[Story Pros International]

Fade In Awards

Fade In


287 S Robertson Blvd., Ste 467
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
800-646-3896 (voice)


Report Card

Overall: 2 stars2 stars (1.8/5.0)
Professionalism: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (2.9/5.0)
Feedback: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.1/5.0)
Signficance: 1.5 stars1.5 stars (1.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 44    
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Industry exposure, WGAw writer assistance in polishing winning scripts and $15,000 in cash prizes for up to 19 finalists.

Deadline/Entry Fees

Contact contest for this year's deadline.

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Entries accepted in seven categories (comedy, action/adventure, thriller, family, drama, horror, film noir) and two formats (features, shorts).

Scripts must not have been optioned at time of entry or at time material is chosen as finalist or Grand Prize Winner. Submissions must be an original work of the applicant and not based, in whole or part, on another author's work unless in the public domain.


Please see website.

Fade In


287 S Robertson Blvd., Ste 467
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
800-646-3896 (voice)


Report Card

Overall: 2 stars2 stars (1.8/5.0)
Professionalism: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (2.9/5.0)
Feedback: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.1/5.0)
Signficance: 1.5 stars1.5 stars (1.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 44    
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Fade In Awards


287 S Robertson Blvd., Ste 467
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
800-646-3896 (voice)


Report Card

Overall: 2 stars2 stars (1.8/5.0)
Professionalism: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (2.9/5.0)
Feedback: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.1/5.0)
Signficance: 1.5 stars1.5 stars (1.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 44    
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Contest News

