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ScreenCraft TV Pilot Competition

ScreenCraft TV Pilot


Our panel of Hollywood industry professionals is looking for the next great drama and comedy TV pilots. This TV Competition has a history of getting writers signed, staffed, and sold. It's one of our most successful competitions, period. Winners and finalists have signed with 3Arts, Management 360, CAA, Verve, Zero Gravity, and more.

Deadline/Entry Fees

Expired. Previous Deadline: 09/30/2024

WinningScripts Pro $10 Off Coupon

Notification: Oct 23rd, Quarterfinalists;Nov 20th, Semifinalists; Jan 8th, Finalists; Jan 29th, Winners.


All writers at least 18 years of age are eligible. However, a writer who has earned more than $50,000 (or equivalent currency) from professional writing services for film or TV in the preceding year is not. Please see website for more info.


Please see website for rules.


Please see website for awards.

ScreenCraft TV Pilot

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ScreenCraft TV Pilot Competition

Contest News

ScreenCraft Names Pilot Launch Quarterfinalists

Quarterfinalists have been announced for the 2018 ScreenCraft Pilot Launch TV Writing Competition, selected from about 2,500 submissions.

Here are the quarterfinalists:

13 Slashers, by Dontonio Cabreana
200 Miles to Broadway, by Luke Jarvis & Rob Pooley
40 Rings, by Kaitlin O’Leary
808 State of Mind, by Courtney Avichouser
A Beginner’s Guide to Being A Ghost Whisperer, by Colleen Laeger
A Hero's Journney: "The Runaways", by Tony Clay
A Little Something Like This, by Marcus Thomas
Above The Fold, by Naja Brown
Abraham's Wake, by Adam Luaces & Katie Neuner
Academy, by Casey Gillespie
Against The Odds, by Tammy Kearly
Against the Wall, by Mary Cantonis
Agent HRH, by Katie Interlichia
Ahead of the Threat, by Ryan Gavan & Jen Kleiner
Aikwood, by Nuri Tal
Alcatraz Island, by Kelly Gregorio
Alice and Dorothy, by Greg McCarron
Aliens, by Sasa Numic & Milos Veljkovic
All for Eve, by Olga Markovic
All the Frogs We Love to Kiss, by Gillian Royes
Alters, by Sarah Allen
American Dream, by Fredrik Colting
American Made, by Sam Tofsted
American Phoenix, by Jane Hampton Cook
American Psyche, by Richard Nguyen
Amorous, by Naomi Pandolfi
Angeles, by Tom Becker
Animal Mayhem, by Stewart Skelton
Anti-Christ(a), by Phillip Rogers
Antlers, by Ercoli Crugnale
Annunnaki Gold Rush, by Diane McIntosh
APACHE, by Cameron Barsanti
Aphrodite's Kiss, by Kayla Mancuso
Après-Ski, by Rakel Joyce
Arcanum: "Providence", by James Nicholson & Christian Young
Art of Life, by Char Zilifli
Asshole, by Laura Mannino
Assisted Loving, by Bruce Specktor
Asylum, by Daniel Sussman
At Risk, by Kristin Goodman
Attendant, by David Pinckney
Avast Ye Pirates, by Sarah K. Moss
Avon Calling!: "A Woman's Work is Never Done", by Hayley Camille
Baby's First Rave, by Rod Kashani
Bad Beat, by Eric Wang Schwager
Bad Girls Standard, by Bradley Spinelli
Bad Medicine, by Sydney Dire
