

Upgrade to WinningScripts PRO to see your projects promoted free via ScriptLinks!

You may have noticed that the WinningScripts.com top-rated scripts don't change very often. With ScriptLinks, that doesn't matter. Subscribe to WinningScripts PRO and all of your new or updated scripts will be displayed prominently along with the top-rated scripts in each category. (See ScriptsLinks in the right-hand column of this page.)

How does it work?

It's simple! Unlike Yahoo and Google, where advertisers bid for prominent advertising position, ScriptLinks slots are assigned automatically to the most recently submitted or updated scripts in the database (PRO subscribers only.) You'll get great exposure for your projects even if you haven't (yet) won a lot of contests.

What do I have to do to get started?

Subscribe to WinningScripts PRO, post a new script or update an existing listing. That's it. Your script will included automatically in the ScriptLinks listings for all appropriate searches.

How long will my scripts remain listed in ScriptLinks?

ScriptLinks features the 10 most most recently submitted or updated projects for each search. Update your project listings often to maintain your presence on the list.

Subscribe to WinningScripts PRO!

Go Pro!