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Scriptapalooza TV Interviews 1-Hour Contest Winner

Evan Laughlin
1st place winner
1 hour category

How did you come up with your story idea?

I decided that I wanted to write a Boston Legal spec, because I like and admire the show. So I sat down and tried to think of an interesting situation or case that I hadn't seen before in a movie or on tv. I did, and that situation became the source of my A story. Then I tried to figure out another interesting situation or case that might relate thematically, directly or indirectly, to the A story. I did, and that became my B story. As to how the story ideas came to me, I don't have a clue in the world.

How long did it take you to write it?

Two weeks of writing. Before that, probably another week of watching and taking notes on old episodes to try to master, as much as I could, the characters and quirks and rhythms of the show.

Is this your first script that you have written?

I've written mostly feature specs. This is the first time I tried a one-hour tv script.

Have you entered other screenwriting competitions?

I have, but never before with a television script.

If so, have you been successful?

Well, I haven't been indicted yet, so that's something.

If you could write for any TV show, which one would it be?

Either Boston Legal, or Any Other Show That Would Have Me.

Updated: 03/13/2007

Additional Contest Info: Scriptapalooza TV Writing Competition

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