Band, by Alex Fletcher
Bear and Cub, by James Waters
Becky Krater: Bad Girl Detective, by Sydney Freedberg
Bedford Arms, by Clea Montville-Wood
Before the Underground : "Vol.1 ‘Rit'", by Nikki Smallwood
Behind The Counter, by Kassidy Dietz
Beloved, aka Shroud of Mystery, by TK Gross
Beyond The Bench, by Georgette Long
Bianca Slays Hollywood, by Emre Iscan
Big Baddies, by Melissa Kong
Big Man, by K.C. Scott
Bit Players, by Matthew Tiemstra & Robert Tiemstra
Black Bonnie, by Jeremy Colvin
Blackstone, by Kelly Greene
Bleed Millions, by sam kozel
Blerd, by Jonathan Meyers
Blind Man Bounty, by Shiva Ramanathan
Blood Brothers, by PETER Hunziker
Boarding, by Julie Iannone
Boiling Point, by Elysse Applebaum
Bone Wars, by Adam Lohman
Bookworms, by Richard Demak
Boosters, by David Lawrence Hill
Bountiful, by Vincent Stoia
Bounty, by Gary Howell
Boys, by Zachary Levine
Branded, by Christian Lybrook
Break A Leg!, by Brian Laughran
Breaking In, by Brandon Morganstein
Breakneck, by Tyson Kadwell & LA Fields
Buffalo Roam, by Howard Wen
Bullaun, by Emma Ennis
Bureaucrazy, by Dimitry Pompée
C-YODA, by Elizabeth Shum
Caledonia, by Daniel Snoddy
Carny Law, by Anne Pressman
Carpetbaggers, by Matt Thomas
Case Unsolved, by C.J. Arellano
Casey Blatt, by Carolyn Mazanec
Cassadaga, by Suzan Satterfield
Castaways, by Daniel Cohen
Celebrities To Go!, by Rob Gorden & Erika Smith
Cellini, by Peter Natale
Chalk, by Nick Jones
Champions of Danu, by John Paul Murphy & Chris Bramante
Changing Views, by Kari Mote
Charm City Cheddar, by Brett Melnick
Charming, by Max Silver
Charter High, by Brian Montsinger
Chasing the Wolf, by Alan Hayes
Chavez Ravine, by Ben Mesirow
Cheap Thrills, by Jaime Osnato-Rosario
Checked Out, by James Rubin III
Chicago Overcoat, by Abby LaMarre
Children of Free, by Kaycee Hughes
Chipper, by Sean Reidy
Chrysalis, by Keaton McGruder
Cimarrona, by Sara Monteagudo
Citizen Of The Week, by Nicky Burgess
City of Gold, by Daniel Fisch
Classified, by Fiona Rose Mischel
Closers, by Xan Wynne-Jones
Coconut, by James Roche
Cointelpro, by Ben Gross
Cold Open, by Jordan Friedberg
Coldwater, by Craig Berger
Colonials, by Ian Fletcher
Colony 14, by Helen Truong
Come Prepared to Stay Forever, by Heather Davis & Robert Vornkahl
Computer Daemon, by Ian Neisser
Concrete Jungle, by David Kushner
Connection, by Jace Lacob
Controller, by Andrew Sims
Corn Dogs, by Jeffrey Whitaker
Couples Agenda, by Jalen Ayers
Cradle of the Bayou, by Alexander Salazar
Crawler, by T.S. Rather
Crux, by Andrew Sims
Daily Grind, by Enrique Rosado
Dark Horizons, by Carlo Carere & Erin Carere
Dark irish, by Erin Kathleen
De Nuevo, by Joaquin Ticonderoga
Dead Beat, by Collin Lieberg
Deadalive, by Christian J. Hearn
Deadsville, by David Karner
Death Kindly Stopped, by Dontonio Cabreana
Dementia Village, by Laura Wigod
Desert 10, by Zachary Tomlinson
Destroy All Heroes!, by Thomas Yungerberg
Diabolical, by Renier Murillo
Different Breed, by Sean Kelly
Dime Out, by Jamie Fleischman