2001 Fade In Award Quarterfinalists

1. John Adams - In the Shadow of a Dream
2. John Alarid, Patrick Holman - A Kodak Moment, Childhood Issues
3. Jason Allen - Greenville News
4. Laurie Allen - May Blossom's Daughter
5. Eric Alter - The Free World
6. Edward Aluise - Squillace
7. Scott Anderson - Damaged
8. Eric Andrews - Nobel Woman
9. Ted Andrews - Chicago
10. Lis Anna - Coming Forth by Day
11. Leah Anton - The Rewrite of Your Life
12. Virginia Antonelli - What About Me?
13. Mark Arament - Hollywood Princess, Black Eagle
14. Mark Aran - The Mail…is Here
15. Lorelie Armstrong - The Big Fifty, Snowball's Chance, Six Weeks to Wally
16. Michael Bailey - Mr. Death
17. Bill Balas - Bullet with Butterfly Wings
18. Robert Baldwin, Sheri Keasler - Dangereux
19. Jill Bandemer - Serial
20. Laine Bari - The Homewrecker
21. Richard Barker - Charlie's Corner
22. Christopher Barnes - Black and Blue
23. Liz Bartucci - You Never Know
24. David Baughan - Sarah and Isaac
25. Jennifer Baum - Relative Guilt
26. Curtis Beck - Fall to Pieces
27. Mark Bedard - Punjae
28. Spencer Beglarian - Present Perfect Continuous
29. Tim Bellen - The War Birds
30. Randal Benjamin - The Last Dance
31. Sue Berg - Gunner's Golden Years
32. Craig Berger - Winning the Race
33. Michael Bergman - Death by Committee
34. Mark Bierlein - Redemption, The Hope
35. Maurice Billington - 9
36. Herb Blitzstein - A Secret Life
37. Curt Blondell - Samurai of the Sun
38. Gregory Boghosian - Lucky Charming
39. David Boito - How to Marry a Dotcom Billionaire
40. Edward Bolman, Cat Noel - Flash
41. Tiffany Borders, John Plunkett - Can You Keep a Secret?
42. Edward Borey - The Stepmother and the Messenger
43. Paula Brancato - The Job
44. Paula Brancato, Charles Stein - The Life of Ellen Jersey
45. Patrick Brassell - Chula Vista: A Love Story
46. Per Bristow - Always in My Heart
47. Elizabeth Bromley - Love & Best Wishes
48. Tony Buccola, Jr. - And Then it Happened…
49. Yolanda Buggs - Critter Island
50. Christopher Burke - Koto Shinto
51. Jennifer Byer - My Sister, My Madame
52. Paul Byrne - Scarred
53. Joseph Cala - Leaving Devereaux
54. Charlie Call - Cupids
55. Craig Cambria - Intersection
56. E.G. Carlstrom - Surviving Russia
57. Barbara Carver - Backgammon
58. Rob Caudill - A Friend of the Family
59. Gary Cergol, Greg Cergol - Coitus Interruptus
60. Michael Chang - Ambassador Mom
61. John Chase - The List
62. Michael Cheung - Boom
63. Jim Chilinski, Jamie Nash - Miracles Can Happen
64. Thomas Christie - Diamond Dreams
65. Michael Chukerman - Quiet
66. John Clayton - Dragon Wheel
67. Carole Clement - Let's Pretend
68. M.A. Cole - Sonny
69. William Collister - Sand Dollars
70. Alan Condren - To Forgive is Divine
71. Steve Cooper - Game Days
72. Derek Cordier - Escape From Rome
73. Mary Cox, Guy Williams - Pendragon
74. Albert Crim - The Denial
75. John Crowell - Father Father
76. Barbara Curry - The Intruder
77. Achim Dangerfield - Stagemom
78. Emmanuel Daval - Barbarian Swans
79. Daniel Davis - Tweyelight, The Decent Thing
80. Michael Dawson - Sylvia
81. Jamie Dawson - The Rabbit Garden
82. Jerry Decker - Monkey Boy
83. Bryan DeDario - Late Nite with Vic
84. Juliann deLayne - Caravan
85. Bernie DeLeo - My Life with Dino
86. Susan DeMasi - Safe Harbor
87. Michael Dempsey, Neal Davis - From Opposite Ends, Straight Flush
88. Francesca DiAmico - The Stamp Collector
89. D.D. Dinardi - Cartwheel, Somersault
90. Anthony Diomede - Incognito
91. Warren Doody - The House Painter, Love Sick
92. Josephine Dumay - Soul Mate
93. Donna Eagar - Come As Your Are
94. Peter Edwards, Ana Edwards - The Tunnel
