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Friendship is the greatest catch.

All small suburban towns have their stories, and this is one of those tales. The townspeople, especially the children are afraid of a mysterious old man that lives in the neighborhood. He is rarely seen or heard from. The rumors say he murdered his family and others say he has a history linked with organized crime. People of the town warn the children to stay away and avoid him at all costs.

A troubled teenager named Tommy does not know whether to believe in the rumors or if he is too afraid to discover the truth for himself. Tommy decides like everyone else to avoid this man even though his curiosity about the rumors is overwhelming.

One day, while playing baseball with his friends; Tommy inadvertently hits the ball over his fence and directly into the bay window of the mysterious old man’s home. Tommy’s friends fearing the rumors run away to avoid being caught by this man. Tommy’s curiosity compels him to go to the neighbor’s home to apologize for damaging the window, yet while at his front door, he loses his nerve and runs away.

The next day, feeling guilty, and despite his own fears and reservations; Tommy takes it upon himself to go make amends for breaking the window. This decision will put him in direct contact with the mysterious old man that the neighborhood has feared for so long.

As result of their meeting, Tommy agrees to help him restore an old fishing boat. While working together Tommy and the old man will learn they are not so different. Each of them is at a troubled crossroads in their lives and the friendship that forms will transform them forever.

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Writer’s Statement

(Imagine the impossible, dream the impossible, and always believe in the impossible.)

I grew up in Dayton, Ohio, United States of America. I am one of three siblings and in fact, I have an identical twin brother. I was born with a medical disability, but I never allowed my disability to define who I am. Growing up I loved hanging out with my friends, family, and just getting into all sorts of crazy nonsense. These childhood memories and struggles have shaped my imagination and gave me focus on becoming a writer.

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