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Twelve Less

Twelve teenagers survive a plane crash, which at first was thought to be caused by a structural flaw. However, one-by-one the surviving teenagers are being killed. It is left to those still alive to find the saboteur before they too perish.

Summer, 2029, Sydney, Australia and 13 years of schooling has come to an end for 11 teenagers, who together intend to celebrate with a trip to Bali.

However, Tracy and her friends, Marina and Tamara, cancel their flight due to the sudden death of Tracy's father.

The other eight teenagers board the plane but while the plane is taxi-ing to the runway, another teenager, Callan, unknown to the eight, is unable to control his anxiety over flying and starts to cause a disturbance and is sent to the brig, situated at the back of the plane, a new feature in passenger aircraft in 2029.

Then one of the eight teenagers, Wendilee, sees ominous signs in the throw of her knucklebones and she too urges the plane to return to the terminal, declaring a disaster awaits all on board. She becomes hysterical and she too is locked away in the brig.

Her friends, out of loyalty and care, voluntarily join her in the brig.

Just at the point of take-off, the plane loses its rear fuselage (the brig) and then the rest of the fuselage becomes a fireball, killing all, save the nine teenagers in the brig.

Then someone begins to kill the surviving teenagers, with Tracy, Marina and Tamara also being targeted — as evidenced by the failed attempt on Marina's life.

The remaining six teenagers struggle to capture the determined killer before they too perish.

The story ends where it began: on a flight to Bali. The teenagers capture the saboteur only to realise that it is they who have been trapped.

Script Excerpt
Written by:
Starring Roles For:
An opportunity for unknown young actors.
An opportunity for unknown young actresses.
In the Vein Of:
Final Destination (2000)

Author Bio:
Last updated: 29 October 2023.

I became a hobbyist screenwriter in 2007 when I purchased version 7 of Final Draft. I’ve since completed 12 screenplays and one TV pilot.

My screenplays are: 1. Counterchance. “When life-saving miracles happen”. 2. Glorious Revolution. “Unintended consequences”. 3. Howlingween. “A holiday into hell”. 4. Howlingween 2: Clarry the Clown. “An island paradise becomes a trap”. 5. Howlingween 3: Red River County.

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