Dimensions, by David Sheperd
Disco Mafia, by Obie Scott Wade & Jordan Beswick
Disrupted, by Meghann Plunkett
Divided, by Allen Blackwell
Docked, by Joe Abel & Dwayne Perkins
Domesticated, by Stephanie Lazenby
Don't Forget Your Axe During the Robot Apocalypse, by Derek Asaff
Dragged Out, by Robert Axelrod
Dramatic, by Sarah Al-Sherri
Dreamer, by Jesse Rodriguez
Drowning, by Abigail Mangin
Dugan, by Elisabeth Hobbs
Dying On Tuesday, by Bill Keenan
Earlybirds, by Charlie Schulman
Earth-Like, by Sarah K. Moss
East/West, by Artie Mead
Echoes, by Gwendolyn Gabrielle
Eden, by Daniel Ramirez
Edgewood, by Sarah Grodsky
Edith Wilson, by Nick Adams
Eleanor, by Lindsey Gudritz
Elena Montoya, by Elise Marenson
Elvis's Home for Dead Celebrities, by Peter Dudasko
Emerald Isle, by Sydney Meador
Everlasting Bluffs, by Austin Balke
Fables from the 5th Dimension: "Spaghetti Dinner", by Eric Vasallo
Facility, by Stefan Tihanyi
Failure to Communicate, by Cala Adair
Fame-ish, by Dianna Ippolito
Family Style, by Frank Cappello
Farmed, by Erika Abdelatif
Fatality TV, by Sean Pedersen
Fichera, by Danny Cavada
Fifteen Minutes, by Cody Hoffman
Filii Familias, by Christopher Lastrapes
Film Student Gary, by George Acavalos
Firebrand, by Justin Hughes
First Step, by Tom Boyle
Fits the Crime, by Steve Blame
Flawless Execution, by Mike Anderson
Flesh + Blood, by Emily Eslami & Jeffrey Nieves
Florida Woman Saves the Day, by Julie O'Hora & Leanna Adams
Flowerfield, by Mukilan Thangamani
Flux, by FIona Tuohy
Flying Tomato, by Kylie Rolincik
Follow Me, by Rodney Bradley
Food & Drug, by Jason Grote
Foolish Mortals!, by Riccardo Angelini
Forfeit, by Ross Berger
Forgive Me, Father, by William Cuevas
Foul, by Arton Baleci
Four Crows, by Lyndal Simpson
Frat Star, by Lauren Fields
Free Skate, by Caitlin McCarthy
Freeman, by William Hubbard
Frontier Zero, by Tod Fennell
Frontiersmen, by Anthony Weintraub
Fruit Fly, by Ryan Logan
Fufu, by Bill Horace
Gaiatown, by Dane McCauley
Gales, by Ingred Prince
Gameface, by Jennifer Liao
Ganja Bay, by Tony Hendriks & Gillian Royes
Ghost Light, by Nicholas Martinez
Giant, by Milena Korolczuk
Globemaster, by Alex Klein
Go To Hell Eternal Battle, by John La Chase
Good Night, Moon, by Saaret Yoseph
Gordon, Too, by Matthew-Lee Erlbach
Grayscale, by Jennifer Alexander
Great Britton, by Henderson Wade
Greyson, by David Pinckney
Guerrilla, by Felix Guadalupe
Gunpowder, by kevin sheridan
Gwendolyn Pierce, by Misty McClure
H.B.I.C., by Matthew Weiss
Hacking Talent, by Ira Allen
Half Life, by Katie Ryan
Hallelujah Baptist, by Maggie Calton
Hard Times In The Big Easy, by Grant Cassidy
Hargrave, by Max Harp & Quentin Basnaw
Healed, by George O'Connor
Hella Bae: "Rollin' Hella Deep", by Maria Lingbanan
Hellcats of the Caribbean, by Elizabeth Ditty
Her Majesty's Spymistress, by Marcus Goodwin
Highwire, by Gareth Smith
Hill, by Christopher Lastrapes
Hitmom, by Derek Asaff
Hollywood Enterprises, LLC, by Joshua Yonkin & Sean Downs
Honey, by Chris Drzewiecki
