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An eccentric billionaire and his family struggle to escape from their subterranean luxury bunker when they are stalked by monsters that evolved during the Permian extinction and were set loose by the building of the bunker two miles underground. The monsters hunt the fleeing humans using "blindsight."

American high-tech multi-billionaire Craig McHenry has bought former cold war subterranean bunkers with the plan to turn these vaults into luxury "Noah's Arks" in case of catastrophe. McHenry now has intelligence that nuclear war with Russia is imminent. He takes his wife ELLIE and his two daughters MELISSA, 22, and ANNIE, 16, to ground in the super-shelter IMPERVOS ONE.

Protected by a steel superstructure hardened with tungsten, carbon and titanium, residents can live in luxury for more than a decade with every amenity—Hyper-compact, multi-redundant generators supply power. The bunker is biologically self-sustaining, with a state-of-the-art infirmary.

OPEN ON UNDERGROUND TUNNEL CONTROL CENTER: Engineer Lance WRIGHT, 28, and two other Ph.D. engineers have designed a system that delivers unlimited water from a Mesozoic era aquifer. After tense moments, a fountain of pure water bubbles up. The engineers throw their hardhats in the air, plunge their faces into the water and drink. Later, they leave to collect their paychecks and return to the world. They think Craig is crazy, but they’ll take his money.

CLOSE ON a drop of water: Something seems to be wriggling in it. As the engineers leave, a TINY COLORLESS LIFE FORM follows them into the main bunker. The engineers are angry: Craig refuses to let them out. During an initiation ceremony that night, he explains that he chose them to survive the coming nuclear ruin and begin a new civilization. When Lance challenges him, Craig has him incarcerated.

Melissa sneaks down to be with him as romance blossoms.

Meanwhile, the CREATURES find the food supplies and gorge. TIME PASSING Melissa, opens the door of her luxurious bedroom and hears scratching at a closed hallway door, swipes her hand and it opens. A MONSTER confronts her with an arsenal of teeth. Melissa screams, backs out, slams the door and flees.

Lance and the engineers decide to hack their way out of the bunker' security system. They make their way through the underground tunnel to the control room. When they open the passage to the tunnel, they confront another monster. After an extended fight, it kills and consumes an engineer. Lance realizes that the aquifer contained creatures from the super-continent Pangaea. During the Permian Extinction, they took refuge underground and evolved to survive while 90% of earth’s animals went extinct. They rely on “blindsight” as light-reactive proteins cover their skin, turning the whole body into a compound eye. And mouth.

Craig McHenry gathers his family and workers in a "keep" as a last refuge against breach. He arms and organizes a hunting expedition, leaving Lance to extract his family if he doesn’t return.

The hunters descend into the tunnel and stalk the CREATURES with sophisticated weapons and flame throwers. Craig and Lance communicate by mining industrial telephones, Craig orders Lance to make for the exit, as his team lures the CREATURES deeper. Craig is wounded. Lance and Melissa now must get everyone out and seal off the bunker. Pursued by the CREATURES, Lance leads survivors through the twists and turns of the underground tunnel.

They reach the entrance and enter the exit code just ahead of the creatures. But the massive door opens to nuclear chaos: Craig had been right. The world is at war. Military transports pass. The atmosphere catches fire as mushroom clouds erupt and shock waves blow them backwards. Now the group must decide: try to survive the nuclear holocaust or return to the bunker and fight for their lives as early Man did against predators. As TITLES RUN, the humans re-enter IMPERVOS ONE to survive until earth is habitable again—if ever.

Script Excerpt
Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Natalie Portman
George Clooney
Edward Norton
In the Vein Of:
Shutter Island
End of Days
Clear and Present Danger
Author Bio:
Author website: www.lindaboroffauthor.com Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.com/Linda-Boroff/e/B00NWE6J3I

Nominated for a Pushcart Prize in fiction in 2021 and 2016

I wrote the feature film, Murder in Fashion, about the shooting of designer Gianni Versace by serial killer Andrew Cunanan. The film played at theatres and festivals and was reviewed in the NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/22/movies/22murder.html?_r=0

"Low budget but accurate and well constructed insight into a modern mystery" review by Richard von Lust L.

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