95. Robert Ehling - The Other Side
96. Bud Elliott - The Seasons of Saul
97. Jeff Elzinga - Sandstorm
98. Daniel Falcone - Naughty
99. Maureen Faul - Full of Grace
100. Ben Fiore - On a Dark Street
101. Andrew Fisk - Dweebs: A Love Story
102. Bill Flannigan - Tiananmen, The Shortcut, Jimmy Ritz
103. Joe Flood - After the Gold Rush
104. Patrick Flynn - L.A. Poet
105. Michael Foley, Will Knox - Strangers Gates
106. Glenn Forbes - Masterpiece Monday
107. Kevin Franklin - Door Number Four
108. Roger Franks, Sr. - The Last Goodnight
109. Michael Friedman - Because I Said So
110. Eric Friedmann - The Stars of Daniel
111. Max Frobe - Combat Safari Ltd.
112. Amy Frost - Big Game, Little Chill
113. Kathy Garcia - Georgie
114. Chad Gay - Citizen Claus
115. Breeze Geler - Convicting Ray
116. Paul Gibney, Tim Gore - Love Plus One
117. Bob Giordano - Grendel
118. Max Glosup - Mud Dance
119. Ted Goeglein - The Karate War
120. Arthur Gogatz - Silent Night
121. Jane Ann Gonzalez - Helen of Troy
122. Steve Goodman - You've Got Another Thing Coming
123. Michael Gozzard - Precious Blood
124. Joseph Greco, Brian Szot - The Big Secret
125. Josh Greenberg - Happytime Lane
126. Timothy Greenberg - Squeeze
127. Katherine Griffin - Butterflies & Lightning
128. Mark Grisar - Cleaning House
129. Benjamin Gross - The Pump
130. David Hall - Ending Ben
131. Harold Harper - Class Prez
132. Michael Harris - Dogman
133. Richard Harris - Silicon Prairie
134. Harvey Harth - Old Faith, Old Heroes
135. Brian Hartshorn - Permanence
136. John Hays - In the Pocket, From Insult to Injury
137. Kent Heckenlively - The Devil's Heart
138. Katie Hennicke - The Scene of an Accident
139. Brad Hennig - Childproof
140. John Hervey - Adam
141. Shawn Hesley - Carnival Luck
142. Larry Hill - The Bar
143. JD Ho - China House
144. Monica Hogan, Chris Hogan - The Mooch
145. David Holden - Desert Thunder
146. Stephen Hough - Three Sundays
147. Jennifer Howd - Murder Number Two
148. Jeff Hower - The Distance in Her Eyes
149. Winston Huff - Scent of Mirrors, Reclamation
150. Barry Hughes - Conflict of Interest
151. Mark Ilvedson - Continental Breakfast, Millionaires
152. Linda Incardine - The Glass Rose
153. Barbara Jackson - Pretty Bird
154. James B. Jackson - Jerome High's Scream Team
155. Sundae Jahant-Osborn - A Brief Encounter
156. Christopher James - Angelo's Shame
157. Michael James - Baby Jesus
158. Tom James - Troop 713
159. Jill Janows - Chasing Heaven
160. Donald Jans - Gonzagini
161. Donna Jason - Arnold's Park
162. Timothy Jeffrey - Rise in Peace
163. Nick Jenkins - Cathy Cola
164. William Jess, II - Before Night Rests Quiet
165. Christopher Johnson - Blue Wall of Silence
166. Kris Johnson - The Oracle of Bill
167. Malaika Johnson - Turnabout
168. Richard Johnson - Cash and Kari
169. Scott Alan Johnson - Give Me Your Beautiful
170. Michael Jortner - The Golden Age of Linda Ronstadt
171. Robert Kalison - Hoops
172. Penelope Karageorge - Drinking the Sun
173. Harold Katkov, Jr. - Hit or Miss
174. John Katsoulis - The Mine
175. Jim Katz - Enemy Waters
176. Christopher Kearney - At First Sign
177. Thomas Kearney - Paradise
178. Sheri Keasler - Russianbride.com
179. John Kennan - The Others' Eyes
180. John A.C. Kennedy - Hawkridge
181. John Kestner - The City of Eyes
182. Mary James Ketch, Amy Yell - Spin
183. Raymond Morton Kim - The 38th Parallel: A Korean War
184. Shelly Kleca - Luftrin
185. Michael Kockler - The Liberation of Love
186. Ben Koldyke - Red Zone
187. Daniel Kosta - The Wild Place
188. Laura Krome - Zep Tepi
189. Robert Krumpholtz - Dark Echo
190. Brian Kurcis - Liberty and Justice For All