Hope on Her Way, by Alexis Pivnicny
Horizon, by Justin Kohlas
Hot Steaming Garbage, by Brandon Brown
Hothead, by Reda Fayad
How Can I Help You, by James Gonzo
How Grace Got to Run the World, by Reeve Segal
How to Girl, by D. Scott
How to Grieve, by Chelsea Gray
Humanity Downfall, by Júlia de Moura
Hustlers, by Jason Kubik
Hustlers Anonymous, by Peter Gazdag
I, Alice, by Duane Piedmont
Ice Dance, by Abigail Mangin
Illegal Alien, by Raleigh Cain
Impact, by Michael Hardy
Imposter, by Yellowlees Douglas
In Bed With A Mosquito, by Everett Goldner & Lauren Sonis
In Chambers, by Carolyn Kras
In Chrysalis, by Nelson Downend
In Pursuit, by Melinda Maerker
In the Mind of Mr. McAlpine, by Mark Sundermann
In The Wolf's Mouth, by Mariah Gretchen Robinson
In-Security, by Matt Weinglass
Industry, by Jess Mazza
Inn Love, by Dana Quercioli
Insight, by Andrea Kagey
Insurrection, by Simon Bowler
Intelligence, by Maera Siddiqi
iPresident, by Daniel Hunt
Ironside, by Lili Owen
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: "The Gang Thrives Without Dennis", by Richard Turgeon
Ivan's Hammer, by Ben Maraniss
J.P. Kimble, Wish Lawyer, by Patrick Allan Laffoon
Jackrabbit, by David Schlow
Jane Love, by Jessica OKeefe
Janie's Got A Gun, by Christopher Keene
Jessica Exalted, by Khadijah Iman
Jinxed, by Brian Ellis
John & Meryl, by Jimmy Prosser
Jung, by Andrea Mihailescu
K-Cons, by Sherman Li
Keele Street Kings, by Tony Tang
Kewobuk Kayak Company, by Emily Chase Smith
Kingdom of Children, by Kristen Joy Bjorge
Kingdom of God, by Travis Opgenorth
Knock, by Adam Hofe
Krewe, by Christopher Lastrapes
L/ecole du Micro D'Argent, by Sophie Dab
La Fabulosa Conchita: Private School Girl, by Sophia Lopez
Lake High, by Ushmey Chakraborty
LatinX, by Alain Alfaro
Laundry Service, by Catherine Delaloye & Mariana Trevino
Learning to Fall, by Mandy Newton
Legacy, by Kellen Hertz
Legacy of the Fallen, by Emily Casebolt
Lessons In Breaking Up, by Evan Sorlien
Leviathan, by Ben DeLoose & Matthew Chilelli
Lexicon, by Amanda Keener
Life After Society, by Jack Maron
Life On My Knees, by Robin Russin & William Downs
Life With Rodney, by Jabari Howard
Lifeline, by Meredith Casey
Lifestream, by Holly Beverly
Lionel P.I., by Stephen M. Collins
Littlefish, by R. C. Beauchesne
Loop, by Steve Miranda
Lost Edon Canyon, by Alan R. Baxter
Lot 47, by Stephen Tramontana
Love Scenes, LLC, by Lira Kellerman
Love, Chelsea, by Jenny Rauch
Love|Depraved Cathedral, by Meaghan Hynes
Lube: The Web Series, by Jack Turner
Lucas, by C.J. Arellano
Lyre, by Amanda Prentiss
M, by Kaitlin Colombo
Mad Bird, by Meghann Plunkett
Madam Caraveil's Caravan of Curiosities, by Amanda Keener
Made in America, by Nelda Turcios
Magnolia, by Christopher Lastrapes
Maintenance, by Max Ash
Make Love, by Jenah Patterson
Malaya, by Stacie Gancayco-Adlao
Mall Walkers, by Carla Soldano
Man Of The People, by David Negrin
Master of None: Halfsies, by Stacie Gancayco-Adlao
Masterrace, by James Gavin Bedford
Meat Picasso, by Lila McLaughlin
