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A desperate group of late-night commuters, stranded in a subway tunnel, are systematically terrorized by an evil entity that knows their darkest secrets.

Toby Carradine never wanted to be a hero. He never wanted publicity. And now, he just wants custody of his kids, but it seems, being the "Subway Savior" (as the Post once dubbed him after a daring act of heroism), is a lot harder than it looks.

In a city known for it's heartlessness, not to mention one haunted by daily tales of crime, terror threats, and mayhem, at the hands of the notorious "Subway Slayer", Toby once gave people hope with just one selfless act.

But you can't pay the bills with a pat on the back and a key to the city. And deep down, something feels decidedly off to this humble man of the people as he descends a subway stairwell in lower Manhattan one fateful night. Little does he know, his good will toward man is about to be tested. On his way to an important custody hearing, he boards a Brooklyn bound train with a new found urgency and a cautious optimism.

But when the train stops in a tunnel for an alarmingly protracted period of time, experiencing yet another one of those "unavoidable delays", his plans are clearly off track once again.

And for the increasingly desperate passengers of train car 8958, (among them, a fussy artist, a loud mouth construction worker, and the worrisome son of an MTA big wig), all with some important appointment to keep, the waiting, is indeed the hardest part... for now.

When this cross section of stereotypical "Noo Yawkers" stop bickering amongst themselves long enough to start looking for answers, they find a murdered MTA conductor, and a mysterious homeless man who dispatches a cryptic warning along with his alarmingly accurate wisdom:

The Motorman's coming.

And he's coming to judge them. For all of their sins. In this life, and in ones long since passed by.

The one-hundredth anniversary of the worst subway disaster in history is approaching, a dark otherworldly force has been disturbed, and old ghosts are rudely reawakened, as the menacing embodiment of subterranean evil has been unleashed to avenge the considerable misdeeds of the past.

As the bodies pile up, the tormented travelers battle a legion of seemingly possessed "Mole People", a nefarious Homeland Security Agent, and a possible bioweapon outbreak. It seems as if a misguided, ill-timed terror drill has gone horribly real world with startling psychological consequences for all exposed. It's the express train ride from insult to injury as they find themselves possible guinea pigs in a New York minute. Facing a deadly drive toward destiny, they must avoid the wrath of the mysterious Motorman, who wields his deadly rail spike hammer with relentless abandon.

As the embattled "train-that-could" finally takes off and reaches dangerous, out of control speeds, it seems the only appointment these harried commuters are set to keep is one with fate.

It's up to Toby, the reluctant hero in their midst, to take the controls, assume his rightful destiny, and stop history from repeating itself like a hellish echo, along the way thwarting the wraith-like avenger from collecting the last of the souls he needs.

Stand clear of the closing doors. The last stop... could be your next.

The Motorman.

Hell is going nowhere fast.

Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Wesley Snipes
Adrien Brody
Jai Courtney
In the Vein Of:
Midnight Meat Train
Author Bio:
************The REVIEWS are in on The MOTORMAN************

"Quality of Writing: very good. The subject matter is engaging... pretty much gets to the action soon after it begins... some finely carved characters... I think the plot was interesting and you worked it out quite well, between the present and revealing bits and pieces of the past when necessary... a very solid script. I like the way everyone on the train is supposed to be somewhere else.

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