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Scriptapalooza TV Interviews 1/2 Hour Spec Winner Scott C. Gray

Scott C. Gray
1st Place winner
1/2 hour spec category

Scriptapalooza: How did you come up with your story idea?

Malcolm’s family is very much the blue-collar garage sale type, so that inspired the A story. The B story of Hal facing his childhood bully was inspired by my own childhood. Barry Boehmer, if you’re reading this, thanks for making me eat dirt! And Francis falling for a hippie girl and ditching the academy just seemed like a natural. I brainstormed a lot of ideas, typed them all in, categorized them as A, B or C, and then mixed and matched until the combination seemed right.

Scriptapalooza: How long did it take you to write it?

A few weeks for the first draft, followed by a few months of fine-tuning off and on. I cut scenes, shortened, reordered, etc. The final version is Version Number 8.

Scriptapalooza: Is this your first script that you have written?

Nope. My previous spec sitcoms consist of two Seinfelds, two Frasiers, a Dharma and Greg, and a Friends. Other specs I’ve written include an X-Files, an Outer Limits, a Tales from the Crypt, a Hey Arnold, a Pinky and the Brain, a few screenplays, and a horrendously bad musical. I have also written a lot of produced animation scripts, and am currently the Story Editor for “Rugrats.”

Scriptapalooza: Have you entered other screenwriting competitions?


Scriptapalooza: If so, have you been successful?


Scriptapalooza: Why did you enter Scriptapalooza?

To meet chicks. (but don’t tell my wife) Also, it’s a well-known competition and I hoped to get some recognition for my work.

Scriptapalooza: Advice to other screenwriters?

Keep plugging away. Taste is a very subjective thing. This script didn’t seem any different to me than my others. And of course it always helps to write a spec for a show you actually like and watch. I can’t write a spec for a show I don’t really like and watch religiously, even if it’s the hot new show everyone’s writing a spec for.

Scriptapalooza: How did you feel when you saw your name as one of the winners?

I was in the middle of an “industry lunch” when my wife paged me with the news. I got to look important by actually getting a legitimate page, (usually it’s a wrong number) and then coming back in and announcing that I won to the group. I actually “wahoo-ed” when my wife told me, and I’m not really a “wahoo” type of guy! It was great, very exciting.

Scriptapalooza: If you could write for any TV show, which one would it be?

The Dick Van Dyke Show. But since that doesn’t look to be renewed anytime soon, I love Malcolm and Friends.

Updated: 03/19/2002

Additional Contest Info: Scriptapalooza TV Writing Competition

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