Memory Lane, by Gorrman Lee
Men In The Shadows, by Nick Lentz
Men?, by Rod Kashani
Midland, by Brady Morell
Midwest Mom Group, by Darcy Bahensky
Migra, by Christine Torres
Millennium, by Jonathon Rodgers
Minding Time, by Duane Kellogg & Bob Stromberg
Mindless, by Riley Helm
Minimal Wage, by Peter Rogers & Izaak Sunleaf
Missing Evelyn, by Michele Gray & Catherine Hill
MK Ultra, by Andrea Ash
Molineaux, by Deron Albright
Monogamous?, by Jessie Gant
Monsters, by Kamran Khan
Morgan And The Evil, by Skye Tenorio
Morris Pines Pilot, by Emmett Kowalski
Most Likely to Succeed, by Matthew Kunkel
Motor City, by Devin Adair
Mourning Glory, by Craig Coyne
Mr. Neptune, by Michael Zammit
Murder of Crows, by Jason Forbach
Murses, by Patrick Dunham
Muse, by Keely Schafer
My Human Experience, by Aimee Dansereau & Sarah Cooke
My Wild-Eyed Boy, by Daniel Matier
Mytery Rangers: "The Lake", by Evelyn Morgan
N A T I V E, by Kevin Walls
Nearly Super Nova, by Annie Nishida
Negative Space, by James Comfort II
NetSleuths.com, by Elizabeth J, Musgrave
Never Gonna Die, by Cecile Garcia
New World Order, by Molly Vogel
New York Noir, by David Hudacek
Newsers, by Jennifer Kim
Nick Colton, by Tony Sarrecchia
No Reservation, by Ross Fischer
Noctem, by Kayla Knutson
Noise, by Matt Ackels
Nomads, by Nilendra Fonseka
noobs, by Matt Gengel
Normal Avenue, by Adam Vaughn
Nosebleeds, by Jeff Cahn
Nothing Left, by R. Cadell Cook, II
Novel, by William Bienes & Aimee Parrott
Novel Endings, by Christine Bendorf
OFF-Season, by Jameson Pfeifle
On Cannery Row, by P.J. Palmer
On Probation, by Sergio Cámara
Otherworld, by Tracy Nicoletti
Otherworld, by Dawn Prato
Ouroboros, by Dennis James Clarke
Outward, by Brian Koffler
Overly Critical Dick, by Scott Seiler
Pain & Suffering, by Eran Lagstein
Pansy: An American Aversion, by Jack Flynn
Paranormal, Occult, and Oddities Patrol: Possessed Real Estate, by Jamie Marchetti
Past Lives, by Raymond Santos
Past/Tense, by James Spillman
PCL, by Angie Engelbert
Peninsula, by David MacGregor
Phantom, by Vicky Wheeler
Phoenix Rising, by Tami Anderson
Placidville, by Marc Zatorsky
Plain Janeisha, by Angela Magnus
Planet 30, by Margaux Poupard
Playhouse, by Duane Garcia & Max Minus
Playing the Palace, by Alex Williams
Please Subscribe, by Johanna Lindhe
Plight, by Mykell Barlow
Point Douglas, by Cameron Patterson
Points of Convergence, by Rodney Gibbons
Post-Nuclear Family, by John Niemiec
Practical Dissonance, by Luke Carr
Practical Magic, by Brady Caverly
Pre-Life, by Adam Vaughn
Preconception, by Jacklyn Bassanelli
Pressed, by Chase Block
Pro Bono, by Eran Lagstein
Producers: "Money", by Les Zig
Promiseland, by Stephen Wallenfels
Prophet Margin, by Adam Skelter
Quartermaster, by Karl Archer
Queen of Court, by James Pickel
R.P.M., by Jeffrey Jackson
RCMP Mike, by Mark Syer
Rearview, by Jared Gordon
Reclaimed, by Gena Ellis
Record-Breaking, by Cala Adair
Red Flag, by Suzanne Slack-Smith
Relics, by Rose Skye
Revelations, by Keith Bacon
