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Six Hours to Santa Monica

A failed NASCAR driver looking for redemption uncovers a sinister plot involving his ex-girlfriend. With the help of a prototype car, he must defy the odds to get her back.

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Author Bio:
Dallas Gibson was born in Pueblo, Colorado in 1982, but moved to the Texas Panhandle at a young age. He was raised in the tiny Texas town of Darrouzett, a stone's throw from Oklahoma. After graduating high school in Follett, Texas he remained in the Panhandle region until 2011 when he moved to the DFW area, where he resided until 2019. In the summer of 2019, along with his wife, and fellow screenwriter Crow and their two children, Dallas moved to the Tampa Florida area.

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Contest Results:
L.A. Live Film Fest (Finalist) [2020]
Southeastern (Finalist, Southeast Regional ) [2020]
Twister Alley Festival (Finalist) [2019]
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