GREAT Exposure for Contest Winners & Finalists!

Scriptapalooza Interviews One Hour Episodic First Place Winner Jennifer Mui

How did you come up with your story idea?

The thing with Boston Public is that there are often so many storylines running at the same time. So, I knew I had to come up with a few plots that would intertwine well. The hardest part, in fact, was to connect all of these stories and make it flow seamlessly. In particular, I wanted to put the Harvey character in a situation that is probably a little more emotional than what he's used to.

How long did it take you to write it?

I'm not sure... maybe about a month?

Is this your first script that you have written?

It is my third script.

Have you entered other screenwriting competitions? Yes. I have entered other TV writing competitions. So far, I have only received results for this contest and the February 2001 ScriptapaloozaTV competition. I am awaiting results from the other contests.

If so, have you been successful?

In addition to this win, I was a finalist in the February 2001 ScriptapaloozaTV contest, with my script for Roswell called "The Metamorphosis." That was my first contest ever entered and my second script ever written. I also just found out that this Roswell script reached the first-round quarter-finalist level in the TV episodic category for the Moondance Film Festival.

Why did you enter Scriptapalooza?

I had heard and read only good things about Scriptapalooza. When I was searching for competition to enter, I tried to be very selective and choose only the ones that seemed truly legitimate. I would recommend Scriptapalooza to anyone!

Advice to other screenwriters?

Don't just watch the shows you are writing for. STUDY them.

How did you feel when you saw your name as one of the winners?

Complete shock. Then came disbelief, and then ecstasy. And it's only been one day!

If you could write for any TV show, which one would it be?

I guess Roswell. If I can meet Jason Katims and pitch "The Metamorphosis" and other ideas to him, before Roswell gets threatened by cancellation yet again, I would be very happy. There are actually a few shows I would like to write for, but as odd as it may sound, Roswell (Season 1) was the show which inspired me to write.

Updated: 08/31/2001

Additional Contest Info: Scriptapalooza TV Writing Competition

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