Revenge on Society, by Vladas Rozenas
Revolutionary Gangsters, by Martin Andres Markovits & Niko Markovits
Rhiannon, by Amanda Eberhardt
Rhythm & Life, by Andy Wasif, Mandore Oviedo & Alesia Glidewell
Richer Than a White Man, by Christine Stevens DeLorenzo
Ride the fence, by RM Shafer
Riot Grrrls, by Rebecca Leib
Rise and Shine, by Lull Mengesha
Ritual, by Joel Brewster
Roads To Rome, by Ryco Newton-Block & Joseph Powell
Rock N Horse, by Debi Calabro
Rock Show, by Liam Semple
Rocky Mountain High, by Mark Dylan Brown
Rose, by Chris Caleo
Rust, by Justin Moran
Safe Words, by Molly Brady
Saint Mephistopheles Hospital, by Lily Cheng
Salem High, by Eric Glawe
Salvage, by Justin Rettke
Samsara, by Mitali Jahagirdar
San Francisco Sound, by Tim Bartell
Savage, by David Schlow
Savior, by Tim Molloy
Sawdust, by Julien Hunt
Schism: Renewal, by Malcolm Taylor
Schleicher (WT), by Falco Jagau
Schrodinger's Cat, by Amanda Keener
Scott's Triad, by Merridith Allen
Sea Legs & Fish Nets, by Maria Finn
Seamless, by Layne Friedman
Second Earth, by Christopher Locke
Secret and Confidential, by Ben Maraniss
Selling Out, by Ronald Williams & Walter Gulley
Sex Class, by Daniel Waters
SEX:XES, by Brian Ellis
Shadows, by Philip Pirrello
Shanda, by Jillian Lauren
Shared Space, by Mark Stuver
Shikari, by Thomas Hunkin & Jamie Lewis
Shine, by Jennifer Bianchi
Shine, by Chelsea O'Connor
Sidekick, by Joey Capuana
Signs + Wonders, by Liz Maestri
SkyFire, by Mark Morris & Jeff Whitehead
Slayer(s), by Deanna Shumaker
Slow Wake, by Jacob Salzberg
Smut, by Nancy Amestoy
Social Engineers, by Moutaz Jad
Soldier.Spy.Diplomat, by Jerry Oliver
Somerville, by Dayna Duncan
Sonata, by Runjeev Ignatius
Sophisticated Ratchets, by Victoria Renee Bell
Sorority Ghosts, by Annie Pace
Soulstring, by Lenny Ciotti
Southbound, by Katerina Grishakova
Southern Draw, by George O'Connor
Space Captain Smith, by John Palfery-Smith & Bruce Hanson
Spark, by Minoti Vaishnav
Spinsterhood, by Jhanvi Motla & Steven Crawford
Sprinkles and Buttons, by Steve Miranda
Starter Home, by Kathleen McMaster
Staten, by Anthony Sellitti
Staying in America, by Rishabh Bhavnani
Steamblood, by Jose Bustos
Stillwell, by Isaac Leggett & Graham Cooper
Stillwell's At The Lodge, by Alan Petherick
Stock, by JoAnn McLean
Stone's Throw, by Samantha White & Joshua Korngut
Storyville, by Mariah Gretchen Robinson
Strange, CA, by Ben Warner
Subtractive Colors, by Jovon Outlaw
Suburban Gold: "The Milk", by Paul Burow
Sunny's War: "Shitstorm", by Ed Proudfoot
Super, by Jack Maraghy
Superfoods, by Caleb Scott
Supernote, by David Owens
Survival: The Art And Science, by Ed Severs
Survivors: B.S., by Julia Skikavich
Swann Song, by Lindsey Dier
Swimsquatch, by James Gulian
Tainted Pilot, by Melissa Cesark
Tales From The Creeps : The Feeteaters, by Diana Davis
Tales Untold, by Sue Rowe & Jeff Rowe
Tampsen Air, by Chase Thompson
Tavistock, by Marie-Emmanuelle Hartness
Tears Of The Angels, by Courtney LoCicero & Charles Musser
Telex, by Freddy White