191. Timothy Kurdziel - From Beginning to Dissolve, Seven Twenty Six
192. Jason Kutchma - For Hire
193. Susan Laing - The Freelancer
194. Frederic Larreur - McKenzie's Mission
195. Edward Laurence - Crystal Night
196. Kimberly Laux - Madrigal
197. Lichelli Lazar-Lea - Scooter Boy
198. Fred Leadbeater - Jim Bob and the Rabbi
199. Kerry Leichtman - Miracle's Mission
200. Lloyd Leifer - Freeway
201. Steven Leiner - Bangkok
202. Larry Leinoff - Loose Ends
203. Ernest Leong - Getting Along
204. Rick Leverette - Vibrations of Ice
205. Simon Levy - Act of Betrayal
206. Justine Lichtman - French Lessons
207. Donna Liermann - Looking Through Glass
208. Leslie Lindeman - The Last Real Man
209. Angela Lolli-Ceroni - Unplugging Aunt Vera
210. Matt Lopez - The Passenger
211. Ted LoRusso, RJ Reilley - Plain Jane
212. Greg Louden - Accountability
213. Jennifer Madden-Askew - Three Cool Cats
214. Walter Maksym, Jr. - Re
215. Paul Manicone - Color Me Blue
216. Suzye Marino, Jan Milstead - Go Grr-ammy
217. Johannes Marlena - The Fire Horse
218. Gabriella Marron - A Fight For Freedom
219. Samantha Marshall - So Ann, How's Your Love Life?, Finding Mrs. Wright
220. Louis Massouras - Green
221. Charles McBeth - Infinite Wisdom
222. Andrew McCarthy - Nonstop, My Crazy Family
223. Max McCoy - Spoils of War
224. Colin McFadden-Roan - Black Leather Jacket
225. Ann McGee - Rational Justice
226. Greg McIntosh - Calculus Blues
227. Wendy Memoli - Pound Foolish
228. Jack Messitt - Telepatrol
229. Craig Metts - Soldier's Heart
230. Jeffrey Meyer - Side Effects
231. Jeff Michael, Thom Fox - Change of Venue
232. Matt Michnovetz - Super Quest
233. Myles Milch - Fade to Black
234. Michael Mishek - Ghosts Among Us
235. Corey Mitchel - The Good Doctor
236. Tom Mitchell - The Crystal Prophecy
237. Gregory Monahan - The Unknown Handyman
238. Daniel Montague - Stray Bird
239. Betsy Morgan, Jay Soucy - Finding Deborah
240. Heidi Morrell - Crazy Mouth
241. Nat Moss, Alfredo de Villa - Little Angel
242. Erna Mueller - It's a Dog's Life
243. Susan Namest - It's Only Love
244. Bernadette Nason - Wild Streak, Letty's Prayer
245. Dimitri Neos - Crazythunder
246. John Nesci - Third Hand Smoke
247. Amy Neswald - Toast
248. Ron Nicolai - The Agenda
249. Elaura Niles, Mark Renie - Soulmates
250. Erin O'Halloran - Like You
251. Michael O'Reilly - Seize the Ax, Beat the Drum
252. Damon O'Steen - Forgotten Hope, The Last Plea
253. Robert Ohlandt - Good Friday
254. Dwight Okita - My Last Week on Earth
255. Kaenan Oliver, Jay Flynn, Dominic Oliver - New Breed, Old Glory
256. Carmel Owen - The Foundling
257. Christine Panus - Treatment
258. Michelle Paradise - Panopticon
259. Daniel Parker - 'Twas
260. James Park - Loving Rasputin, Seventh Inning Stretch
261. Richard Parrot - Poker
262. Marie Pedersen - Radiant
263. Marco Perella - Milarepa Rocks
264. Ralph Perry - Yoder High
265. Lina Peruzzi - American Grass
266. Jim Piechocki - Edge Rider, Minotaur
267. Philip Pierce - A-Life
268. Reg Platt - Perfectly Frank
269. Daniel Pulick - Fractured
270. Bronwyn Queen, Alex Lynas-Jones - The Banks of Carolina
271. John Rainey - The Real George Spelvin
272. Michael Reid - Fall Back, Spring Forward
273. Frank Reilly - Patron!, The Lifeguard
274. Aaron Ritchie - Hell to Pay, That's Life
275. Michael Romanelli - Enemy Dead
276. Troy Romeo - Pay Back
277. Farrin Rosenthal - I Hate Mondays
278. Denise Rowe - Harvest, Exposure
279. Demetrius Rowley - A Shade Lighter
280. Nick Rufca - Stiletto
281. Whit Rummel - Good Thing, Bad Thing
282. Kathleen Rutherford - The Legend of the Eagle's Gift
