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Rod Knock

A newly single man establishes himself as a handyman and becomes friends with two buddies, but he doesn’t realize he has grown to love his new female friend until they all return from his heroic feat.

Rodney Knockers loses his long-term job due to a plant closing. About the same time, his wife accuses him of running around and throws him out of the house, permanently.

New to the singles world, he struggles to find himself. Controversial in nature, he says whatever is on his mind, and you have to like him because he is so genuine. He has a feminine nature, but does masculine work, and almost whines with his overrefined and elongated statements to describe his true feelings. Nothing about Rodney is hidden. He is unpretentious, and totally open and honest.

At his daughter Francie’s suggestion, he tries several singles clubs, but just doesn’t seem to fit in. Downhill skiing is too dangerous, travel clubs are too expensive, and the ladies at the boating club all want men who have boats. To feel comfortable, he promotes himself with the women as a handyman, which seems to get him some work, and also some dates.

His charges for his work are very fair, and he can fix almost anything. While he does many jobs well, he makes some mistakes and encounters some embarrassing mishaps, such as shorting out the whole house electricity while doing repair work, and trying to replace a bathtub to find that the plumbing is at the wrong end. His social life is equally eventful, as he drops his lady friend on the dance floor with the dip movement, his old car repeatedly overheats when taking a date home, and he almost gets arrested setting off an alarm at his son’s house when trying to get in through the bathroom window.

He manages to make friends with a couple of fellows who invite him to play golf, but who also take pleasure laughing at him behind his back. With his social blunders and repairman mishaps, they don’t think he can do anything right. His unpolished manner and frugal habits give way to much ridicule with his new-found buddies, but his genuine and soft-hearted ways win over in an acceptable manner with the ladies.

Rodney finally gets employed as a custodian at a grade school, only to get in trouble for doing a good deed. Getting caught with his pants down, he gets fired, which leaves him sulking on his couch. After continually being scorned and laughed at, Rodney is called upon to answer a distress call from his Latino lady friend. A wild chase by an irate husband ensues, but Rodney accomplishes his goal. He is accompanied by his deriding male buddies, and his ingenious and heroic acts amaze them. They begin to praise his actions, and decide he’s not such a bad guy after all.

Script Excerpt
Written by:
Starring Roles For:
Adam Sandler
Ben Stiller
Jim Carrey
In the Vein Of:
Love Rosey (2014)
My Best Friend's Wedding (1997)
Author Bio:
Pamela Green has been writing for several years and picked up an agent and script coach on her very first screenplay. She later worked with a literary manager to hone her skills. Many of her scripts have placed in contests, and between herself and her script coach, they have credits for 2 produced films, 6 optioned scripts and two outright sales. https://www.ellenblend.com/screenplays-by-pamela-green.html

Pamela M. Green Resume


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Contest Results:
Emerging Screenwriters (Quarterfinalist, Not About Money) [2022]
Scriptapalooza Features/Shorts (Quarterfinalist, Feature - Scriptapalooza) [2018]
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