Tender Mercies, by Nandhini Sundaresan
Terminally Chill, by Kirsten Cills
Tess the Inventor, by Jacqueline Gault & Larry Starke
That Sister Thang, by Lindiwe Mueller-Westernhagen & Dale Winton
The Adventures of Penny Patterson, by Stephanie Donnelly
The Aftermath, by Juliana Rabadjija
The Alpha Warriors and Their Pig, by Memo Lopez
The Amazing Annabelle!, by Tim Hitpas
The Ambassador's Wife, by Bruce Gadel
The Ballet Murders, by Victoria Augustine
The Barbizon, by Natasha Soto-Albors
The Battle of Marble Hill, by Andrea Lawson
The Bishop Project, by Rick Beaty
The Botz, by John Eleftheriou
The Boys From Pine Bluff, by Alexandra Salerno
The Cenacle, by Vincent Parker
The Character, by Emily Ann Scott
The Check List, by Kaye Singleton
The Chop, by Ryan O'Leary
The Club, by Jerrad Burford
The Club, by Darin Olson & Jonathan Jorgensen
The Collection, by Emre Ozpirincci
The Conversion Con, by Andrea Lawson
The Dead Travel Fast, by Cody Wareham
The Deep Burn, by Jerry Landry
The Deep End, by Mark Lyons & Alex Harris
The Deported, by Joe Abel
The Differences, by Ian Jackson
The Dividing Line, by Rick Beaty
The Donnellys, by Greg Turner
The Draft, by Karoyln Carnie
The End, by Derek Asaff
The Enemy, by Medi Gwosdz
The Forever People, by David Hudacek
The Frequency, by Amy Parrish
The Frozen Hell, by Robert Bowman
The G.O.A.T., by Micah Paisner & Thomas Mentel
The Gemini, by Robert DiBella
The God Pill, by Kerry Kolbe
The golden cage, by Sonal Sheopori
The Great Quake, by Jonathan Peterson
The Greatest Show on Earth, by A. S. Thompson
The Grove, by Zach Messner
The Guardian, by Cedrick May
The Hellhounds, by Z. R. Denis
The Immortals, by Tyler Hein
The King is Dead, by Gabriel Cruz
The King of America, by Jess Leslie
The Last Days of Baghdad, by Ted Wheeler & Drew Justice
The Legitimate, by Brandon Smithey
The Lesbian Spirit Guide, by Lilly Camp
The Line, by Jeff Bower
The Living, by Christopher Gallegos
The Lobbyist, by Brent Lewis
The Long Road, by Elie El Choufany
The Machine, by Cory Greeson
The Maharaja, by Amar Rehal
The Masses, by Toni Nagy
The Maulers, by Adam Dick
The Melting Pot, by Tor Cumberbatch
The Mogul, by Maxine Milan
The Monkeyface Chronicles, by Richard Scarsbrook
The Mortician, by Miguel Lozano
The Murdering, by Casey Geisen
The Nation, by Mark Thomas
The New Preservers, by Dan Cerruti
The Nightmare Men, by Dontonio Cabreana
The Oaks, by Jacqueline Jasso
The Observer Effect, by Garret Walsh
The Osmonds, by Patrick Gamble
The Outlaw Years, by M O'Connell
The Pastor's Daughter, by J Scott Worthington
The Peace Gene, by Ken Floyd
The Peak, by Jessica Sinyard
The Peh, by Justin Streight
The Plaza, by Beth Falkenstein
The Prince, by J. Franklin Evans
The Queen Of Caspary, by Laura Solow
The Queen of Magic, by Roxanne Beck
The Quickening, by Brittany Worthington
The Recovery Agents, by Marco Santiago
The Reel Deal, by Dominique Worsley
The Replacement, by Nabil Chowdhary
The Resurrectionists, by Travis Opgenorth