283. Paul Saleba, Mark Basile - E=Moma, Raw Liver
284. Daniel Salvatore - The Devil His Due
285. Todd Samovitz - One Nation Under Jerry
286. John Sanders - Origin
287. Ramesh Santanam - No Way to Treat a Killer
288. Nick Santora - Black Ice
289. Steven Santos - Chill Swell
290. R. Stephen Scanlan - Island Fever, American Amore!
291. Pete Schnell - Butchertown
292. Theresa Schwegel - Officer Down
293. Jana Segal - Walking With Grace
294. Patricia Semler - Monsters of Wrestling
295. Tasca Shadix, Graham Smith - Rosemary's Babysitter
296. John Sharpe - Hobbs and the Kid
297. Kathryn Sheard - Richard
298. James Shepard - Driver
299. James Sherman - Beau Jest
300. Cassius Shuman - Jersey Jones
301. Stephen Siciliano - Fool For Love
302. Tom Sinsky - Dealing
303. Saron Siritool - Gem. Shadow's Apart
304. Daniel Plaster Siskin, Tyler Robuck - Dixiewood
305. Betty Smith - Dream Slayer, Going the Distance
306. Brian Smith, Vincent Vinas - One Good Scare
307. Hilary Smith - Beauty Sleep
308. Kat Smith - El Paso
309. Kurt Smith - Dark Horse, Sweet Sorrow, Outliers
310. Nancy Raven Smith - Identity Crisis
311. Paul Smith - Paranoia
312. Harvey Solomon - Out of the Loop
313. Doug Solter - Father Figure
314. Theodore Spania - Lost for Life
315. James Sperl - Nine Ways to Somebody
316. David St. James - Beatnik Strumpet
317. Michael Starrbury - Feature Film Script
318. Adam Stein, Joshua Shelov - The Inheritance
319. Susan Steiner - Brendon's Godfather, The Roar of the Butterfly
320. Denise Stephens Rowe, Steven Wheat - Jonah's War
321. Joe Stevens - Mr. Foul
322. Ken Strang - I'll Be Watching You
323. Elizabeth Streitz - Lost in Paradise
324. Terri Stridsberg - Roses on the Stairway
325. Markeune Semler - Spiral
326. Charles Surran - Blood Brothers
327. Thomas Swyden - Reality Check
328. Stas Tagios, Ethan Gross - The Psycho Therapist
329. Brittany Taylor - Bride Seeks Groom
330. Rick Telesca - Lucky
331. Jan Thomas - Green Light
332. Arthur Tiersky - Jade Buddha
333. Michael Trach - Firefly Summer
334. Brian Tuohy - The Reckoning
335. Matthew Turner, Thomas Phelps - Harvey and Speeder are Dead
336. Richard Turner - The Ditched
337. Jane Turville - Once
338. Tim Tyler - The First
339. David Tyree - N-TV
340. Paul Undari - Bishop's Gambit, Equilibrium
341. Jason Vaile - Autumn's Quarry
342. Sarah Vance - Gun Moll
343. Peter Vanderwall - Uneasy Listening
344. Dhimitri James Vasili - Ten Years Gone
345. Mirtha Vega - Life So Sweet
346. Joe Wack - Unchain My Heart
347. J.T. Walters - Nightingale
348. Tannis Watkins - Routine Traffic Stop
349. Matt Weatherford - A God Damn Love Story
350. Katherine Webb - Grudges
351. Michael Bennett Weisman - Vagabond
352. Craig Weiss - On the Wall
353. Neil Weiss - Modoc
354. Joe Whetstone - Operation Checkmate
355. Bruce Wilkinson - Donor
356. Dylan Willoughby - The Heart of Harlem, Let's Fall in Love
357. Joe Wolff - Condo
358. Eric Wolfhard - Valentine: The Legend
359. Lou Wollin - Cloning Ms. Stone
360. Danny Wright - Mountain of Love
361. Clive Young - Restoration Comedy
362. Patrick Zator - The Courtship of Mr. Green
363. Bob Zeidman - The Amazing Adventure of Edward & Dr. Spechtmachen

Updated: 03/05/2002

Fade In Awards


287 S Robertson Blvd., Ste 467
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
800-646-3896 (voice)


Report Card

Overall: 2 stars2 stars (1.8/5.0)
Professionalism: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (2.9/5.0)
Feedback: 3 stars3 stars3 stars (3.1/5.0)
Signficance: 1.5 stars1.5 stars (1.7/5.0)
Report Cards: 44    
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