with our Head of Education and Script Development will be arranged to fit the schedules of both parties.
* All ages can enter. Under 18’s need to get their parent’s permission.
* All genres are welcome.
* Please only include the Script Title on the title page.
* You may submit as many scripts as you wish.
* Scripts should be formatted at size 12 Courier.
* We prefer scripts and treatments to be sent as PDF documents.
* We accept text only and text and image treatments.
* Submitted file sizes should be below 15 MB.
* All submitted screenplays must be the writer’s original work, or they own the copyright. If a writing team enters, then both/all writers must consent.
* Shore Scripts will never hold any rights over your project.
* To help the environment, Shore Scripts only accepts electronic entries.
* Each writer, or writing team, may not have earned more than $50,000 in screenwriting fees in the preceding 18 months. This clause is in place to help us support emerging talent. (Contest and Fellowship awards and writing fees received outside of fiction screenwriting do not count toward this total).
* Shore Scripts staff and associates are unable to enter the Development Fund.
* You may enter a newer draft of an already submitted script or treatment for another read. There will be a small fee involved. To find out more follow this link to the Resubmission page.
* The winners consent to Shore Scripts using their name, script title, and any other relevant information for promotional purposes on their website. This will be used to inform other contestants and the media of the results.
* If Shore Scripts helps a writer gain representation, option, sell, or have his/her screenplay produced, then we are entitled to state this on our website and any other platforms whenever we see fit.
* The decision of Shore Scripts is final. By applying to this fund each participant agrees to hold Shore Scripts, our judges, and sponsors immune from any competition disputes, claims, liabilities, and expenses.
* By entering Shore Scripts, you authorize us to use any trusted third-party online, cloud-based, and email services and databases for hosting, managing, and/or sending/transmitting your submission file(s).
Grand Prize Winner: Cash production grant of $15,000, free camera equipment rental from ARRI Rental for the duration of production (some restrictions may apply), mentorship with two-time Oscar-nominated producer MARIA GRACIA TURGEON, a Film Festival Strategy Package from Tribeca programmer KIMBERLEY BROWNING, the opportunity to circulate the finished film to select members of our Industry Roster of producers, agents, and managers, and support from the Shore Scripts team from development through distribution.
Finishing Funds Winner: Cash grant of $4,000 in finishing funds, mentorship with two-time Oscar-nominated producer MARIA GRACIA TURGEON, film festival strategy package from Tribeca programmer KIMBERLEY BROWNING, the opportunity to circulate the finished film to select members of our Industry Roster of producers, agents, and managers, and support from the Shore Scripts team through post-production and distribution.
Top 5 Finalists (unproduced scripts): Feedback on their scripts from one of our esteemed Judges, the opportunity to have their scripts circulated to select members of our Industry Roster and Directors, and a PDF of the Shore Scripts Film Festival Guidebook.
Top 15 Finalists (unproduced scripts): The opportunity to have their scripts circulated to select members of our Industry Roster and Directors.
Finalists (finishing funds): Feedback on their rough cuts from one of our esteemed Judges and a PDF of the Shore Scripts Film Festival Guidebook.
Semi-Finalists: A PDF of the Shore Scripts Film Festival Guidebook.
Shore Scripts Development Fund

171 Pier Avenue #145
Santa Monica, CA 90405-5363
Click here
Contact: Justine Owens, Director of Contests
Report Card |
Overall: |
(0.0/5.0) |
Professionalism: |
(0.0/5.0) |
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(0.0/5.0) |
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The Script Development Fund

171 Pier Avenue #145
Santa Monica, CA 90405-5363
Click here
Contact: Justine Owens, Director of Contests
Report Card |
Overall: |
(0.0/5.0) |
Professionalism: |
(0.0/5.0) |
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(0.0/5.0) |
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(0.0/5.0) |
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Contest News
Shore Scripts Names Script Development Fund Winners
Shore Scripts has named Lisa Wills as the Grand Prize Winner of their Script Development Fund Competition for her script, Warden of the Day, about a teenage girl living in a San Francisco group home who uses her grifting skills to make enough money to break out of the foster care system. [Updated: 05/20/2024]
Shore Scripts Announces Script Development Fund Finalists
Fifteen finalists script have been announced for the 2024 Shore Scripts Development Fund. [Updated: 05/06/2024]
Shore Script Names Script Development Fund Winner
Tia Devlin has been named the Shore Scripts Script Development Fund Winner for her script, Unhireable. Christy Smith-Sloman's To Be Young, Gifted & Black; The Lorraine Hansberry Story has been named the Second Place Winner. [Updated: 12/18/2023]
Shore Scripts Names Development Fund Top 15 Finalists
H3The Top 15 Finalists have been named for 2023 Shore Scripts Development Fund. Two Winners and the top 5 Finalists will be announced on December 18th. [Updated: 12/10/2023]
Zero interviews found. If you've finished first, second, or third in this competition, we'd like to interview you.
The Script Development Fund

171 Pier Avenue #145
Santa Monica, CA 90405-5363
Click here
Contact: Justine Owens, Director of Contests
Report Card |
Overall: |
(0.0/5.0) |
Professionalism: |
(0.0/5.0) |
Feedback: |
(0.0/5.0) |
Signficance: |
(0.0/5.0) |
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