The Rouge, by Aimee Adell Johnson
The Scholomance, by Kenny LeRoy
The Secret Life of Inbred Mutants, by Sean Collins-Smith
The Seventh Circle, by Corbin Christopher
The Shapers, by Adam Scott Mazer
The Silver Screen, by J.J. Bitters
The Sisters Stetson, by Ariel Reider
The Slippery Fox, by Lyndal Simpson
The Stock, by Alyssa Appleton
The Summer Girls, by Christopher O'Bryant
The Sweet Spot, by Joe Diamond
The Tipping Point, by Justin Gallaher
The Transit Authority, by Michael Dennehy & Shawn Fields
The Trouble With Audrey, by Paul Ashton
The War Magicians, by Sarah Fischer
The Weird, by Benjamin Szymanski
The White Mouse: "Witch", by Heather Farlinger
The Wingmen, by JIm Garrison
The XVIIIth, by Vanessa Carmichael
The Young Prophet, by Zeke Smith
There Be Monsters, by Drew Robinson
There's No Place Like OM, by Monique Reymond
They Live: "Since Eight O'Clock in the Morning", by Barry Gerdsen
Thick as Thieves, by Sam Ferguson
This Vicious Minute, by Ben Moroski
Those People, by Andrew Zeoli & Christian Wagner
Tick Tock, by Ari Abraham
Tide Over … Not!, by John Boal
Title, by Iliya Ghotbi
To Those Who Are Lost, by Katrina Waldron
Token Kyle, by Melissa Emery
Totally Sick, by Adam Nadler
Towns End, by Trevor Lawrence
Tribes, by Ross Denyer
Triggered, by Natalee Branham
Triple Zero, by Evan Cathcart
True North, by Peter Malone Elliott
Twin Cities, by Dave Ash
Two Truths & A Lie, by Kendra Arimoto
Uncoupling, by Gil Hizon
Undersheriff, by Duggan McDonnell
Unfamiliarland, by Micah Paisne & Nick Weiss-Richmond
Unfit, by Scott Seiler
Union 415, by Tony Savage
Unplugged, by Adam Toltzis
Untitled Lindsay Farris Project, by Lindsay Farris
Unveil, by Yolanda Benet
Unwanted, by Eugene Mont & Thomas Muller
Urban Legend, by Michael Bullotta
Urban Legends, by Ian Fisher
Vamp, by Jenna Wycoff
Vermilion, by Liz Ellis
Virus, Inc., by Kelly Woodson
Vista Nada, by Tom Batha
Vlad: "Dragons and Devils", by Joseph Cashman
Waking Up White, by Jason Gregory
Walk In Closet, by Jon Medici
War Stories: "Behind the Gun", by Nick McKinless
Wasted Youth, by Evan Bell
WBOS, by Sarah McLean
We Are Not Normal, by Brett Ryland
We're Still Here, by Daniel Bracey
We're Trying, by Casey Rackham
Wedgewood, by Natalie Harris
Weimar, by Ben Maraniss
Wellwick, by Kaycee Hughes
When A Man Loves A Muslim, by Matthew Schlissel & Catlan McClelland
When in Rome, by Rob Thorman
White Trash Heroes, by Peter Stallo
Who is Polaris, by Gary Rose
Who Killed Dante Duggan?, by Gavin Howard
Wild Swans, by Loredana Gasparotto
Wine & Guac, by Griffin Kelly
Wing Women, by Chloe Stearns
Woman Up, by Dale Winton
Wonderland City, by Ricky Miller
X, by Christian Canterbury
X, by Chris Phillips
Yellow, by Zara Meerza
Yellow Belles, by Lucy Ciaffa & Jordan Neely
Yellow Bird, by Sean-Michael Sullivan
You Got Served, by Tom Nanos & Frank Trezzi
Young Americans, by Alexander Mirecki
Zenith, by Deric Olsen

Updated: 11/09/2018

ScreenCraft TV Pilot Competition

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